Bulk Mailing |
Not all zip codes in the data set will be valid. A valid zip code consists of exactly 5 digits (0-9), all of which cannot be 0. Non-numeric characters are not allowed. At the end of your output, print the invalid zip codes found. (Duplicates need only be printed once.)
Print a report that lists 5-digit zip code bundles first, with the number of letters and number of
bundles for each zip code. Next list all 3-digit zip code bundles with the same two counts, followed
by all zip codes that are not bundled and to be sent first class. At the end print totals of letters and
bundles, followed by the number of invalid zip codes and a list of these. Single space the report,
and print blank lines following the heading, before the total line, and between the three groups of
zip codes.
For 3-digit bundles, print the zip codes in the form dddxx, where ddd represents the three significant digits and xx represents the last two digits to be omitted.
Your output should be similar to that shown in the sample.
95864 95864 95864 95867 95920 9j876 95616 95616 95747 95814 95818 95818 8976 95818 95818 95819 95819 00000 95819 95819 95819 95819 95819 95825 95825 95825 95825 95825 95826 95826 95826 95826 95826 95826 95827 8976 95833 95833 95833 95833 95819 95819 95819 95819 95833 95833 95833 95864 95864 95864 123456 95864 95864 95864 95864
ZIP LETTERS BUNDLES 95819 11 1 95864 10 1 958xx 25 2 95616 2 0 95747 1 0 95920 1 0 TOTALS 50 4 INVALID ZIP CODES 9j876 8976 00000 123456