Second Test, Tuesday 6-4-99
Don't Panic
There is no cause for alarm!
Remember that this test will only cover things that we worked on in
class since the first test. The only real topics have been:
- Creating classes to represent objects:
- Members,
- Constructors,
- Methods,
- "Overloading" i.e. more than one constructor or method with the same name,
- Using pointers to objects instead of direct objects.
- The idea of a growable or resizable array:
- How it works,
- How to implement it,
- Any good or bad points it might have (efficiency, flexibility, etc)
- Linked Lists:
- How they work,
- How to implement them,
- Any good or bad points they might have (efficiency, flexibility, etc)
- The recent things:
- Inheritance,
- Public vs. Protected,
- Polymorphism.
You have had plenty of practice with the first three major headings. You will
not be expected to memorise examples we looked at. You will not be expected to
write perfectly correct or complete programs under examination conditions.
You will be expected to demonstrate understanding of how things work, and
basic knowledge of how to program the fundamental ideas.
Do not get worked up
over the "recent things"; we have only just started looking in that direction,
so there will not be any detailed questions on that stuff in this test. Just
get the basic ideas behind it and you'll be OK.
Remember also that you are not supposed to get full marks on these tests, and
that is fully taken into account when grades are assigned.