This second project involved MATLAB simulations of a sound source moving around an observer's head, by convolving an input noise signal with pre-calculated HRTF data. The HRTF measurements used were obtained from the MIT Media Lab, and the data set and M-files required to read the data for this simulation are provided below. Simply extract the contents of, and place hrtfpath.m, readhrtf.m, and readraw.m into the same folder as the project code. Additionally, the working path for the project will need to entered into line 22 of readhrtf.m.
The main issues that needed to be figured out while tackling this project were:
- figuring out how to read the HRTF data, split up the noise into chunks, and convolve the two
- how to overlap-add the convolved chunks together
- how to create a full rotation of the sound source
These tasks were more of a programming exercise - figuring out how to manipulate the various indexes and offsets in the matrices to give the desired result. Testing the code and audible results was more annoying...all that noise started to sound the same after a while..
part 01a
part 01b
part 01c
complete problem description (.pdf)
compact data set (.zip)
part 01a code
part 01b code
part 01c code
part 01a sound output
part 01b sound output
part 01c sound output