Special Note

If you get warning messages from the compiler when compiling the sample provided here, this is probably due to the compiler upgrade we did a few months ago; some of the standard functions moved from one .h file to another. Add #include <unistd.h> to the list of includes for fakedisc.c and it should go away. Please let me know if there are any other problems.

Low Level Disc Operations

        The best way to learn how file systems work is to implement one yourself, using only the low-level operations supported by the discs themselves: reading and writing a disc block (512 unformatted bytes of data) at a particular location on the disc to or from the CPU's memory.
        Naturally, students on a shared computer can't be allowed access to these functions for the computer's real discs; you could easily read, modify, or erase all other users' data by accident, or on purpose. So we have a simulator. This small collection of functions allows you to create a pretend disc drive (which is really just a large file in your own directory) and access it in the same way that the real operating system accesses the real disc drives. Of course, you can't create a pretend disc quite as big as real disc drives are today; the pretend disc you create has to fit in your quota of real disc space. That is not a problem, size is not important. A large file system should work in the same way as a small one.

        You can download the C source and header files directly from here. They are quite simple, and in ANSI C, so you should have no trouble using them anywhere. The files on this server have names ending in ".txt", so that your browser won't try doing anything strange with them. You should change them to ".c" and ".h" before use.
        fakedisch.txt/fakedisc.h the header file (about 800 bytes).
        fakediscc.txt/fakedisc.c the C source file (about 1400 bytes).
        On some unix systems, required system library .h files may be in different places, requiring you to edit the #includes in the source file. If you can't find (for example) file.h, the unix command "find /usr/include -name file.h -print" should tell you where it is. When a filename appears in <pointy brackets> after #include, it is automatically assumed to be in /usr/include, so leave out that part of the path.

Using the Simulator

        This system assumes the standard of 512 bytes per block. The .h file first defines two types: byte to be equivalent to unsigned char, giving a range of 0-255, avoiding the confusion caused by two's complement representations, and block to be equivalent to an array of 512 bytes.
        Before doing anything with a filesystem on a pretend disc, you will have to create the pretend disc as a file in your own directory. The function createdisc does this. It takes two parameters; the first is a string giving the name of the new disc, the second is a (long) integer saying how big it is to be, in blocks. The name you provide is used both as the name of the file created in your directory to hold the pretend disc, and the name that other functions use to refer to this new disc. If a file of that name already exists, it may be overwritten and destroyed, so be careful. The createdisc function returns 1 if the pretend disc was successfully created, 0 if it failed. A newly created disc is given the equivalent of a low-level format. All its blocks are filled with 512 zero bytes.
        Before you can do anything with a pretend disc, your program has to open it (this corresponds to the physical operation of mounting a disc). The function mountdisc takes just one parameter: the name of an already created pretend disc. You can not do anything with a pretend disc until it has been mounted. The function returns -1 if it fails. If it succeeds, it returns a small non-negative integer, called the disc identification number, that you use to identify the open disc when using other functions. This is because it is possible to be using more than one pretend disc at the same time, so when you want to read a block, you must be able to say which disc it should be read from.
        The discsize function may be used to find the number of blocks in a mounted pretend disc. Its one parameter is a disc identification number; its result is a (long) integer giving the number of blocks. Remember that block numbers range from 0 to one-less-than this result.
        Before a program that has been using pretend discs exits, it should dismount those discs. If you fail to dismount a disc, changes you made to its contents may be lost. The function dismountdisc takes one parameter: the identification number of the disc to be dismounted.

        A new disc will have nothing but zeros in it. To write information to a disc, you must first construct an array of 512 bytes, containing exactly the data that is to be written into a block. A block is the smallest unit of a disc that can be read or written in a single operation. The function writeblock takes three parameters: a disc identification number (saying which pretend disc to write to), a block number (saying which block on that disc to overwrite), and (a pointer to) the block itself. Remember that in C, the name of an array or struct is automatically considered to be a pointer, so you probably won't need the &. Blocks on a disc are numbered from 0 up; if you specified a disc size of 200 blocks when you used createdisc, block numbers will be integers in the range 0 to 199.
        To read a block from a pretend disc, the function readblock works in almost exactly the same way as writeblock; it takes exactly the same parameters: a disc identification number, a block number, and (a pointer to) a block of memory. This time, the block/array of memory that you pass in is overwritten with the 512 bytes read from the disc. It is valid to read from a block that you have not previously written to. Remember that this is simulating a real disc; all blocks exist right from the beginning.
        Both writeblock and readblock return 1 to signify success and 0 for failure. The two functions are declared as taking a void* instead of a block or block* as their third parameter. This is because many C compilers get a bit peculiar when structs are typecast as arrays (see the Complex Structures section below). void* parameters and variables in ANSI C can accept any pointer types.


        If for some unimaginable reason, you wanted to create a new pretend disk with just 20 blocks, and write the string "hello!" into the first block, and the string "TEST" into the remaining 19, then read back block number 12 to check that it still says "TEST", this piece of program would do the job:
  #include "fakedisc.h"
  void main(void)
  { int discid, isok, i;
    long int blocknum;
    block buffer;

    if (!isok) exit(1);

    if (discid<0) exit(1);

    printf("disc opened with %d blocks\n", blocknum);

    for (i=0; i<512; i+=1) buffer[i]=0;
    writeblock(discid, 0, buffer);

    for (i=0; i<512; i+=1) buffer[i]=0;
    for (blocknum=1; blocknum<20; blocknum+=1)
      writeblock(discid, blocknum, buffer);

    for (i=0; i<512; i+=1) buffer[i]='X';
    readblock(discid, 12, buffer);
    if (buffer[0]=='T' && buffer[1]=='E' && buffer[2]=='S'
                       && buffer[3]=='T' && buffer[4]==0)
      printf("Test OK\n");
      printf("Test Failed\n");

    dismountdisc(discid); }

Complex Structures

        When you design your disc structures, you will probably come up with things that are not convenient to convert item-by-item into an array of 512 unsigned chars. You don't need to. Just design a C struct that contains all the information you want to put in a block, in whatever format you choose. Make sure its size is exactly 512 bytes (using C's sizeof function), then pass a pointer to it as the third parameter to readblock or writeblock. The declaration of the third parameter as a void* means that it will accept any pointer type. You just have to make sure that what you give it is big enough. For example:
  struct superblock
  { char discname[20];
    long int rootdiraddr;
    long int numblocks;
    short int somethingelse;
    byte padding[482]; };

  void main(void)
  { int discid;
    struct superblock sss;

    if (sizeof(struct superblock)==512)
      printf("struct superblock is 512 bytes long\n");
    { printf("struct superblock is NOT 512 bytes long\n");
      exit(1); }

    if (discid<0) exit(1);

    writeblock(discid, 0, &sss);

    dismountdisc(discid); }  
We can then check that this worked correctly by reading the information back thus:
  struct superblock
  { /* as before */ };

  void main(void)
  { int discid;
    struct superblock sss;

    /* as before */

    readblock(discid, 0, &sss);
    printf("\"%s\" %d %d %d\n", sss.discname, sss.rootdiraddr,
                                sss.numblocks, sss.somethingelse);  

    /* as before */ }