For lab 6, we want the following:

Don't forget UNIX has its own mail system, pine. You can use pine by typing "pine" on the command line. From there, you can hopefully figure out how to write an email, attach your code, and send it to yourself so you can submit to Blackboard.

You can begin a typescript by typing "script [typescript name]" (where you enter the name of your typescript where the brackets are). Then, run your program normally to show your output, and type "exit" to end your typescript.

WARNING: Be very careful not to overwrite your .cpp files with your typescript!!! Otherwise, don't name your typescript after your .cpp file. This has happened before.

An example of your input to Unix might look like:
script Lab6Script
[runs all of your beautiful calendar code]

If you're having trouble figuring out how to use typescript, you can just take screenshots of your entire calendar and the three test cases for the Day of Forever.