Lost in Space |
This program should search for strings in an N by N array of characters. In the context of this problem, a ``character" is any printable ASCII character (ASCII values 32 thru 126, inclusive).
Lines 2 through N+1 of the file represent the contents of the N by N array, line 2 for row 1, line 3 for row 2, etc.
For Line N+2 and after, you are to determine each (and every)
position at which the string appears in the array. ``Appears"
means that the first character of the string matches the character
at the position, and that subsequent characters in the string
match the characters in the array (skipping over any blanks in the
array) going in any of the eight possible directions `E
(right), NE (diagonally up and right), N (up),
NW (diagonally up and left), W (left), SW (diagonally
down and left), S (down), and SE (diagonally down and
right). The string you are looking for may not ``wrap around" from
one edge of the array to another.
A listing of every starting position and direction at which the string is found, using the format:
(row,column) - dir [for example, (5,3) - NW]
If the string appears more than once, you must report each
occurrence. The order in which you have to output multiple occurrences is:
first by increasing row number, second by increasing column number when same
row and finally (when both row and column are equal) by direction in clockwise
order, beginning with the North.
ANT (3,4) - N LOT not found S (1,3) - N (1,3) - NE (1,3) - E (1,3) - SE (1,3) - S (1,3) - SW (1,3) - W (1,3) - NW (3,1) - N (3,1) - NE (3,1) - E (3,1) - SE (3,1) - S (3,1) - SW (3,1) - W (3,1) - NW PT (3,2) - NE