Latin (N) to English

naevus = fault
nam = but now, certainly
nam = conj, for, for example, instance
nam = but now, on the other hand, surely
nam = for
namque = for indeed
Namucense = Namur
narro = to make known, say, speak, narrate
narro = to set forth
nascor nasci natus = to be born, spring forth
nasus = nose
natalis natalis = birthday
natare = float, swim
natio = nation, people
natio = nation
natio nationis = nation, race, people, breed, pagan people
nativitas = birth
natu (ab,sing.) = by birth
natura = nature
natus = son
nauta = sailor
navale = ship's station, dockyard
navigatio = voyage, navigation
naviger = ship-bearing
navigium = navigation
navigo = to sail, navigate
navis = ship, vessel
navis navis = ship, vessel, boat
navitas = energy, get up and go
ne (conj.) = that .. not, in order that .. not, in order not to
ne .. quidem = not .. even
nebula = fog, mist, cloud
nebulosus = misty, foggy
nec = conj, and not
nec .. nec = neither nor
nec tamen = and yet .. not
necare = die, expire, pass away
necdum (neque dum) = and not yet
necessarius = needful, things needed
necessarius = necessary, needed, essential
necesse (adj.) = necessary, unavoidable, indispensable
necessitas = need, exigency, unavoidability
necne = or not
necnon = and also
neco = to slay
neco = to kill, slay, put to death
necto = to fasten together
necto = to tie up, bind, fasten
nefandus = abominable
nefarius = execrable, impious
nefas = wrong, sin
negare = deny, refuse, reject
neglectum = slight
neglego = to disregard
negligentia = carelessness
nego = to deny, refuse a request, deny something to some
negotium = employment, business, task, occupation, pains
negotium = pains, labor, task, pursuit
nemo = no one, nobody
nemorosa = shady
nemorosus = wooded, covered with trees, forested
nemus = tree, sacred grove
neo = to spin, interweave. (to spin thread and yarn)
nepos nepotis = grandson
nequam = vile
nequam = worthless, good for nothing, bad
nequaquam = by no means, not at all
nequaquam = in no wise
neque = neither
neque .. neque = neither .. nor
neque nec = and not, nor
nequeo = not to be able
nequeo = not to be able, to be impossible
nequequam = by no means, not at all
nequiquam = fruitlessly, to no purpose
nequiter = wretchedly, vilely
nequitia = vileness
nequitia nequities = worthlessness, badness, wickedness
nescio = to be ignorant, be unaware, not know, be unkowing
nex = violent death, slaughter, death
nexus = fastening
nichilominus = nevertheless
nidor = vapor, smell, reek, odor
niger = black
nihil (undeclinable) = nothing
nihildom = nothing as yet
nihilominus = nevertheless
nihilominus nichilominus = nevertheless, notwithstanding
nihilum = nothing
nimirum = of course, undoubtedly, certainly
nimis = adv. too much, overmuch, excessively
nimis (adv.) = too much, overmuch, excessively
nimium (adv.) = too much, overmuch, excessively
nisi = if not, unless, except
nisus = exertion, endeavor
niteo = to shine, glitter, be bright, glow, be sleek
nitesco = to begn to shine, to grow fat or sleek
nitesco = to begin to shine, grow sleek
nitida = glittering
nitidus = bright, shining, fat, sleek, flowering
nitor = brillance, brightness, glow, elegance, splendor
nitor = to strive, exert oneself, make an effort, perseve
nitor = splendor, glow, elegance, brilliance, brightness
nitor = to endeavor
nitor = to rest, lean, support oneself, trust in, depend
Nivellensem = Nivelles, city and monastery
niveus = white, snowy
nix = snow
nixor = to lean against, strive, strain, labor, struggle
nixus = strain, effort
no (nare, navi) = to swim, float, fly, sail
nobis (abl.) = us, there'll be no one as happy as US
nobis (dat.) = us, the world belongs to US
nocens = bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil
noceo = do harm, inflict injury
noceo (+ dat.) = to do harm to, inflict injury, hurt
nolens = unwilling
nolo = to to be unwilling
nomen = appellation, name
nomen = name
nomen Romanorum = Roman power
nominatim = by name, expressly
nomine tenus = nominally, in name
nominor = to be renowned
non = not
non jam = no longer
non solum .. sed etiam = not only .. but also
nonaginta = ninety
nondum = not yet
nonnisi = not, not unless
nonnullus = some, pl. several
nonnumquam = sometimes
nonus = ninth
norma = organization
normalis = regular
Northmanni = Normans
nos = us, they tried to tell US we're too young
nos = we, WE live and die by that creed
nosco = to become acquainted with, get to know
noster nostra nostrum = our, ours
noster nostri = our ours, OUR hearts beat as one
noster nostri = our ours, that old dream of OURS
nota = mark, token, note, sign
notabilis = -e, noteworthy, notable, notorious
notarius = stenographer (class.), notary, legal scribe
notitia = knowledge. information, data, notes, annotations
noto-are = make note, mark down
notos = south wind
nous = intelligence
novem = nine
novercalis = malevolent
novitas = newness, novelty, strangeness
novo = to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter
novus = new, fresh, young, inexperienced, revived
novus = novel, unusual, extraordinary, news, novelty
novus = new, novel
nox = night
nox noctis = night
noxa = offense, crime
noxialis = noxious
nullatenus = in no wise
nullus = not any, no, none
numen = divine will
numerus = total, category, class, number
nummus = coin
numquam = at no time, never
nunc = now, at the present time, soon, at this time
nunc = at present, now
nunc quidem = at one time..then
nuncupo = to call, proclaim
nundinae = trade
nunquam = never
nuntio = to announce, report, relate
nuntium-i = n, messenger
nuntius = messenger, message
nuper = newly, recently, not long ago
nuptiae = wedding
nuptialis = wedding
nusquam = nowhere, on no occasion
nusquam = nowhere, in no place, nothing, for nothing, never
nusquam esse = not to exist
nuto = to falter in fidelity, give way to
nutrimens = food, nourishment
nutrimentus = nourishment
nutrio = to suckle, nourish, bring up, rear
nutritor = toraise, feed
nutus = command
nutus = a nod, command, will, gravitation, movement down
nutus = a nodding, nod, command, will
nux = nut