Latin (IJ) to English

Iacchus = Bacchus
iaceo = to lie, lie prostrate, lie dead
jaceo-ere-ui = to stand (that which is stated)
jacio = to cast
iacio = to throw, cast, hurl, lay, scatter, diffuse
iactantia = bragging, boasting
jactantia = ostentation, bragging
jactito = boast
iaculator = a thrower, javelin man, spear thrower
jaculum = dart
jaculum = dart, javelin
iaculum = dart, javelin, short spear
iam = already, by now, yet
iam = moreover, henceforth, indeed, just, further
iam = now, by now, already, presently, immediately
iam pridem = now for a long time
iam tandem = in the end
iamdiu = now for a long time
iamdudum = now for a long time
ianitor = -oris doorkeeper, porter
ianua = door
ianua = door, gate
Ianus = Janus
ianus = arcade, covered passage
ibi = there
ibi = there, yonder
ibidem = in the same place, at the moment, in that matter
Ico = to strike, hit, wound, strike a bargain
ictus = blow, bite, stroke, bolt, thrust
ictus = blow, wound, stabbing, thrust
ictus = stroke
idcirco = on that account, for that reason, for that purpose
idem eadem idem = the same
identidem = again and again, repeatedly
ideo = for that reason, on that account, therefore
idoneus = proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable
iecur = the liver
ieiunitas = hunger, emptiness, meagerness, poverty
ieiunium = fast, abstinence, hunger, leanness, thinness
ientaculum = breakfast
iento = to eat breakfast
igitur = adv, therefore
igitur = therefore, consequently, for this reason
ignarus = ignorant, not knowing
ignarus = unacquainted with
ignavus = lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly, a coward
igneus = fiery, ardent, burning
ignis = fire
ignominia = dishonor
ignoro = to be ignorant, disregard, not be recognized
ignosco = to pardon
ignotus = unknown, obscure, ignorant, ignoble
ile = guts, intestines
ilicet = it is finished, right away, immediately
ilico = on the spot, immediately
illa (fem. sing. abl.) = He who lives BY THAT (the sword).
illa (fem. sing. nom.) = THAT (sword)
illa (neut. plur. acc.) = Deborah always won THESE (wars)
illa (neut. plur. nom.) = THOSE (arms)
illac = over there, along that path, in that direction
illae ille (fem. plur. nom.) = THOSE (women)
illae ille (sing. gen.) = She paid half OF THIS (the cost)
illaesus = unharmed
illarum (fem. plur. gen.) = The city wall had four OF THOSE (gates)
illas (fem. plur. acc.) = They gave THOSE (their lives)
illata = from infero to cause, occasion, etc
ille (masc. nom. sing.) = THAT (house)
ille illa illud = that, the former, the famous, he, she, it
illecebra = allurement
illectus = allured
illi (fem sing. dat.) = There is a statue IN THAT (abbey)
illi (masc. plur. nom.) = THOSE (men)
illi (masc. sing. dat.) = He sent FOR THAT (doctor)
illi (neut sing. dat.) = i'd give my right arm FOR THOSE (cookies)
illiam (fem. sing. acc.) = She wasted THAT (her youth)
illic = there, at that place, therein, in that matter
illicitus = unlawful
illico = immediately
illis (fem. plur. abl) = A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships)
illis (fem. plur. dat.) = She gave her property TO THOSE (churches)
illis (masc. plur. abl.) = They passed BY THOSE (roads)
illis (masc. plur. dat.) = Tell it TO THOSE (Marines)
illis (neut. plur. abl.) = She earned it BY THESE (her deeds)
illis (neut. plur. dat.) = Listen TO THESE (orders)
illis (plur. abl.) = She earned it BY THESE (her deeds)
illius (fem. sing. gen.) = They are fond OF THAT (change)
illius (masc. fem. neut. gen. = Go ahead, eat some OF THAT
illius (neut. sing. gen.) = She paid half OF THAT (the cost)
illo (masc. sing. abl.) = He gave plenty FOR THAT (field)
illo (neut. sing. abl.) = Do not hesitate BECAUSE OF THAT! (doubt)
illorum (masc. plur. gen.) = The horses OF THOSE (soldiers)
illorum (neut. plur. gen) = The cattle OF THESE (monsters)
illos (masc. plur. acc.) = They burned THOSE (houses)
illuc = thither, to that place, to that matter
illud (neut. sing. acc.) = Break THOSE (fetters)!
illud (neut. sing. nom.) = THAT (monastery)
illudo illusi illusum = to mock, make fun of, ridicule
illudo-si-sum = 3, to mock, to scorn
illum (masc. sing. acc.) = He ate THAT (fruit)
illustrator = enlightener
illustratus = renowned
illustris = famous
illustro = to light up, illuminate
imago = image, likeness
imbecillitas = indisposition
imbellis = unwarlike
imber = rain
imbibo = imbibe, drink in, think up, conceive
imbrium = of rain
imbuo = to imbue
imbuo = to soak, steep, saturate, to stain, dye
imitabilis = imitable
imitabilis = that which can be imitated
imitor = to imitate, substitute
immanis = monstrous
immanitas = heinousness, savagery, frightfulness
immaniter = dreadfully, savagely
immarcescibilis = unfading
immensus = vast
immerito = adv. undeservingly, without merit, unjustifiably
immineo = to hang over, be imminent, threaten
immitis = rude
immo = by all means, by no means, on the contrary
immo = nay, should I say, on the contrary
immodicus = immoderate, excessive, beyond measure
immortalis = immortal
immotus = unmoved
immunda = unclean, impure, dirty, foul
immundus = foul, impure
immunis = exempt, free
impedimentum = hindrance, impediment, obstacle, difficulty
impedio = entangle, ensnare, obstruct, surround, hinder
impedio = to entangle, hold fast
impeditio = hindrance
impeditus = entagles, hindered, embarassed, prevented
impedo = to entangle, ensnare, hinder, prevent, obstruct
impello = to drive against, strike upon
impello = to stimulate
impello impuli impulsum = to set in mortion, impel, urge on
impendeo = to hang over, threaten, menace, be imminent
impendo = to expend
impendo = to lay out, expend, weigh out
impenetrabiilis = impenetrable
impensa = expense, outlay
imperator = commander in chief, general, emperor
imperceptus = unperceived, unknown
imperiosus = imperious, dominering, powerful
imperito = to govern
imperium = power to command, authority, command, rule
imperium = sovereignty, realm, command
impero = to command
impero = to give orders, command, to rule, hold sway
imperterritus = undaunted
impertior = to bestow
impervius = unpassable
impeto = to attack, head for
impetro = to get, accomplish, effect, obtain (by asking)
impetro = to procure
impetus = attack, onset, rapid motion, impulse, passion
impetus = attack, rush, assault, impulse, sudden passion
impetus = vehemence
impiger = diligent, active
impiger = indefatigable
impigre = diligently, actively
impingo = to hurl against, strike
impirius = fiery
impius = ungodly
impius = without respect, irreverent, unpatriotic, wicked
implacabilis = unappeasable
impleo = to fill in (or up), satisfy, content, fulfil
impleo = to fill up
impleo = to fill up, content, satisfy
impono = to lay in
impono = to place, set, stow, embark, cheat, deceive
importunitas = insolence, incivility
importunus = unsuitable
importunus = unsuitable, unfavorable, troublesome
impraesentiarum = for the present, in present cirumstances
imprecor = to curse
imprimis = especially, particularly, specifically
improbitas = depravity
improbus = inferior, bad, wicked, persistent, perverse, bold
improbus = outrageous, self-willed, impudent
improvidus = improvident, negligent, thoughtless, feckless
improviso = unexpected, (ex improviso)
impudens = impudent, shameless, insolent, presumptuous
impudenter = impudently, insolently, presumptuously
impugno = to attack, assault
impunitus = unpunished, unrestrained, safe
imputo = to lay to a charge, enter in an account
in (+ abl.) = in
in (+ acc.) = into, toward, against
in = a, in, inside, into, per, within, across from
in excelsis = in the highest
in praesentia = for the present
inaestimabilis = inestimable
inaestimandus = invaluable
inaestimatus = unexpected
inanis = empty, vain, inane
inanis = empty, void
inanis = useless
inasnum = n, foolish, insane
incalesco = glow, kindle
incassum = in vain
incassum = to no purpose
incauta = reckless
incedo = to awake, march, go, enter into
incedo = to move forward
incendia = fire
incendo = to set fire to
incentivus = provocative
inceptor = beginner
inceptum = beginning, attempt, enterprise
incertus = uncertain, doubtful, unsure, hesitant
incessanter = incessantly
incessus = pace, gait
incestus = lewd
inchoatus = unfinished, only begun
incido = to fall in or on, fall in with, happen, occur
incido in mentionem = to happen to mention
incipio = to take in hand, begin, commence
incito = to excite, spur, inspire, increase, hasten, urge
incito = to spur on
inclino = to bend
inclino = to bend, incline, turn, change, fall back, waver
inclitus = illustrious
includo = to shut in, enclose, establish a siege, surround
inclutus inclitus = celebrated, famous, renowned
incogitania = thoughtlessness
incogitatus = thoughtless, inconsiderate, spontaneous
incogito = to plan, arrange, contrive, think out
incognitus = unknown, unexamined, unrecognized, unclaimed
incola = inhabitant
incola = resident
incola, ae = resident, inhabitant of a place, foreign resident
incolo = to reside or cultivate or inhabit
incolumis = uninjured, safe, scatheless, unharmed
incolumitas = safety
incomitatus = alone, unaccompanied, without followers
incommendatus = without a protector, without a lord
incommode = inconveniently
incommoditas = inconvenience, uncomfortable, disadvantage
incommodo (-are) = to be troublesome, unpleasant, annoying
incommodus = disagreeable, unpleasant
incommodus = inconvenient, troublesome, irksome
incommutabilis = unchangeable
incomparabilis = without compare, peerless, incomparable
incompertus = unknown
incomposite = irregularly, in a disorderly manner
incompositus = disorder, lack of regularity
incomprehensibilis = impossible to catch, incomprehensible
incomptus = unkempt, untrimmed, rude, rough
inconcessus = forbidden, prohibited, not allowed
inconcinnus = awkward, clumsy, without elegance, absurd
inconcussus = firm, unshaken, stable
inconditus = disorderly, not arranged, unplanned, confused
incongruens = not agreeing, inconsistent, out of place
incongruus = unsuitable
inconsiderate = thoughtlessly, without consideration
inconsideratus = without thought, inconsiderate, reckless
inconsolabilis = inconsolable, uncurable
inconstans = inconsistent, changeable, fickle, unreliable
inconstanter = inconstantly, changeably, inconsistently
inconstantia = changeability, inconsistency, faithlessness
inconsulte = indiscreetly
inconsultus = inconsiderate, without advice
inconsultus = without asking advise, precipately, imprudent
inconsumptus = unconsumed, undiminished, not depleted
incontaminatus = pure, unadulterated, unpolluted
incontentus = unstretched, not extended, unstrained, untuned
incontinencia = lack of restraint, incontinence
incontinens = incontinent
inconveniens = not suiting, dissimilar
inconvulsus = unshattered, undestroyed
incorrectus = unimproved, uncorrected, not emended
incorruptus = uncorrupted, genuine, pure, untainted
increbresco (-ere) = to grow strong, prevail, increase, wax
incredibilis = incredible, unbelievable
incredulus = incredulous
incrementabiliter = increasingly
incrementum = augmentation, increment
incrementum = growth, increase, offspring
increpito (-are) = to call out to, to rebuke
increpo (of persons) = to chide, rebuke
increpo = to rebuke
incresco (-ere) = to grow in, or upon
incruente = without bloodshed
incubo = to brood over, lie in a place, attach oneself to
incubo = to hang over, lie heavily upon, dwell in
inculco = to crowd in, press in, trample in, impress upon
inculpatus = innocent, without blame, guiltless
inculta = waste, desert
incultus = neglect, lack of cultivation
incultus = untidy, neglected
incultus = untilled, uncultivated
incultus = untilled, uncultivated, unpolished, rude, rough
incumbo = to apply oneself, concentrate, favor, further
incumbo = to depend on, devote oneself to
incumbo = to lie or lean upon, lean over, overhang
incunabula = swddling clothes, infancy, birthplace, source
incunctanter = unhesitatingly
incuratus = unhealed, uncured, untended
incuria = carelessness, neglect
incuriose = negligently, carelessly
incuriosus = neglect, careless, negligent
incurro = to [+ acc] incur
incurro = to run into, assail, attack, raid into, come upon
incursio = attack, assault
incursio = clash, collision, attack, raid, foray, invasion
incurso = to collide with, strike against, attack
incursus = an attack, assault
incursus = an attack, assault, efforts, impulses
incurvo (-are) = to bend, curve, make crooked
incutio = to strike into
indagatio = investigation
inde = thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter
indebitus = not owed, not due
indemnis = innocent
indicibilis = indescribable, inexpressible
indicium = data, information, evidence, indication, pointer
indicium = sign
indico = to disclose
indico = to enjoin
indico = to proclaim, make publicly known, announce
indifferens = neither good nor bad
indifferente = indifferently
indifferenter = indiscriminately
indigentia = indigence, poverty, destitution
indigeo = to require, need, stand in need of
indignatio = displeasure
indignatio = indignation
indignatus = indignant
indignus = unbecoming
indignus = unworthy, lacking in merit, unfit
indigus, indiguus = desirous, needful of
indissolubilis = indestructible
indo (past indidi) = to establish, cause, occasion
indoles = genius, disposition, talent, tendency, metier
indomitus = untamed, wild
indubitanter = without doubts, confident, without hesitation
induco = bring in, introduce, induce, persuade, decide
induco = cover, put on clothing, erase writing, revoke
induco = to bring, lead, conduct
induco indux inductum = to lead in, introduce, induce, influence
induco-are = to lead
indulgens = indulgent
indulgeo = to pardon, forgive, excuse
industria = diligence
industrius = industrious, diligent, assiduous, hard-working
indutiae = truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities
indutus = attired, clad
indutus = enveloped, decked out, dressed
induviae = clothes, clothing, garb
inedicabilis = unexplainable, inexplicable
inedicibilis = inexpressible
ineffabilis = unutterable
inefficaciter = ineffectually, vainly, in vain
inefficax = ineffectual, unproductive, profitless, weak
inennarabilis = indescribable
ineo = to begin
ineo = to enter, go in, begin, commence, undertake
ineptio = to play the fool, to trifle
inermis = defenseless, harmless, impotent, without strength
iners = unskilled
inexperta = untried
inexpugnabilis = impregnable, unconquerable
infamo = to put to shame, disgrace
infandum = oh woe unutterable!
infans = child, infant
infantia = infancy, babyhood
infector = dyer
infectum reddere = to revoke, render impossible, make voil
infectus = discolored, darkened, corrupted
infectus = unworked, not done, unfinished, incomplete
infecunditas = barrenness, sterility
infecundus = barren, sterile
infelicitas = bad luck, misfortune
infeliciter = unhappily
infelix = unfruitful, barren, unproductive, infertile
infenso = to attack, avenge
infensus = hostile, agressive, dangerous
inferi = those down below, the dead
inferne = on the lower side, below
infero (in logic) = to infer, conclude
infero = to carry in, put or place on
infero = to otherwise bring upon, enter, be troublesome
infero = to say or put forth, bring forth, bring out
inferus = below, under, southern
infervesco = to come to a boil, become hot
infeste = in a hostile manner, belligerently
infesto = to attack, disquiet
infesto = to molest
infestus = aggressive, hostile, dangerous
inficio = to discolor
inficio infeci infectum = to poison, taint, corrupt
inficio infeci infectum = to tinge, dye, stain, imbue
infideles = faithless [ones]
infidelis = unfaithful, disloyal, untrue
infidelitas = faithlessnes, disloyalty
infideliter = faithlessly, disloyally
infidus = untru, disloyal
infigo = to fix, fasten, to imprint, impress
infindo infidi infissum = to cut into
infinitas infinitio = eternity, infinity, endlessnes
infinitus = unlimited, infinite, without bounds, boundless
infirmatio = weakening, refusing, invalidating
infirme = weakly, faintly
infirmitas = infirmity
infirmitas = weakness, feebkeness, instability, fickleness
infirmo = to weaken, shake, invalidate, annull/disprove
infirmus = not strong, weak, feeble, (sometimes)
infit = he, she, or it begins, begins to speak
infitialis = negative, containing a no, rejection
infitias ire = to deny
infitior = to deny, deny a debt, refuse to return something
inflammatio = setting afire, inspiring
inflammo = to set on fire, inflame, to torch, kindle
inflatio = inflation, flatulence
inflatius = too pompous, on a grander scale
inflatus = blowing into, blast, inspiration
inflatus = pompous, swollen, puffed up, inflated
inflecto = to warp, change, sway, affect
inflecto inflexi inflectum = to bend, bow, curve
infletus = unwept, unmourned, unlamented
inflexibilis = unbending
inflexio = a bending, swaying
inflexus = bending, curving
infligo inflixi inflictum = to strike, hit, knock, cause damage
inflo = to blow
inflo = to inflate, swell
influo influi influxum = to flow in, to rush in, steal in
infodio infodi infossum = to dig in, bury
informatio = concept, idea
informis = formless, shapeless, deformed, hideous
informo = to instruct
infortunatus = unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky
infortunium = misfortune, bad luck, punishment
infra (+ acc.) = below, under, (time)
infra (adv.) = below, underneath, to the south, in the underworld
infra inferius infimus = low down
infractio = a breaking, infractio aninimi dejection
infractus = broken, weakened, impaired
infragilis = unbreakable, strong
infremo = to growl
infrenatus = without a bridle
infrendeo = to gnash the teetch
infrenis = unbridled
infreno = to bridle, check, restrain, break in
infrequens = scanty, thin, uncrowded, infrequent
infrequentia = scantiness, emptiness, loneliness
infructuosus = unproduction, infertile, unfruitful
infrunitus = silly
infucatus = colored
infula = headband (worn by a priest), insignia
infula = insignia of office, headband, fillet
infulatus = crowned with an episcopal mitre
infundo infudi infusum = to pour in or over, (+ dat.)
infusco = to make dark, blacken
infusio = wetting, dousing, drenching
ingemino = to redouble, repeat, be redoubled, increase
ingemisco = to groan
ingemisco = to groan, sigh over
ingemo (+ dat.) = to groan, sigh over
ingenero = to plant, implant, generate
ingeniose = cleverly
ingeniosus = able, talented, neturally fit, adapted
ingenium = innate character, talent, nature
ingens = of immoderate size, vast, huge, monstrous, remark
ingens = prodigious
ingenuitas = free birth, noble-mindedness, frankness, openness
ingenuus = free-born, noble-minded, upright, honorable
ingero = to go off to, betake oneself to, pour forth
inglorius = without fame, unddistinguished, inglorious
ingluvies (of an animal) = crop, maw
ingrate ingratiis ingratis = unwillingly, ungratefully
ingratus = ungrateful, unpleasant, disagreeable
ingravo = to weight down, aggravate, afflict
ingredior = to enter upon, begin on, (with inf.)
ingredior ingredi ingressus = to step in, enter, go in, walk
ingredior vi ventorum = to proceed on the winds
ingressio = an entering, beginning
ingressus = entering, going in, inroad, movement/assault
ingruenter = violently
ingruo = to fall upon, assail, attack, assault
ingruo = to fall violently upon, assail, assault
inguen = the groin
ingurgito = to glut oneself, gorge
ingustatus = untasted
inhabilis = unmanageable, ill-fit, poorly adapted, unsuited
inhabitabilis = uninhabitable, unfit for man or beast
inhabito = to inhabit
inhaeresco inheresco = to adhere to, begin to cling to
inhaero = to adhere
inhaero inhero = to stick in, cling to, cleave to
inhalo = to breathe upon
inhibeo = to hold in, check, restrian, back water, practice
inhibeo = use, employ
inhio = to [+ dat] attend closely to, [+ ad, pro] desire
inhio = to gape, yearn for, desire, want, covet
inhoneste = dishonorably
inhonesto = to disgrace, dishonor
inhonestus = degraded, dishonored, dishonorable, shameful
inhonoratus = unrewarded, not honored
inhonorus = dishonored
inhorreo = to bristle
inhorresco = to begin to bristle, shudder, quiver, shake
inhospitalis = inhospitable
inhospitalitas = lack of hospitality
inhospitus = inhospitable
inhumane = inhumanly
inhumanitas = curelty, inhumanity, incivility, discourtesy
inhumaniter = discourteously
inhumanus = cruel, savage, barbarous, inhuman, uncivil
inhumatus = unburied
inibi = therein, in that place, (time)
inicio inieci iniectum = to throw on, put on, don, inspire
inimicus = personal enemy, foe, opponent
inique = unfairly
iniquitas = injustice, iniquity, unfairness
iniquus = unequal, unjust, unfair
initium = beginning, start, commencement, origin
iniuria = injury, damage, hurt, injustice, wrong
iniustus = unjust, inequitable, unfair
injurius = wrongful, acting unlawfully
injustus = wrongful
innocens = blameless
innocuus = innocent
innotesco = to become know, noted
innotesco = to become known
innumerus = countless
innuo = to give a nod to, give a sign to
inobedio-ire = disobident, disloyal
inolesco = to grow in or on
inopia = scarcity, poverty
inopinatus = unexpected
inopportunitas = inconvenience, unseemly event
inopportunus = unfitting, inopportune
inops = destitute, impoverished, indigent, powerless
inops = poor, helpless, in need, needy, wthout resources
inquam = I say
inquinamentum = filth
inquiro = to ask, examine, search for
inquis = you say
inquisitor = [med] juror, member of an inquest, trustee
inquit = he, she, it says
inrideo = to laugh at, mock, ridicule
inritus irritus = void, invalid, in vain, useless, ineffectual
insania = insanity, irrationality, madness, folly
insanio = rage
insanum = foolish
insciens = unknowing, unaware, ignorant
inscribo = inscribe, entitle, enlist
insensatus = irrational
insequor = to follow, pursue, assail, reproach, rebuke
inservio = to be a slave, serve, be devoted to
insideo = sit upon something, be firmly placed
insidiae (plural) = treachery, ambushes, plots, conspiracies
insidiae = snares
insidiator = one who lies in wait
insidior = to [+ dat] lie in wait for, plot against
insigne = badge
insignio = to put a mark upon, adorn, distinguish
insignis = distinguished
insigniter = to be built on, distinction/distinguished
insigno = to engrave
insinuo = to insinuate, work one's way in, intimate
insisto = to [+ dat] persist in, urge
insolesco = to grow haughty
insolita = unaccustomed, unusual
insolitus = unaccustomed, unusual, strange, uncommon
insolubilis = indissoluble
insons = guiltless, innocent
insons insontis = guiltless, innocent
insperate = unexpectedly
insperatus = unexpected, unlooked for, unanticipated
inspicio = to consider, perceive
inspiro = to inspire
insquequo = until
instabilitas = constant motion, restlessness
instanter = urgently
instar = a form, figure, after the fashion of, like
instigatus = incited
instigo = to goad, incite, stimulate, urge
instituo = to establish, found, institute
instituo-ui-utum = 3, put in place, begin
instituta apostolica = canon law
institutio = custom, institution, tradition
insto = to be earnestly engaged in, draw nigh
insto = to pursue eagerly, devote oneself to
instructus (from instruo) = equipped, trained, supplied
instructus = trained, taught
instructus = versed in
instruo = prepare, provide, draw up an order of battle
instruo = to built in, set up, construct, furnish, train
instruo = to draw up
insuadibilis = adamant, immovable, not to be persuaded
insudo (with ablative) = exert oneself in, busy oneself with
Insula = Lille
insula = island
insulto = to leap at or on, revile, insult, deride
insultus = attack, assault
insum = [inesse, infuit] to be in or on, contained in
insumo = get one's wish, obtain one's desire
insumptuosus = inexpensive, cheap, economical
insuper = as mentioned above
insurgo = to rise up, [+ remis] ply one's oars
insurgo insurgi insurrectum = to rise up, rebel, revolt
integer = irreproachable, chaste
integer = whole, untouched, unhurt, undamaged, complete
integritas = integrity
intellectus = meaning, understanding
intellego intellexi intellect = to understand, comprehend, see
intemporaliter = eternally, without end
intemptesta nox = dead of night
intendo = to extend, aim, direct, direct one's course
intendo = to stretch, strain, try to prove
intenta = earnestness, seriousness
intentio = effort, exertion, attention, intent, attack
intentio = intention, plan, aim, design, purpose
intentor = informant
intentus = thorough, tense, anxious, strict
inter (+ acc.) = between, among
inter = approximately, about, around, roughly
inter canem et lupum = at twilight
intercapedo = interval, space
intercipio intercepi intercep = to intercept
interdico = to forbid
interdico = to forbid, prohibit, outlaw, gain an injunction
interdico = to place an interdict
interdum = sometimes, now and then, at times
intereo = to perish, die
intereo = to perish, die, go to ruin, decay
intereo = to to be undone, take part in
interfectio-onis = f, a killing
interficio interfeci interfec = to kill, murder, slay
interfixus = paved, made firm
interiectio = interjection
interimo = to slay, kill, slaughter
interitus = ruin, destruction
internecio = destruction
internuntius = go-between
internus = deep, inward
interpellatio = to appeal, suit
interpolatio = interval
interpono = to place between, interpose, intervene
interpretor = to explain
interrogatio = interrogation, inquiry
interrogo = to inquire
intertio = arrest, seize, take into custody
interventus = mediation
intervigilium = a nap, a doze, forty winks
intestinus = internal, inner
intextus = embroidered
intimo = to announce
intolerabiliter = unsupportably
intoneo = to resound
intorqueo = twist, distort
intrepidus = eager, hot-blooded
intrepidus = unshaken, undaunted
intrico = to entangle
intro = to walk into, enter, make one's way into
introduco = to lead in, introduce
intueor = to admire, contemplate, observe, look upon
intueor = to look at attentively, gaze at, consider
intuitus = contemplation
intumesco = to swell up, increase, swell with anger
intumesco = to swell, puff up
intus = within
inultus = unavenged, unpunished
inundantia = flood, overflowing, inundation
invado = to assail, usurp, seize, attack, fall upon
invado = to attack, usurp
invado = to undertake, go in, enter, get in
invalesco = to gather strength, become stronger
invectio = invective, scolding
invective = scoldingly
invenio = to come upon, find, discover
inventor = contriver, inventor, discoverer
investigo = to track down, investigate
inveteratus = hardened by age, of long-standing
invetero = to give duration, to render old
invicem = one after the other, by turns, mutually, each oth
invicem = reciprocally
invictus = unconquer, unconquerable, undefeated
invideo = to envy, be jealous of, look upon with envy
invideo = to envy, refuse
invidia = envy, jealousy, hatred, censure
invidus = envious
inviso = to go to see, visit, inspect, look at
invisus = hated, hateful
invito = to invite, summon
invitus = unwilling, against one's will
invocatio = invocation, an invoking
involvo = to wrap
ioco iocor = to joke, jest, make merry
iocus = joke, jest, jape, gag
ipse ipsa ipsum = himself, herself, itself
ipsemet = his own very self
ira = anger
ira = anger, wrath
iratus = angry, wrathful
ire = go
ironia = irony
ironice = ironically
irradio = to beam forth
irrepo = to insinuate oneself, steal in
irretitus = caught in a net, trapped
irreverens = disrespectful
irrisorie = ironically, with a smile
irrito = to irritate, exasperate, excite
irritum = nothingness, worthlessness, vanity
irritus = undecided, void, unfixed, of no effect
irritus = vain, useless, ineffectual, of not effect
irrumpo = to burst upon
irruo = to rush into, rush upon, attack
is ea id = this, that, he, she, it
iste ista istud = that, sometimes pejorative
ita = so, thus
ita ut (with subj.) = in such a way that
Italia = Italy
itaque (adv.) = and, so, therefore
itaque = consequently, so, subsequently
item = adv, likewise, moreover
iter itineris = road, route, journey
itero = to repeat, say again, iterate
iterum = again, a second time, once more
iubeo = to order, bid
iubeo iussi iussum = to order, command, tell someone to do
jubilo = to shout
jubilus = shout of joy
iucunditas = pleasure, charm
iucundus = agreeable, pleasant, gratifying
jucundus = pleasant, delightful
iudex = judge, juror
iudicium = judgment, decision, opinion, trial
judicium = trial, legal investigation, judgement, decision
judico = to condemn, judge, try
iudico = to judge, consider
judico = to pass judgment
juge = always
jugis = continual, ceaseless, perennial, constant
jugis = continual, perpetual
iugis iuge = perpetual, continuous
jugiter = continually, perpetually, constantly, instantly
jugiter = perpetually, continually
iugo = to bind together, connect, couple
iugosus = mountainous
jugulo = to slaughter
iugulum iugulus = the throat
iugum = crossbar, beam of scales, crest, ridge
jugum = ridge, rising
iugum = yoke, a team of oxen, a pair, bond, union, slaver
iuguolo = to cut the throat, butcher, kill, destroy
iumentum = beast of burden
jumentum = draft animal
iunceus = made of rushes
iunctio = connection, joining
iunctura = a joining, joint, rekationship, combination
iunctus = -a, -um united, connected, joined together
iuncus = the rush
iungo iunxi iunctum = to join, unite, cinnect, yoke, harness, to mate
iuniperus = the juniper tree
juramentum = oath, act of oath-taking
iurare = swear
iuratus = under oath
iureiuro = to swear an oath
iurgium = quarrel, altercation, brawl
jurgium = strife, contention, to cause strife, brawl
iurisdictio = administration of justice, extent of competence
iuro = to swear, to make an oath
jus = right, law
ius iurandum iuris iurandi et = oath
ius iuris = justice, law, right, broth, soup
jussio = order
iussu (abl.) = at the command of, by order of
iusta = due forms, funereal rites
iuste = fairly, justly, rightly
justicia = equity, justice
justifico = to forgive
iustitia = justice, fairness, equity
iustum = what is right
justus = equitable
iustus = just, right, equitable, fair, lawful, proper
iuvenalis iuvenilis = youthful
iuvenesco = to reach the prime of life
juvenis = young man, youth
juventus = the age of youth (20-40 years)
iuventus = youth (between 20 and 45)
iuvo = to help, aid, assist, to please, delight, gratify
iuxta (+ acc.) = close to, near to, (time)
juxta = adv, in a like manner, likewise
iuxta = close by, near, in like manner, equally
iuxta = just short of
iuxtim = equally
ivi = past tense of eo