Engineering Acoustics - EEN502
Michael Battaglia
Project 1


and welcome to Michael Battaglia's EEN502 Project 1 web site. Here is a summary of the project:
  1. Let a sound source produce a single tone at frequency F0. The source is moving on a straight line that passes “through” the observer. Plot the velocity of the source relative to the observer, the signal envelope, and the apparent frequency of the source as functions of time. Generate the sound at the position of the observer.
  2. Set up the experiment so that you can specify the minimum distance of the observer from the source trajectory, and repeat (1). Produce a set of results as in part (1) for the listener at some distance away from the source trajectory.
  3. Repeat (2) with the source consisting of a composition of a 3-tone signal.
  4. Assume the receiver is a human listening binaurally. The interaural distance in an adult subject is 17 cm. Repeat the preceding parts for this scenario by ignoring any head shadow effects. Generate the stereo signals appropriate for setups (1) and (2).

It is recommended that you look at the parts for this project in order, i.e. Part 1 -> Part 2 -> Part 3 -> Part 4. Each part builds off of the one prior, and jumping around might be confusing at first.

Hope you enjoy!
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