rabidus | = | raging, crazy |
rabies | = | frenzy |
rabies | = | madness, fury, frenzy |
rabiose | = | savagely, furiously |
radicitus | = | by the roots, utterly |
radio | = | beam |
radix | = | root, radish |
radix | = | source, root, foundation |
rapina | = | ravishment, rapine, robbery |
rapio | = | to ravish, steal, rob |
raptor | = | ravisher, thief |
rapulum | = | radish |
rare | = | thinly, rarely, uncommonly |
rarus | = | rare, uncommon, far apart, thin, scanty |
ratio | = | system, manner, method, procedure |
ratio | = | procedure, theory |
ratio | = | reckoning, account, reason, judgment |
rationabiliter | = | reasonably |
ratis | = | vessel |
re vera | = | in truth |
rebellis | = | rebellious, rebels |
rebello | = | to wage war against, rebel |
reboare | = | to resound like celestial thunder |
recedentia | = | retreat, ebbing, disappearance, distant, far |
recedo | = | to go back, retreat, retire, disappear |
recedo | = | retire, withdraw |
recedo | = | to fall back, pass away, depart |
recenseo | = | to recount, review |
recessus | = | a going back, retreat, place of retreat |
recidivus | = | returning, restored, rebuilt |
recipero | = | to regain, revive, restore |
recipero | = | to receive, accept, withdraw, take back |
reciproca | = | reverberating |
recito | = | to read aloud, recite |
recognosco | = | to recognize, recollect, recall |
recolitus | = | venerable, honorable, worshipful |
recolligo | = | gather, regather, flock together |
recolo | = | to recall, reflect upon, rework, resume |
recolo | = | to consider, recall, comtemplate |
recolo | = | to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate |
reconcilio | = | to restore, repair, (of persons) |
recondo | = | lay up, store, hoard |
recoquo | = | recast |
recordatio | = | recollection, memory, recall |
recordo | = | to be mindful of, recollect |
recordor | = | to remember, think of, recollect, ponder over |
recreo | = | to revive |
recro | = | to recreate, restore, revive |
rector | = | guider, leader, director, ruler, master |
rectum | = | virtue, right |
rectus | = | straight, appropriate |
rectus | = | right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain |
recubo | = | to recline, lie |
recuperatio | = | recovery, recuperation |
recupero | = | to regain, recoup, recover |
recuso | = | to refuse, decline, reject, be unwilling |
recuso | = | to refuse |
redarguo | = | disprove, refute. with gen. prove guilty, convict |
redarguo | = | to confute |
reddere | = | give back, return |
reddo | = | to repeat, recite, represent, imitate, pay up, de |
reddo | = | to give back, restore, return, answer, translate |
reddo | = | to impart, render, return, hand over, surrender |
redemptio | = | ransoming, redemption, buying back, farming taxes |
redemptor | = | redeemer (Christ) |
redeo | = | to go back, come back, return, (revenue) |
redeo | = | to fall back upon, be reduced to, be brought to |
redeo | = | to be reduced to, fall back upon |
redigo | = | to bring back, make, reduce |
redigo (redactum) | = | to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen |
redimio | = | to crown, bind around, encircle, surround |
redimo | = | to redeem, ransom, buy back, hire, buy, procure |
redintegro | = | to repair, fix, restore |
redire | = | go back, return |
reditus | = | return, income, revenue, reward |
redivivus | = | rennovated, reconstructed, rebuilt, recycled |
redomo | = | to break, tame [again] |
redono | = | to give back, give up |
reduco | = | to lead back, bring back, return |
redundantia | = | overflowing, redundancy |
redundo | = | to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess, flood |
redux | = | one brought back from imprisonment |
refectorium | = | refectory, monastic mess hall |
refer | = | to recount, recite, announce, allege, report |
refercio | = | to stuff, cram |
refero | = | to put down, enter (in a register) |
refero | = | to carry back, bring back, return |
refero | = | to bring as expected, pay up, deliver |
refero | = | to bring again, restore, repeat, echo, reproduce |
refero | = | to say back, reply, answer |
refert (impersonal) | = | it concerns, it makes a difference |
refertus | = | stuffed, crammed |
reficio | = | to repair, fill |
reformo | = | to form again, re-establish, mould anew |
refoveo | = | to cherish again, refresh, warm |
refragatio | = | resistance |
refreno | = | to check, rein in |
refrigerium | = | consolation |
refugium | = | refuge |
refulgo | = | to shine brightly |
refundo | = | to infuse |
refuto | = | to repel, repress, oppose |
regalis | = | of a king, royal, regal |
regalis | = | regal, royal |
regenero | = | to be born again |
regere | = | control, govern, restrain, rule |
regimen | = | rule, guidance |
regina | = | queen |
regio | = | region |
regius | = | royal, regal |
regno | = | to reign, rule, predominate |
regnum | = | kingdom |
regnum | = | rule, authority, kingdom, realm |
regredior | = | to march back, retreat, return |
regressus | = | retreat |
regula | = | rule, monastic rule |
relatio | = | to report |
relatus | = | recital, report |
relaxo | = | to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten |
relevo | = | to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve |
relictus | = | left behind |
relictus | = | someone having inherited, been bequeathed |
religio | = | fear of God, way of life, esp of monks/nuns |
religio | = | religion |
religiosus | = | god-fearing |
relinquo | = | to leave behind, bequeath/abandon, forsake |
reliquum | = | remainder, what is left, leavings |
relucesco | = | to become bright again |
reluctor | = | to struggle against, resist |
remandatum | = | reply |
remando | = | to notify in return, send back word, respond |
remaneo | = | to remain behind, stay, continue |
rememdium | = | cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine |
remeo | = | to return home, return |
remigium | = | oar, rowing |
reminiscor | = | to recall |
remitto | = | to forgive, send back |
removeo | = | to draw back, set aside, take away |
remuneror | = | to repay, reward |
remuneror | = | to repay |
remunio | = | to refortify |
reniteo | = | to flash |
renovare | = | renew |
renovatio | = | renewal, renovation, restoration |
renovo | = | to revive, renew, restore, repair, repeat |
renuntio | = | to declare, announce, report, give notice |
renuo | = | to deny, refuse, reject |
reor | = | to think, suppose, decide |
reparo | = | to restore, renew, make good, buy, purchase |
repecto | = | to comb back |
repedo | = | to go back |
repello | = | to drive back, repel |
rependo | = | to ransom, pay back, requite |
repens | = | sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent |
repente | = | all of a sudden, suddenly |
repente | = | suddenly, unexpectedly |
repentina | = | sudden, unexpected |
repere | = | to crawl |
reperio | = | to get again, find, ascertain, invent, find again |
reperio | = | to meet with, devise, hit upon, discover, find |
repetitio | = | repetition |
repeto | = | to seek again, ask back, recommence |
repeto | = | to fall upon again, repeat, demand repeatedly |
repeto | = | to return to, begin again, deduce, recall, recoll |
repleo | = | to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill, satis |
repletus | = | filled, full |
replico | = | to reflect upon, withdraw |
repono | = | to deposit, lay up, store, requite |
repraesento | = | to display, hurry on |
reprehendo | = | to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check |
reproba | = | -ae, false |
reprobabilis | = | comtemptible |
reprobo | = | reject, disaprove, condemn |
repromitto | = | to promise in return, promise again |
repugno | = | to make resistance |
repungo | = | to prick, goad |
repuo | = | to reject |
reputo | = | to reckon, reflect upon, impute, think, judge |
reputo | = | to believe, suppose. |
requies | = | repose |
requiescere | = | repose, rest |
requietum | = | repose, rest |
requirere | = | need, require |
requiro | = | to seek, hunt for |
requiro | = | to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss |
res | = | occurrence, deed, condition, case |
res | = | thing, object, being, matter, affair, event, fact |
res | = | affair, business, business deal, case, matter |
res publica | = | commonwealth, state, republic, public business |
res rei | = | thing, matter, busines, affair |
resarcio | = | to repair, mend, patch |
reseco | = | to cut back, cut short, diminish |
resero | = | to reveal |
reservo | = | keep back, hold back, reserve, keep, preserve |
resideo | = | to abide, be left behind, sit up |
resipisco | = | to recover one's senses, become reasonable |
resisto | = | to resist, halt, withstand |
resisto | = | to resist, halt, withstand, make a stand, oppose |
resolvo | = | to enfeeble |
resono | = | to resound, [+ acc] make resound with |
resonus | = | resounding |
respectus | = | regard |
respergo | = | [resperi, respersum] to sprinkle, splash |
respicio | = | to look back, provide for, respect |
respicio | = | to turn attention to |
respiratio | = | respiration, exhalation |
respiro | = | to breathe, breathe again, recover, decline |
respondere | = | answer, reply, respond |
responsal | = | deputy, representative |
responsiva | = | a written reply, answering letter |
responsum | = | answer, reply |
respublica | = | state |
respuo | = | to refuse, cast off, reject |
restauro | = | to restore |
restio | = | rope-maker |
restituere | = | give back, return |
restituo | = | restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair |
restruo | = | to restore |
resumo | = | to recover, renew, repeat, resume |
resupinus | = | lying on one's back |
resurrectio | = | f, resurection, awakening, renewal |
retardo | = | to impede, slow down, obstruct |
retendo | = | to slacken, unbend, become flexible |
retineo | = | to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain |
retineo | = | to remember, not let go, keep, affirm |
retracto | = | to reconsider, undertake again |
retribuo | = | to give again, give as due |
retrogradior | = | to go backwards |
retrudo | = | to thrust back |
retundo | = | to check |
reus | = | culprit |
reus | = | defendant, accused, answerable, bound |
revello | = | to violate, pluck away |
revenio | = | to come back, return |
revera | = | in reality |
reverbero | = | to repel |
reverens | = | reverent |
reverenter | = | with awe, respectfully |
reverentia | = | awe, reverence |
revereor | = | to stand in awe |
reverto | = | to go back, return, revert |
revoco | = | to call back, recover, refer, revoke |
revolvo | = | to unroll a book, go over again, repeat |
revolvo | = | to reflect upon, brood |
rex | = | king |
rex regis | = | king |
rhetor | = | rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric |
rhetor | = | orator |
rhetoricus | = | rhetorical |
rhinoceros | = | rhino, rhinoceros |
Rhodanus | = | Rhone |
rideo risi risum | = | to laugh at, laugh |
ridiculum | = | n, ridiculous |
ridiculus | = | facetious, laughable |
riginta (indecl.) | = | thirty |
rigor | = | stiffness, hardness, sterness |
rimor | = | to examine, explore, investigate, root up |
risus | = | laughter |
rite | = | duly |
ritus | = | ritual, usage, ceremony, rite |
rixa, rixatio | = | quarrel |
rixor | = | to wrangle |
robur | = | strength |
robustus | = | hardy, robust |
rodere | = | gnaw |
rogare | = | ask, ask for, beg, bid, request |
rogo | = | to ask, ask for |
rogo eum ut +subjunctive | = | to ask someone to do something |
Roma | = | Rome |
Romanus | = | novel, Roman |
ros | = | moisture |
ros | = | dew |
rosa | = | rose |
rostrum | = | bill of a bird, beak |
rota | = | wheel |
rotensus | = | extensive |
roto | = | to turn round like a wheel, rotate, turn, go aroun |
Rotomagense | = | Rouen |
rotundus | = | wheel-shaped, round |
ruber | = | red |
rubor | = | redeness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace |
rudimentum | = | trial, attempt, essay |
rudis | = | clumsy, rude, raw, rough, uncultivated |
rudo | = | to bellow, roar |
rufus | = | red, ruddy |
ruga | = | a wrinkle |
rugio | = | rumble |
ruina | = | downfall, destruction |
ruinosus | = | falling down, going to ruin |
rumex | = | sorrel |
rumino | = | to chew the cud, ruminate |
ruminor | = | to ruminate upon |
rumor | = | hearsay, rumor, gossip |
rumpere | = | break |
rumpo | = | to rupture, annull, violate |
runa | = | a dart |
runco | = | to thin out, weed, cull |
ruo | = | to rush, tumble down |
rursus | = | on the other hand, in return, back, again |
russus | = | red |
rustice (adv) | = | boorishly, in a peasant manner |
rusticus | = | rustic, rural, peasant |
ruta | = | bitterness, unpleasantness |
Ruthenia | = | Russia |
rutila | = | a spade, shovel |
rutilus | = | red, golden, auburn |
rutilus | = | shining |