Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Turn in all assigments on time. You don't want to let assigments pile up, nor do we want to be grading old assigments later in the semester.
- Coding Enviroment: You can code wherever you like, but remember that your code will be graded in a UNIX environment (i.e. Rabbit), unless it's a graphics program
- Grading: Grades out of 100 will be given for each assigment, unless otherwise noted. Getting the right solution is not more important than attacking the problem in a logical way with clear, well-managed code. (See our Writing Clear Code page)
- Remember: As your TA's, we're here to help you. Please ask questions - we're here because we want to help you.
That said, make sure you work on a problem before blindly asking for help.
- We hope that you have a great time learning programming from both your professor and us! Programming is not only helpful on its own, but also helps you learn problem solving and analytical thinking.