Latin (H) to English

habenae = government, reins
habeo habui habitum = to have, hold, possess, consider, regard
habere = have, have got
habilis = suitable, fit
habito = to have frequently, dwell, reside, take possession
habito = to dwell, abide
habitudo = condition
habitus = disposed, in a certain condition
hac = this side, this way, here
hac (fem. sing. abl.) = He who lives BY THIS (the sword).
hactenus = hitherto, up to this point, so far
Hadria = Adriatic, Adriatic Sea
hae he (fem. plur. nom) = THESE (speeches)
haec hec (fem. sing. nom.) = THIS (sword)
haereticum = n, heretical
haero = to be brought to a standstill, keep at, hesitate
Hafnia = Copenhagen
hanc (fem. sing. acc.) = She wasted THIS (her youth)
harum (fem. plur. gen.) = The city wall had four OF THESE (gates)
has (fem. plur. acc.) = They gave THESE (their lives)
Hasnonium = Hasnon
hasta = spear
haud = no, not at all, by no means
haurio = to devour
hebes = sluggish
hebeto = to blunt
hedera = ivy
Helcim = Helchin on the left bank of the Scheldt
Heniis Harniis = Hames
Herebus = Lower World
hereditas = inheritance, often simply, property
hesito (haesito) = to be unsure, uncertain, wavering
Hesperus = Hesperus
heu = alas!
heus = hark!
hi (masc. plur. nom.) = THESE (men)
hic = here
hic (adv.) = here
hic (masc. nom. sing.) = THIS (house)
hic haec (hec ) = hoc
hiems = winter
hilaris = cheerful, merry, gay
hinc = after this
hinc = from this place, hence
hinc hinc = on every side
hinc inde = from different directions
hinnire = whinny
hinnus = mule
hio = to gape wide
Hirenses, Irenses = Irish
his (fem. plur. abl) = A life is enriched BY THESE (friendships)
his (fem. plur. dat.) = She gave her property TO THESE (churches)
his (masc. plur. abl.) = They passed BY THESE (roads)
his (neut. plur. dat.) = Listen TO THESE (orders)
Hispania = Spain
Hispanus = Spanish
Hister = Danube
hoc (masc. sing. abl.) = He gave plenty FOR THIS (field)
hoc (neut. sing. abl.) = Do not hesistate BECAUSE OF THIS! (doubt)
hoc (neut. sing. acc.) = Break THIS! (fetter)
hoc (neut. sing. nom.) = THIS (monastery)
hodie = today
hodie = today, to-day
hodiernus = of today
Hoienses = huy, belgium, between liege and namur
holocaustum = offering
homo = man, human being
homo hominis = human being, man
honestas = respectful treatment, respectability
honeste = respectfully, properly, suitably, appropriately
honesto = to embellish
honestus = respectable, distinguished
honestus = honorable, respectable, fine, beautiful, proper
honor = honor, esteem, public office
honor = honor, honour
honor = official dignity or office, ornaments, esteem
honorabilis = respectful
honorifice = honorably, respectfully, with deference, duly
honoro = to honor
hora = hour, o'clock, time
hora = hour, time
hordeum, ordeum = barley
horrendus = dreadful
horrendus = horrible, dreadful
horreo = to [+ ne] shudder at, be horrified at
horresco = to begin to shake
horror = horror
hortor = exhort, incite, encourage
hortor = to instigate
hortus = garden
hortus ortus = garden, pl. grounds, park
horum (masc. plur. gen.) = The horses OF THESE (soldiers)
horum (neut. plur. gen) = The cattle OF THESE (monsters)
hos (masc. plur. acc.) = They burned THESE (houses)
hospes = foreigner, stranger, guest
hospes = guest, host, stranger
hospitalis = hospitable
hospitium = friendship
hospitium = hospitality, guest chambers, inn
hospito = to welcome
hostes hostium = the enemy
hostilis = hostile or enemy, armed
hostilitas = enmity
hostiliter = by force of arms
hostis = an enemy of the state
hostis = enemy
huic (fem sing. dat.) = There is a statue IN THIS (abbey)
huic (masc. sing. dat.) = He sent FOR THIS (doctor)
huic (neut sing. dat.) = i'd give my right arm FOR THIS (cookie)
huius (fem. sing. gen.) = They are fond OF THIS (change)
huius (masc. fem. neut. gen. = Go ahead, eat some OF THIS
humanitas = gentleness
humanitas = kindness, culture, refinement
humanus = pertaining to man, humane, cultured
humilio = to abase
humilis = humble
humilis = lowly, humble
humilitas = humility
humo = to inter
humo = cover with earth, bury
humus = ground, earth, soil, land, country
humus = region, earth, soil, dirt, sod
hunc (masc. sing. acc.) = He ate THIS (fruit)
Hunnam = Bunna
hyæna = hyaena, hyena
hydrus = serpent, snake
hypocrita = hypocrite
hypotheca = mortgage