EEN521 last assignment 1999
Three options, choose one:
- Take the file system you implemented for the previous
assignment and make it into a Network File System.
The main functions that do all the work become part of a server.
The server just waits for clients to request disc operations, performs
those operations, and sends the results back. The client hardly does any
work at all. The client provides functions like open(), read(), write(),
and close(), but they do not access the local file system; they simply
send requests to the server, wait for the response and return the respose
exactly as though they had done the work themselves.
- Add to your existing file system the ability to handle
sub-directories. You (or your users) should be able to create a
subdirectory inside any directory that already exists (and of course
the root directory will always already exist so you don't have to worry
about any special case). Subdirectories should behave properly; users
should be able to create and find files in subdirectories, and read and
write them in exactly the normal ways.
- Think of something yourself. Come up with an interesting, not entirely
trivial idea using either networking, filesystems, or both, and suggest it
to me. If I agree, do it.