Boggle Blitz |
In the game of Boggle, you are presented with an table of letters. The object is to find words
in the mix of letters. A word may be started anywhere in the table and is constructed by forming a chain of adjacent letters. Adjacent means diagonal, vertical or horizontal. A word cannot use any character from the table more than once.
Here is an example of a table:
The following is a partial list of legal words that can be found using the above rules:
bill gates slept here
In ``Boggle Blitz'' you will be given an integer number, N, on a single line. N is the number of characters on each side of the table, giving a total of characters. N can range from 1 to 20. N
lines of N characters each will follow giving you the arrangement of the table.
Your task is to find all the legal words in the table. Be sure that your program is efficient!
In case you forgot to bring a dictionary, you are in luck because we are not using English words.
Instead, we have redefined ``word'' to mean an increasing (by ASCII value) chain of characters
from length 3 to length . ``ABCDE'' is a legal five letter word. ``MICROSOFT'' is not legal
because the sequence is not increasing. ``BILL'' is also illegal because L is not greater than L.
``BIL'', however, is legal.
Your program should output the list of unique words sorted according to the following criterea:
Add no blank lines or spaces. If no legal words can be found, print nothing.
3 one top dog
dop dot eno enp ent eop eot gop got nop not enop enot
4 abcd bcda cdab dabc
abc abd acd bcd abcd