Speak your name (first and last) continuously and create a digital version of it using sampling rate of fs = 16 kHz and 16 bit linear quantization. Plot the time waveform, wideband spectrogram, and narrowband spectrogram.
Here, all that needed to be done was to apply pre-defined parameters for wideband and narrow spectrograms into code.
function project_03_part01abc() [signal,fs,nbits] = wavread('eliot_peng.wav'); subplot(311), plot(signal), grid on, axis tight; title('input signal'), xlabel('time (samples)'), ylabel('amplitude'); f = linspace(0,8000,500); %C) Narrowband Spectrogram %Window type: Hamming %Window size: 20 to 25 ms %Window overlap: 97% nb_window_size = round(0.0225*fs); nb_window_overlap = round(nb_window_size*0.97); subplot(313), spectrogram(signal,nb_window_size,nb_window_overlap,f,fs,'yaxis'), grid on, axis tight; title('narrowband spectrogram'), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('frequency (Hz)'); %B) Wideband Spectrogram %Window type: Hamming %Window size: 1/4 of narrowband case %Window overlap: 90% wb_window_size = round(nb_window_size/4); wb_window_overlap = round(wb_window_size*0.90); subplot(312), spectrogram(signal,wb_window_size,wb_window_overlap,f,fs,'yaxis'), grid on, axis tight; title('wideband spectrogram'), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('frequency (Hz)'); %soundsc(signal,fs); %print project_03_part01_r100 -dpng -r100; %print project_03_part01_r150 -dpng -r150; |
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