part 02d, e, f:

This time, apply an equal loudness contour by filtering in the frequency domain.


With code heavily borrowed from Dr. Scordilis' ideal_filtering_ola.m, the filtering process goes like this:

  1. Generate equal loudness contour.
  2. Take a frame of the signal, and apply a Hamming window.
  3. Zero-pad for better frequency resolution during FFT.
  4. Take the FFT of the frame.
  5. Interpolate the equal loudness contour to a number of points equal to half the length of the frame.
  6. Since the FFT is mirrored symmetrically about the center, multiply the equal loudness contour with the first half of the FFT.
  7. Reverse the equal loudness contour from left to right, and multiply it against the second half of the FFT.
  8. Reconstruct the signal by taking the inverse FFT, and overlap-adding the IFFTs of the frames together.
I also consulted this excellent tutorial on why zero-padding a signal before taking the FFT is a good thing, as well as figuring out how to obtain just the positive frequencies for my graphs of the FFT.


function [filename] = project_03_part02def(filename)
%filename = 'invisible.wav';
close all;

[signal,fs] = wavread(filename);
%signal = randn(fs*5,1);
signal = signal';
t = 0:1/fs:(length(signal)-1)/fs;
figure(1), subplot(211), plot(t, signal,'Color',[0.6666, 0.8235, 1]), grid on, axis tight;
title(['input signal (',filename,')']), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('amplitude');
%soundsc(signal, fs);

%-- PLOTTING SECTION for positive frequencies of FFT ----------------------
%number of pts for FFT, length of signal should be default. use more points
%for higher frequency resolution
n_fft_points = length(signal)*5;
signal_fft = fft(signal,n_fft_points);
T = n_fft_points/fs;                    %get frequency interval
freq = (0:n_fft_points-1)/T;            %create frequency range
%only want first half of the FFT, since it is mirrored and redundant
cutoff = ceil(n_fft_points/2);
freq = freq(1:cutoff);
signal_freq_positive = signal_fft(1:cutoff);
signal_freq_positive = signal_freq_positive/max(signal_freq_positive); %normalize the data

figure(2), subplot(211), plot(freq,abs(signal_freq_positive),'Color',[0.9490,0.7451,0.0510]), grid on, axis tight;
title(['FFT of input signal (',filename,'), N=',num2str(n_fft_points)]), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('amplitude');

figure(3), plot(freq,abs(signal_freq_positive),'Color',[0.9490,0.7451,0.0510]), grid on, axis tight;
title(['FFT of input signal (',filename,'), N=',num2str(n_fft_points)]), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('amplitude');
print project_03_part02d_input_large_fft -dpng -r100;

%-- generate equal loudness curve -----------------------------------------
equal_loudness_curve = iso226(40);      %original Fletcher-Munson curve was at 40-phon
orig_elc_freq_min = 20;                 %ISO 226 starts at to 20 Hz
orig_elc_freq_max = 12500;              %ISO 226 goes up to 12.5 kHz
orig_elc_data_pts = 29;                 %ISO 226 gives 29 frequency points
orig_elc_length = length(equal_loudness_curve);
extra_pts = 0;
if(orig_elc_freq_max < fs/2)
    extra_pts = ceil(orig_elc_data_pts*(fs/2)/orig_elc_freq_max) - orig_elc_data_pts;
    extra_values = logspace(log(equal_loudness_curve(length(equal_loudness_curve)))/log(10),...
    equal_loudness_curve = [equal_loudness_curve,extra_values];

f = linspace(orig_elc_freq_min,fs/2,orig_elc_data_pts+extra_pts);
figure(4), plot(f,equal_loudness_curve,'b',f(orig_elc_length:length(equal_loudness_curve)),...
    equal_loudness_curve(orig_elc_length:length(equal_loudness_curve)),'r'), grid on, axis tight;
title('40-phon ISO 226 equal loudness curve with points beyond 12.5 kHz'), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('SPL (dB)');
print project_03_part02e -dpng -r100;

time_window = 25e-3;
%analysis window size should be power of 2
window_size = 2^nextpow2(round(time_window*fs));
window = hamming(window_size)';         %window function type
window_shift = window_size/4;           %amount to shift window for overlap-add
%initialize by appending zeros
signal = [zeros(1,window_size) signal zeros(1,window_size)];
new_signal = zeros(1,length(signal)+4*window_size);
frame = zeros(1,window_size);           %initialize frame

print_fig_5 = false;
for i=1:window_shift:length(signal)-window_size
    frame = signal(i:i+window_size-1);	%select analysis frame 
    frame = frame.*window;              %apply window function
    %appending zeros at both ends of frame gives best frequency resolution during FFT
    frame = [zeros(1,window_size) frame zeros(1,window_size)];

    %number of pts for FFT, length of signal should be default. use more points
    %for higher frequency resolution
    n_fft_points = length(frame);
    frame_freq_domain = fft(frame,n_fft_points);
    %-- PLOTTING SECTION for positive frequencies of FFT ------------------
    T = n_fft_points/fs;                %get frequency interval
    freq = (0:n_fft_points-1)/T;        %create frequency range
    %only want first half of the FFT, since it is mirrored and redundant
    cutoff = ceil(n_fft_points/2);
    freq = freq(1:cutoff);
    frame_freq_positive = frame_freq_domain(1:cutoff);
    frame_freq_positive = frame_freq_positive/max(frame_freq_positive); %normalize the data
    figure(5), subplot(211), plot(freq,abs(frame_freq_positive),'Color',[0.9490,0.7451,0.0510]), grid on, axis tight;
    title(['analysis frame before filtering, N=',num2str(n_fft_points)]), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('amplitude');
    print_fig_5 = true;
    %-- FILTERING SECTION -------------------------------------------------
    %-- EQUAL LOUDNESS-----------------------------------------------------
    elc_interp = spline(0:length(equal_loudness_curve)-1,equal_loudness_curve,...
    frame_freq_domain(1:length(frame_freq_domain)/2) = elc_interp.*frame_freq_domain(1:length(frame_freq_domain)/2);
    frame_freq_domain(length(frame_freq_domain)/2+1:length(frame_freq_domain)) = fliplr(elc_interp).*frame_freq_domain(length(frame_freq_domain)/2+1:length(frame_freq_domain));
    %-- PLOTTING SECTION for positive frequencies of FFT ------------------
    T = n_fft_points/fs;                %get the frequency interval
    freq = (0:n_fft_points-1)/T;        %create frequency range
    %only want first half of the FFT, since it is mirrored and redundant
    cutoff = ceil(n_fft_points/2);
    freq = freq(1:cutoff);
    frame_freq_positive = frame_freq_domain(1:cutoff);
    frame_freq_positive = frame_freq_positive/max(frame_freq_positive); %normalize the data
    figure(5), subplot(212), plot(freq,abs(frame_freq_positive),'Color',[0.9490,0.7451,0.0510]), grid on, axis tight;
    title(['analysis frame after filtering, N=',num2str(n_fft_points)]), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('amplitude');
    print_fig_5 = true;
     print project_03_part02f_filtering -dpng -r100;
    %-- SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION with overlap-add ----------------------------
    frame_time_domain = (window_shift/window_size)*real(ifft(frame_freq_domain));
    new_signal(i:i+length(frame)-1) = new_signal(i:i+length(frame)-1) + frame_time_domain;
    %pause(0.1)         %for visualization of graph changes in slow motion

    print project_03_part02f_filtering -dpng -r100;

new_signal = new_signal./max(abs(new_signal));         %normalized signal
t = 0:1/fs:(length(new_signal)-1)/fs;
figure(1), subplot(212), plot(t,new_signal,'Color',[0.6666, 0.8235, 1]), grid on, axis tight;
title(['filtered signal (',filename,')']), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('amplitude');
print project_03_part02df_signal -dpng -r100;

%-- PLOTTING SECTION for positive frequencies of FFT ----------------------
n_fft_points = length(new_signal)*5;
new_signal_fft = fft(new_signal,n_fft_points);
T = n_fft_points/fs;                    %get frequency interval
freq = (0:n_fft_points-1)/T;            %create frequency range
%only want first half of the FFT, since it is mirrored and redundant
cutoff = ceil(n_fft_points/2);
freq = freq(1:cutoff);
new_signal_freq_positive = new_signal_fft(1:cutoff);
new_signal_freq_positive = new_signal_freq_positive/max(new_signal_freq_positive); %normalize the data

figure(2), subplot(212), plot(freq,abs(new_signal_freq_positive),'Color',[0.9490,0.7451,0.0510]), grid on, axis tight;
title(['FFT of filtered signal (',filename,'), N=',num2str(n_fft_points)]), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('amplitude');
print project_03_part02df_fft -dpng -r100;

figure(6), plot(freq,abs(new_signal_freq_positive),'Color',[0.9490,0.7451,0.0510]), grid on, axis tight;
title(['FFT of filtered signal (',filename,'), N=',num2str(n_fft_points)]), xlabel('frequency (Hz)'), ylabel('amplitude');
print project_03_part02f_output_large_fft -dpng -r100;

soundsc(new_signal, fs);

individual graphs for a selection of audio samples:

Icehouse - Don't Believe Anymore (Ivan Gough and Colin Snape Remix)
Crystal Kay - Konna ni Chikaku de...
Dream Theater - In The Name Of God
Shpongle - Invisible Man In A Fluorescent Suit
Children of Bodom - Needled 24/7
Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner

miscellaneous graphs:



