obdormio | = | to fall asleep |
obduco | = | to draw over, cover, lead against, pass, spend |
obductio | = | covering |
obduro | = | to be hard, persist, endure, last, hold out |
obedienter | = | obediently |
obedio | = | to yield obedience to |
obex | = | barrier |
obfirmo | = | to bolt, lock, fasten, bar |
obicio obieci obiectum | = | to offer, throw in someone's teeth |
obitus | = | death |
objurgo | = | to fight, attack, oppose |
obligatus | = | bound, under an obligation |
obliquo | = | to turn sideways, turn aside |
obliquus | = | slanting |
oblittero | = | to cancel, blot out |
oblivio | = | forgetfulness, oblivion |
obnixe | = | with all one's strength, instantly |
obnoxius | = | harmful, hostile |
obnubilo | = | to overcloud |
obruo | = | to overwhelm, destroy |
obscoena | = | offensive, filthy |
obscurum | = | darkness |
obscurus | = | dark, dim |
obsequens | = | compliant |
obsequium | = | indulgence, pliancy, submission |
obsequium | = | obedience, indulgence |
obsequium funeris | = | funeral rites |
obses | = | surety, hostage |
obses (obsidis) | = | hostage, security, pledge, surety |
obsideo | = | to sit near, haunt, frequent, besiege, invest |
obsido | = | blockage, besiege, invest |
obstaculum | = | obstacle |
obstinatus | = | firm, resolved, staunch |
obstinatus | = | resolute |
obsto | = | to oppose, defend, stand against |
obsum | = | to hinder |
obtempero | = | to obey |
obtero | = | to bruise |
obtestor | = | to assert |
obtestor | = | to implore, entreat, beg, call as a witness |
obtineo | = | to hold, keep, possess, maintain, to continue |
obtineo | = | to gain |
obtutus | = | gaze |
obviam | = | on the way, in the way, (+ dat.) |
obviam (adverb) | = | in the way, on the way, toward |
obviam ire (+ dat.) | = | to go to meet, oppose, help, remedy |
obvio | = | to encounter, meet |
obvius | = | on the way, in the way, (in dat.) |
obvolvo | = | to muffle up |
obvolvo | = | to wrap up, cover |
occasio | = | opportunity |
occasio | = | favorable moment, opportunity |
occasus | = | setting (of the sun, etc), the west, fall |
occasus | = | sunset, west |
occatio | = | harrowing |
occidio | = | slaughter, massacre |
occido | = | to kill |
occisor | = | murderer |
occludo | = | to close, shut up, close off |
occulco | = | to trample (down) |
occulte | = | secretly, in secret, by stealth |
occulto | = | to hide, conceal, cover |
occultus | = | hidden, concealed, secretly |
occumbo | = | to fall, topple, drop, fall dead |
occumbo | = | to fall |
occupo | = | to take possession, grasp, seize, enjoy |
occupo | = | to occupy, seize, appropriate, confiscate |
occuro | = | to occur, come about, happen |
occurro | = | to go to meet, rush upon |
occurro | = | to occur, run to meet, attack, oppose, work again |
occursus | = | a meeting |
Oceanus | = | Oceanus |
ocius | = | quick. fleet, sooner, faster |
octavus | = | eighth |
octo | = | eight |
octoginta | = | eighty |
oculus | = | eye |
odio | = | to hate, despite, hold in contempt, dislike |
odium | = | hatred |
odium | = | hate |
odor | = | odor, odour, scent, smell |
odorifera | = | fragrant |
odorus | = | keen scenter, sharp nosed |
oestrus | = | horse-fly, frenzy |
offa | = | lump, swelling, pellet, shot, mass of something |
offendo | = | stumble, lurch |
offendo | = | to displease |
offendo | = | to knock, hit, strike, shock, offend, displease |
offensio | = | striking, knocking, hitting against, blow |
offensio | = | cause of offense |
offensus | = | offense |
offensus | = | collision, shock, dislike, displeasure |
offero | = | to bring forward, place before, present, offer |
officina | = | workshop, factor |
officiose | = | courteously, dutifully, solemnly, ceremoniously |
officiosus | = | respectful, attentive |
officium | = | duty, service, job, post, position, responsibility |
officium | = | office, obligation, duty |
olim | = | once, at a future time |
olim | = | at that time, formerly, once, for a long time now |
olus | = | vegetable |
Olympus | = | heaven, home of the gods, height of eminence |
omitto | = | to omit, leave out, let go |
omitto | = | to let slip, lose, pardon |
omnifariam | = | in every way |
omnigenus | = | of all kinds |
omnimodus | = | universal |
omnino | = | altogether, entirely, wholly, certainly, complete |
omnipotens | = | all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent |
omnis | = | all, every |
oneratus | = | loaded |
onero | = | to load, burden, oppress, fil up |
onus | = | load, burden, weight, trouble, charge |
onustus | = | burdened, laden |
opera | = | work, pains, labor |
opera | = | effort |
operae pretium est | = | it is worthwhile |
operatio | = | work |
operor | = | to work, labor, toil, take pains |
operor | = | to be active, do |
opes (pl.) | = | means, wealth, abundance, riches, resources |
opilio | = | shepherd |
opimus | = | splendid |
opinio | = | rumor |
opinio | = | opinion, report, rumor, conjecture |
opinor | = | -atus, 1, dep. v, to be of the opinion of |
opisthotonos | = | A disease where the body is curved backward |
opium | = | opium |
oporotheca | = | place for keeping fruit |
oportet | = | it is fitting, it is proper, reasonable, becoming |
oportet | = | imper v., to assume it shall be, reasonable |
oportet | = | it is proper, one should, one ought |
oportet | = | it is needful, it behooves |
oportunitas | = | convenience, fitness, advantage, opportunity |
oppidum | = | city, town |
oppidum (fortified) | = | town |
oppono opposui oppositum | = | to set against, oppose, be opposite |
opportune | = | fitly |
opportune (adv) | = | opportunely, conveniently |
opportunitas | = | fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage |
opportunus | = | opportune, fit, convenient, suitable |
opportunus | = | fit, suitable, liable to |
opportunus | = | meet |
opprimo | = | to subdue, overpower, press against, take by surp |
opprimo oppressi oppressum | = | to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check |
opprobrium | = | reproach, disgrace |
oppugnare | = | assault, attack |
oppugno | = | to war with, storm |
oppugno | = | to fight against, attack, assault, assail |
ops | = | assistance, treasure, wealth, fortune |
optatus | = | longed-for |
optimates | = | the aristocratic party |
optimates | = | magnates, great lords, the best people, the upper |
optime | = | as best one can |
optimus | = | one of the best, aristocrat, noble |
opto | = | to wish for |
opto | = | to desire, wish for, want |
opulens | = | rich, wealthy, powerful, mighty, splendid |
opulentia | = | riches, wealth, power, might, opulence, splendor |
opulentia | = | wealth |
opulentus | = | wealthy, splendid |
opus | = | deed, labor |
opus | = | work |
opus operis | = | work, labor, work done, completed work, building |
opusculus | = | a little or small work, a small book |
ora | = | edge, rim, border, boundary, coast, coast-line |
ora | = | coast, seaside, shore |
ora | = | region, clime, district, country |
ora | = | sea-coast |
oraculum | = | a solemn statement, oracle, prophecy |
orare | = | pray |
oratio | = | prayer |
oratio | = | speech, address, oration |
orator | = | orator, speaker. spokesman, envoy, ambassador |
oratorie | = | oratorically |
oratorius | = | oratorical, oratory |
oratu (abl.sing.m.) | = | by request |
orbis | = | circle, orb, ring, disk, orbit, coil, round |
orbis | = | world, circle |
orbis | = | circle |
orbis lacteus | = | the Milky Way |
orbis signifer | = | the Zodiac |
orbis terrarum | = | the world, the Earth |
orbita | = | a wheel rut |
orbitas | = | bereavement, loss of children, loss of parents |
orbus | = | destitute |
orbus | = | deprived of children or parents, orphan, deprived |
orca | = | a pot or jar |
orchestra | = | theater space reserved for the Senate, senators |
orcus | = | the Lower World, whale |
ordinarius | = | according to order, regular, ordinary |
ordinatim | = | regularly, ordinarily |
ordinatio | = | rule, government, order, arrangment, regulation |
ordinatus | = | arranged, orderly |
ordine, ordinem | = | regularly, appropriately, properly |
ordino (-are) | = | to set in order, regulate, arrange, appoint |
ordo | = | rank, class, order |
orexis | = | appetite, desire |
organum | = | instrument, musical instrument |
orgia | = | orgy |
orgia | = | a festival of mysteries, orgy |
orichalcum | = | copper ore, brass |
oriens | = | rising, the rising sun, east, morning |
Orientales | = | Easterners |
orior | = | to be born, to be a consequence or result of |
orior | = | rise, become visible, appear |
orior oriri ortus | = | rise, become visible, appear |
oriundus | = | born |
oriundus | = | arising from, springing from, coming from |
ornamentum | = | equipment, kit, trappings, furniture, decorations |
ornamentum | = | weapons, honor, distinction |
ornamentum | = | accoutrement |
ornata | = | adorned |
ornate | = | splendidly, ornately, elegantly |
ornatus | = | to adornment |
ornatus | = | dress, attire, equipment, ornament, embellishment |
orno | = | to equip, furnish, supply, decorate, adorn |
ornus | = | mountain ash |
oro | = | to speak, argue, plead, orate, beg, entreat |
orsus | = | a beginning, undertaking, initiative |
ortigometra | = | quail |
ortus | = | -us, m, birth, origin, rising, source |
oryza | = | rice |
os | = | bone |
ostendo | = | -ere-di sum, to show, to exhibit |
ostes | = | earthquake |
ostium | = | entrance, door |
ostrea | = | oyster |
otacustes | = | spy |
otium | = | free time, leisure, ease, peace, repose |
ovanter | = | exultingly |
ovis | = | sheep |
ovis ovis | = | sheep |
ovum | = | egg |