The Elements

Fire, Sugar, Earth, and Water are the basic natural elements. Individual particles of these elements, known as ions, combine to make atoms of the essential substances as shown in the diagram. Everything in the universe is made from some combination of elements and essential substances.

Atoms may consist of one, two, three, or four ions. Each ion has an atomic vibration number: Fire=1/4 Sugar=1/8 Earth=3/4 Water=7/8. If the total of the atomic vibrations in an atom is equal to 1, the atom is unstable, and the substance will not be found in nature. Thus fire and earth can not combine into a stable atom, neither can sugar and water. Life normally arises only from the perfect combination of the four elements in their pure form, but under laboratory conditions, small microbes have been created from the synthesis of alcohol and biscuits, and brine shrimp from salt and mud at high temperature.

Similar ions repel, through centrifugal force. Thus, there may never be two ions of the same kind in an atom. Dissimilar ions attract through the force of alkalinity.