Useful things for previous semesters' classes
- EEN218 (Programming II) Spring 2002
- EEN511 (Software Engineering) Spring 2002
- Palm Beach Class, Spring 2002
- EEN218 (Programming II) Autumn 2001
- EEN521 (Operating Systems) Autumn 2001
- EEN218 (Programming II) Spring 2001
- EEN512 (Object Oriented ...) Spring 2001
- EEN118 (Programming I) Autumn 2000
- EEN218 (Programming II) Autumn 2000
- EEN521 (Operating Systems) Autumn 2000
- EEN594 (Pratt and Whitney) Autumn 2000
- THINGS FOR EEN218 (Programming 2) Spring 2000:
- The
book(s) (last
modified 18-1-2000)
- Desription of the First Assignment, due
Tuesday 1st February.
- How to Time Running Programs
, (last
modified 25-1-2000)
- Notes on MergeSort, (from class 1-2-2000).
- Desription of the Second Assignment, due
Thursday 17th February.
- The very basic input class, (from class 15-2-2000).
- The improved input class, (from class 24-2-2000).
- Desription of the Third Assignment, due
Tuesday 7th March.
- Additional Exercises
- First Mid-Term Examination: Thursday 9th March, at the usual class time.
- Second Mid-Term Examination: Tuesday 11th April, at the usual class time.
- Third So-Called Mid-Term Examination: Thursday 27th April, at the usual class time.
- Some sample answers from previous tests: "Draw a picture of a cat
sitting on a chair", and "Draw a picture of Flossie the
Elephant hiding behind a Tree.
- Final Examination is on Tuesday 9th May at 11:00 in MCA220.
- THINGS FOR EEN537 (Artificial Intelligence) Spring 2000:
- The
book(s) (last
modified 18-1-2000)
- First Assignment: program the shortest route problem using an
heuristic search to help find
a good route quickly AND program an eight-tiles-puzzle solver using the AI-style state space search
of your choice.
- The Code for the Introductory
Examples (last
modified 25-1-2000)
- Large Data-set for road map experiments: roads.txt
and cities.txt. There is also a C program
cityandroad.h +
that reads from those data files, putting
the information into suitable data structures and printing a summary
(the program uses the math.h library, so compile with the "-lm" switch under
unix). If you can
compile and run java, this program
draws all the information in a little clickable map using a mercator projection.
Plus the little lisp program from 15th Feb. that
reads the data files, constructs strange cyclic stuctures and allows interactive
(last modified 4-2-2000).
- The Algorithm Collection containing implementations
Stacks, Queues, Quacks, Sets, and Priority Queues in both static and dynamic memory.
This is not a data structures course, you may use any or all of these in programs you
develop for this class. Of course, you can not use them in other classes unless the
instructor gives permission.
(last modified 8-2-2000).
- Stack and Queue in Lisp.
- Skeleton for Eliza-like LISP programs, or any other
interactive program that expects lines of text from the user. It doesn't do any
Eliza-like processing at all, just reads a line from the user and converts it into
a nice clean list of symbols. You redefine the function (DEALWITH input) to do the
interesting work. Just download the file as LIZ.LSP, run Lisp, type
(load "liz.lsp"), then type (liz) to start
it running. Your version of the dealwith function should return a list
of words that it wants printed. Enter end. as input to stop it.
- From Tuesday 22-2-2000, the random sentence generator in
The random number generator in lisp seems less than perfectly random, so it repeats itself
a lot, but that isn't the point.
- Second Assignment: program an Eliza-like system in Lisp.
- The Student program in Lisp.
- The main dictionary, the extra
dictionary, and the C program for reading the
as described in class 30-03-2000.
- Some sample answers from previous tests: "Draw a picture of a cat
sitting on a chair", and "Draw a picture of Flossie the
Elephant hiding behind a Tree.
- A reminder of the outstanding assignments (last
- Final Examination: Friday 5th May 2000, 11 a.m.
- Useful Software and Documentation
- THINGS FOR EEN512 (object oriented ...) Autumn 1999:
- THINGS FOR EEN521 (operating
systems) Autumn 1999:
- THINGS FOR EEN218 (Programming 2) Spring 1999:
- Example from class 21st Jan
- Homework Exercises set 21st Jan, due 29th Jan
- Working with Recursion (class notes 21st to 26th Jan)
- Pointers, Arrays, and Declarations (class notes 2nd to 4th Feb)
- Homework Assignment set 9th Feb, due 18th Feb
- Worked examples of complicated declarations (class notes 9th Feb)
- Goldfish Club (class notes 9th Feb)
- Starting with Objects (class notes 16th)
- Going over the first test (From 11th Feb)
- C++ demonstration from class, 25th Feb.
- About the split function, from class 2nd Mar.
- Third homework Assignment
- Fourth homework Assignment, due 27-3-99
- Arrays that can Grow, from class 9/11-3-99
- Linked Lists, from class 23/25-3-99
- Public and Protected visibility in C++
- Inheritance in C++
- Polymorphism in C++
- Don't panic about the second midterm test
- The C++ Internet case study, from class 8-4-99
- Going over the second test (From 6th Apr)
- Going over the third test (From 27th Apr)
- THINGS FOR EEN523 (Databases) Spring 1999:
- THINGS FOR EEN519 (programming
languages) Autumn 1998:
- THINGS FOR EEN512 (object
oriented ...) Autumn 1998:
- THINGS FOR EEN521 (operating
systems) Autumn 1998: