Engineering Acoustics - EEN502
Michael Battaglia
Project 1

Part 3 - Objective

Repeat (2) with the source consisting of a composition of a 3-tone signal.

Solution: Matlab Code

The results here were very similar to those of result 2. The main thing to note is that the tones are all stretched linearly. This means that if the tones were harmonically related, as mine were, the stretched tones will still be harmonic, but with a different fundamental frequency. No inharmonicity is introduced into the signal as a result of the Doppler effect.

The following plot reflects a trajectory length of 100 m, a velocity of 50 m/s, and an observer located at 50 m from the left of the start trajectory and 10 m away from the closest point on the line. The frequencies being emitted are 440, 550, and 660 Hz.

The following plot reflects a trajectory length of 20 m, a velocity of 10 m/s, and an observer located at 15 m from the left of the start trajectory and 5 m away from the closest point on the line. The frequencies being emitted are 1000, 1500, and 2000 Hz.

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