1 | Due Tuesday 4th September: Just to make you remember how to program data structures. | ||||||
2 | Due Sunday 16th September Hash table from named places file. | ||||||
3 | Due Monday 8th October Building the graph of the national road network. | ||||||
4 | Due Sunday 28th October A Fast Quicksort function for strings. | ||||||
5 | Due Monday 19th November Find the shortest path. | ||||||
6 | Due Wednesday 5th December A graphical presentation of your shortest path results. | ||||||
7 | Due Sunday 9th December Parser and evaluator of expressions. | ||||||
Last time for any submissions: 13th December |
Class 1 | Mon 20‑8‑2018 | Introductions and things. Topics we will think about. Special note for mac users. | ||||
Class 2 | Wed 22‑8‑2018 | Putting Peter Pan in a hash table, and dealing with clashes. | ||||
Class 3 | Mon 27‑8‑2018 | Two methods for handling hash clashes: closed/open hashing = open/closed addressing. Completing our hash program and examining the disribution of linked list lengths. The difference a bad hash function makes. | ||||
Class 4 | Wed 29‑8‑2018 | Comparing our results with the Poisson distribution, and what it tells us. The int that can't be negated; Unsigned ints are deceptive and dangerous. Named places Format, Data file. String methods version 1, version 2. | ||||
Class 5 | Wed 5‑9‑2018 |
A map of nebraska,
(also at night),
and as a a text file. And as a tree, (also at night), and as a a text file. And as a lattice, (also at night), and as a a text file. Building a graph, Finding shortest paths by recursive (tree-like) exploration. | ||||
Class 6 | Mon 10‑9‑2018 | Recursively searching a graph can waste a lot of time reexploring the same areas. Introducing the Priority Queue as a driver for the shortest path algorithm. | ||||
Class 7 | Wed 12‑9‑2018 | All about heaps as an implementation of priority queues. | ||||
Class 8 | Mon 17‑9‑2018 | Animated heap operations, Animated shortest path algorithm, Animated Heapsort, Shortest path: record the heap index of every node. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm. | ||||
Class 9 | Wed 19‑9‑2018 | Floyd-Warshall algorithm completed. Using floating-point "infinity". Finding a 'subset' with a particular sum. Some more numbers. | ||||
Class 10 | Mon 24‑9‑2018 |
The file formats. Quicksort: the three partition (L, E, and G) method. | ||||
Class 11 | Wed 26‑9‑2018 | Quicksort: two more partition methods. Methods for picking the pivot. The first appearance of Quicksort: paper, algorithm part 1, part 2. The test system. Animations: third partition method, complete quicksort. | ||||
Class 12 | Mon 1‑10‑2018 | Making your quicksort program self-testing, The special timing function. Quicksort on a linked list - does it make sense. | ||||
Class 13 | Wed 3‑10‑2018 | Mergesort on an array. | ||||
Class 14 | Mon 8‑10‑2018 | Radix sort and Bucket sort. What might this file: mystery.dat contain? Lots of iostream/fstream details. | ||||
Class 15 | Wed 10‑10‑2018 |
All the tiles, and
what they cover,
and a rough diagram, and
a basic viewer. How might we store this file more efficiently. And what about this one? | ||||
Class 16 | Mon 15‑10‑2018 | Review time: Hash tables, Priority queues, Shortest path, Heaps, Quicksort. | ||||
Class 17 | Wed 17‑10‑2018 | Test day. A sample. | ||||
Class 18 | Mon 22‑10‑2018 | Processing complex data input formats: custom input objects and lexical analysis. | ||||
Class 19 | Wed 24‑10‑2018 | Lexical analysis and the beginning of parsing. | ||||
Class 20 | Mon 29‑10‑2018 | Parsing expressions and statements | ||||
Class 21 | Wed 31‑10‑2018 | What we learned from the test. | ||||
Class 22 | Mon 5‑11‑2018 | Balanced trees: Balancing a totally unbalanced tree is very inefficient. Keep it balanced from the start; Introducing the 2-3-tree. | ||||
Class 23 | Wed 7‑11‑2018 | More on 2-3-trees, including a possible implementation, Deleting from a 2-3-tree. | ||||
Class 24 | Mon 12‑11‑2018 |
Normal Recursion, Recursion Eliminated, Stack replaced by Queue. | ||||
Class 25 | Wed 14‑11‑2018 | The nature of C++'s object-orientedness: inheritance, protected/private, virtual
methods, static vs dynamic typing, polymorphism. Our starting point, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, the type-cast problem. | ||||
Class 26 | Mon 26‑11‑2018 | More on Mergesort, binary files, and shortest path. | ||||
Class 27 | Wed 28‑11‑2018 | Second Test. Some assorted sample questions. Topics: Fast sorting (but not quicksort), Binary files, Shortest path/priority queues. | ||||
Class 28 | Mon 3‑12‑2018 | Tying up some loose ends, and a bit of review. |