Latin (T) to English

tabella = writing tablet
tabellae = letter, document
tabernus = booth, hut, cottage, hove, small shop, inn, tavern
tabesco = to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled
tabgo tetigi tactum = to touch
tabidus = melted away, melting away
tabula = board, plank
tabula = board, plank, gaming board, painted panel
taceo = to be silent, say nothing, pass over
taceo tacuitacitum = to be silent, leave unmentioned
tactus = sense of feeling, touch
taeda = pitch-pine torch
taeda = pine, pine tree
taedet se = to be disgusted at
taedium, tedium = disgust, weariness, boredom
taeter = loathsome
talarius = having to do with dice or dice-playing
talea = rod, stick, stake, bar, cutting, slip
talentum = pound, talent, endowment, aptitude
talio = retaliation in kind
talio = retribution
talio reddo = to return like for like, retaliate
talis = of such a kind, such
talpa = mole
talus = the ankle, ankle bone
tam = adv, so, to such a degree
tam = to such a degree, so, so far
tam .. quam = as .. as possible
tamdiu = for such a long time
tamen = however, but
tamen = nothwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still
tamen = but, however, nevertheless, yet
tametsi = even if, although
tamisium = sieve, sifter (Herman, p. 308)
tamquam tanquam = as, just as, like as, just as if
tandem = at last, finally
tandem = at last, finally, ultimately
tandem = at length
tango = to touch, besprinkle
tango-tetigi-tactum = touch, touch upon, to speak of
tanquam = adv, just as, as if, like as
tanquam = as if, as though, in a way
tantillum = such a trifle
tantillus = so little, so small
tantum = only
tantummodo = only just, just so long as
tantundem = adv, just so much, just as far as
tantus = so large, so great, of such a size
tardo = to impede
tardus = sluggish
tardus = slow
tardus = slow, late, tardy
Taruennam = Therouanne
taurus = bull
taxare = appraise, estimate, rate
te (abl.) = you
te (acc.) = you
tectum = shelter
tegmen = covering
tego = to conceal
tela = a web, that which is woven, cloth, tissue
tellus = region, country, land
tellus = earth, land, soil
telum = armament, arms, weapon, spear
telum = javelin, spear, arrow, bolt, dart
temerarius = imprudent, bold
temeritas = rashness, temerity, boldness
temeritas = rashness, boldness
temero = to profane, desecrate
temperantia = moderation, self-control, temprance
tempero = be moderate, control oneself
tempero = to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate
tempero (+ dat.) = to control, use with moderation, spare
tempero (+abl. or with ab) = to keep from, refrain from
tempestas = storm, weather
tempestuosus = stormy
Templovium = Templeuve, villa near Cisoing
templum = sacred precinct, temple, sometimes church
templum = temple
temporalis-e = transitory
temptatio = trial, temptation
tempus = time
tempus temporis = time, stage, epoch, era
tenax = grasping, stingy, cligning, frugal, obstinate
tendo = to strive, go, heighten, aggravate
tendo = to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present
teneo = to grasp, know, understand
teneo = to occupy, keep, hold
teneo = to keep on, persist, persevere, endure
teneo = to hold, keep, possess, maintain
teneo iter = to hold one's course, conceive
tener = tender
tener tenera tenerum = tender, delicate, soft, young
tenere = hang onto, hold
tenor = sense, contents, uninterrupted course, a holding
tentatio = trial, attack, duration, temptation, judgement
tento = to try, test
tentorium = tent
tenuis = thin, slight, feeble, slim, slender
tenura = holding, tenure, feudal holding, by feudal tenure
tenus = until
tenus (after a name in abl. o = up to, down to as far as
tenus (prep. with abl) = as far as, up to, to, down to
tepesco = to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease
tepidus = lukewarm
tepidus = warm, luke-warm, tepid
ter = three times, thrice
ter = three times
terebro = to bore through, perforate
teres = rounded, polished, smooth, fine, elegant
terga dare = to flee, retreat, run awar
tergeo tergo tersi tersum = to wipe, scour, clean
tergiversatio = backwardness, reulctance, evasion
tergo (a tergo ) = in the rear, fom behind
tergum = skin, hide/back, rear
tergus = the back, skin, hide, leather
termes = a tree branch (especially olive)
terminatio = termination, determination, setting of boundaries
termino = restrict, define, close, set a limit to
terminus = a boundary mark, limit, end, border
terra = earth, ground, land, country, soil
terra = earth, land, soil
terrenus = earthly, temporal
terreo = to frighten, terrify, scare away, deter
terribilis = dreadful
terrigenus = indigenous, born from the earth, human being
territo = to fighten, terrify, intimidate
territo = to scare, frighten, intimidate
territo = to affright
terror = friight, fear, terror
tersus = clean, neat, correct
tertius = third
testificor = to call to witness
testimonium = proof, evidence, witness, indication
testis = martyr
testis = one who gives evidence, witness, spectator
testudo = tortoise
texo = the main verb for weaving of cloth
texo = to weave, twine together, plait, construct, build
textilis = woven fabric, piece of cloth
textor textrix = weaver
textus = woven cloth, web
thalamus = bedroom
thalassinus = sea-green
theatrum = theater
theca = case, envelope, covering
thema = subject, topic, theme
thema thematis = theme
theologus = theologian
theorice = philosophic speculation
theoricus = meditative, speculative, contemplative
thermae = warm springs, warm baths
thesaurus = treasure, horde, store-room, treasury
thesis = proposition, thesis
thorax = corselet, breastplate
thymbra = the herb savory
thymum = the herb thyme
thynnus = tuna, tuna-fish, tunny
Tiber = Tiber
tibi = you, to you
tibi (dat.) = you
tigris = tiger
tilia = lime-tree, linden-tree
timeo = to fear, be afraid, dread
timidus = faint-hearted, fearful, timid
timor = fear, dread, alarm, object causing fear
tinnio = to ring
tiro = new recruit, young recruit
titubo = to waver
titulo = to call
titulus = label, title, placard
titulus = token
tolero = to tolerate, bear, endure, sustain
tollo = to lift up, take away
tollo = to lift
tollo sustuli sublatum = to lift up, raise, elevate, carry away.
tondeo totonsi tonsum = shave, shear, clip, mow, reap, browse
tonsor = barber
Tornacense = Tournai
torpeo = to be sluggish, inert, numb, inactive, immoveable
torqueo = to turn, turn awry, brandish
torqueo = to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort
torreo = to roast
tortitudo = wickedness, insincerity
torva = savage, wild
tot = so many
tot (indecl.) = so many
totidem = just as many
toto = all togther, completely towards
totus = entire, overall, whole
totus = whole, entire, complete, all
toxicum = poison
traba = a beam of wood, a timber, tree-trunk, ship, table
tractare = to handle, manage, perform
tracto = to ponder, compass + gen
tracto = to drag, handle, treat, discuss, deal with
tractus = course, progress, movement
tractus = space, time, lapse, extension, length
tractus = a dragging, drawing, pulling, territory, tract
traditio = betrayal
trado = to bequeath, deliver, surrender, commit
traduco in passive = to be borne
Traiectensium = Utrecht
Traiectum = Maastricht
trans (+ acc.) = across
transcendo = to surpass
transcurro = to treat briefly
transeo = to go over, pass over, cross over, go past
transeo = to pass through, go across
transfreto = to cross a strait, to be taken across a strait
transgredior = to pass beyond
transilio = to leap over
transitivum = transitive
transitus = crossing, passing over, transit, changing, altera
translatio = transfer of the body of a saint
translato = to transfer
transmaritanus = beyond the seas, overseas, outre-mer
transmeo = to go across
transmitto = to send, carry, or convey across
transporto = send, carry, or convey across
transveho = to convey
transverbero = to pierce through
trebuchettum = a trebuchet, a siege engine
tredecim = thirteen
tredecim (indecl.) = thirteen
Trellum = Trelon, castle in Hannonia
tremo = to tremble, shake, shudder
tremor = trembling
tremulus = quivering, quaking
trepide = with trepidation, in confusion
trepido = to tremble
trepidus = alarmed
tres = three
tres tria = three
Treverim = Triers
tribulatio = tribulation
tribuo = to bestow
tribuo = to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give
tributarius = subject to tribute
tributum = payment, tribute
triduana = lasting three days
triduanus = three days' duration, lasting three days
triduum = a period of three days
triginta = thirty
trilustralis = lasting for fifteen years
trimodus = trimodal
Trinacria = Sicily
trinus = triple
tripudio = to celebrate
tripudio = to leap, jump, dance (as in a religious procession
tripudium = transport of joy
tripudium = joy, rejoicing
triste = sorrowfully, dolefully
tristifico = to make sad, cause sadness, sadden
tristis = disconsolate, sad
tristis = sad, mournful, sowerful
tristor = to be sad, be grieved
triticeus = sown in wheat
tritico = thresh
triticus = wheat
Trium Fontium = Trois-Fontaines, Marne, Vitry-le-Francois
triumphalis = triumphal
triumphus = triumphal procession, triumph
Tros = Trojan
trucido = to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre, slaught
truculenter (adv.) = wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly, roughly
trudo = to thrust
trunco = maim, mutilate, mangle, imperfect, not whole
trutino = to balance, weigh
trux = ferocious
tu = you
tuba = war-trumpet
tubineus = cone shaped
tueor = to uphold, guard, protect
tui = your, yours
tum = then
tum = at that time, then, thereupon, in the next place
tumba = grave, tomb
tumbarius = keeper of a tomb
tumeo = to puff up, swell, to be pompous
tumesco = to swell up with anger, swell, swell up
tumidus = elated, arrogant, swollen
tumor = commotion, swelling
tumulo = to bury, inter
tumulosus = hilly
tumultuarius = raised hastily
tumultuor = to be in an uproar, raise a tumult, [make a] bust
tumultuosa = full of bustle, turbulent
tumultus = uprising, disturbance, riot, tumult
tumultus = bustle, uproar
tumulus = mound, grave, heap of earth
tumulus = grave, tomb
tunc = then, at that time, next, and then
Tungris = Tongres
turba = mob
turba = uproar, disturbance, mob, crowd, multitude
turba = crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile
turbatio = disturbance, confusion
turbatus = angered, exasperated, disturbed, restless
turbo = hurricane. tornado, that which spins
turbo = whirling motion, whirlwind, whirlpool
turbo = to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse
turbo = to agitate, disorder
turgida = swollen
turma = throng
turpe = a disgrace
turpis = foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt
turpis = unseemly, dishonorable
turpiter = in an unseemly manner
turpitudo = baseness
tussio = to cough
tussis = a cough
tutela = care, safeguard[ing]
tutela = protection, guard, charge, guardianship, tutelage
tutis = protected, safe, secure
tutor = defender
tutus = safe, salutary, wholesome, expedient, serviceable
typicus = symbolic
typus = type
tyrannus = tyrant
tyrannus = tyrant, absolute ruler