faba | = | broad bean |
faber | = | skilled, ingenious |
faber | = | craftsman, artisan |
fabre | = | skillfully, ingeniously |
fabrica | = | manufacture, craft, trade, art, trick, device |
fabrico | = | to construct |
fabrilis | = | workmanlike |
fabula | = | fable, story, tale, play |
fabula | = | fable |
facesso | = | to work zealously, do, accomplish |
facies | = | face |
facies | = | aspect, appearance, look, condition |
facies | = | face, visage, countenance |
facile | = | easily, without difficulty |
facilis | = | easy, agreeable, affable, pleasant |
facillimus | = | easiest, most agreeable, pleasantest |
facina -oris | = | bad deed, crime, villainy, deed, action |
facinarose | = | viciously, scandalously |
facinus | = | villainy |
facio | = | to sacrifice, suit, help, be of service |
facio | = | to give permission, to experience, suffer |
facio (trans.) | = | to make, do, act, perform, cause, bring about |
facio + inf. | = | to bring to pass, to order, to have done |
facio servitium | = | to be in one's service |
facis | = | a bundle, packet |
facticius | = | artificial, man-made |
factum | = | deed, accomplishment, work, act, achievement |
factum | = | action |
facultas | = | feasibility, opportunity, resources, abundance |
facultas | = | power, means, opportunity, capacity, ability |
facultas | = | ability, store, wealth |
facunda | = | eloquent |
facunde | = | eloquently, fluently |
facundia | = | fertile, productive, profitable |
facunditas | = | fertility, qickness or readiness of speech |
facundus | = | eloquent, fluent, ready of speech |
faeneror | = | to hunt, loan, join |
faex | = | impurities |
fallo | = | to deceive, dupe |
falsidicus | = | lying |
falsus | = | false, deceptive |
falx | = | scythe |
fama | = | talk, report, rumor, gossip, tradition |
fama | = | report, common talk, fame |
famen | = | word, utterance, articulation |
fames | = | famine, hunger |
fames | = | hunger |
familia | = | family |
familia | = | family, household |
familiaris | = | belonging to a household, friendly, intimate |
familiaritas | = | confidential friendship, intimacy |
famosus | = | much spoken of, renowned, notorious, infamous |
famulatus | = | obeisance, attention, obedience, allegiance |
famulatus | = | servitude, slavery, service, an extablishment of |
famulo | = | to attend |
famulor | = | to be a servant, to serve, attend, obey |
famulus | = | serving, servile, a servant, slave |
fanaticus | = | enthusiastic, inspired, frenzied |
fanum | = | a temple or church with the land around it |
far farris | = | spelt, grain, meal |
farci, farci, fartum | = | to fill up, stuff |
farcio | = | to stuff |
farina | = | meal or flour |
farrago | = | mixed fodder for cattle, mash, mishmash, medley |
farratus | = | provided with grain |
fartim | = | stuffing, filling |
fartor | = | one who fattens fowls |
fas | = | divine law or command, fate, destiny, lawful |
fascia | = | bandage, band, girdle, girth |
fascino | = | to bewitch, envy |
fascis | = | bundle, burden |
fastidio | = | to dislike, have an aversion to, loathe |
fastidiosus | = | squeamish, dainty, fastidious |
fastidium | = | aversion, loathing |
fastidium | = | scorn, disdain, haughtiness |
fastidium | = | disgust, dislike, sqeamishness |
fastigate | = | slantingly |
fastigatus | = | pointed down, sloping down |
fastosus | = | pride, haughtiness |
fastus | = | haughtiness |
fatalis | = | deadly, fated |
fateor | = | to confess, admit, allow, reveal, make known |
fatigatus | = | wearied |
fatigo | = | worry, fatigue, vex, harass, tease |
fatigo | = | to harass, torment |
fatua | = | foolish |
fatum | = | fate, destiny, doom, lot, weird |
fatuo | = | to render vain, cause to fail |
fautor | = | favorer, promoter, patron, partisan, supporter |
fautor | = | promoter |
faveo | = | to favor, befriend, delight in approval |
faveo (+ dat.) | = | be favorable to, aid, support, help |
faveo (+ inf.) | = | To be inclined to do |
favillesco | = | to reduce to ashes |
feculentia | = | dregs, lees, impurities, filth |
fecunda | = | plentifully furnished, fertile |
fecundo | = | fertilize, make fruitful |
fefello | = | to be failed by, disappointed by something |
felicitas | = | happiness |
feliciter | = | happily |
felix | = | happy, fortunate |
felix felicis | = | lucky, fortunate, happy |
femina | = | woman |
fenestra | = | window |
fera | = | wild animal |
fera | = | animal, beast |
fere | = | almost, nearly |
fere | = | well-nigh |
fere | = | almost, nearly, not quite, generally |
feretrum | = | bier, litter |
feretrum | = | bier |
ferinus | = | brutal |
feritas | = | wildness, savageness |
feriter | = | fiercely |
ferito | = | to fight, strike, deal blows, lash out |
ferme, fere | = | almost, about |
fero tuli latum | = | to carry, bring, tell, relate, and much else |
ferocia | = | high spirit, courage, arrogance, ferocity |
ferocitas | = | courage, untamed spirit, arogance |
ferocitas | = | savageness |
ferociter | = | with spirit, courageously, arrogantly, forciously |
ferox | = | headstrong |
ferox | = | spirited, courageous, warlike, wild, arrogant |
ferramenta | = | tools made of iron, or shod with iron |
ferramentum | = | iron implement |
ferrarius | = | of iron, a blacksmith, iron mines |
ferrati | = | cuirassiers |
ferratilis | = | in chains (slaves and prisoners) |
ferratus | = | iron-clad |
ferratus | = | a soldier in armor, in chains |
ferreus | = | made of iron, hard, unfeeliing, cruel, unbending |
ferrugineus | = | rust colored, dusky |
ferrugo | = | the color of rust |
ferrum | = | iron |
ferrum | = | iron, sword |
ferrum | = | sword, arms, iron, horseshoe |
fertilis | = | fruitful, fertile, productive |
fertilitas | = | abundance |
fertilitas | = | fertility, fruitfulness |
ferula | = | the herb fennel, a rad to beat children with |
ferus | = | fierce |
ferus | = | fierce, wild, savage, untamed |
fervefacio | = | to heat, boil, melt |
fervens | = | glowing, hot, heated, (character) |
ferventer | = | hotly, warmly |
ferveo | = | be excited by passion, rage |
ferveo | = | to boil, foam, glow |
ferveo | = | to be boiling hot, boil, seethe, glow |
fervesco | = | to become hot, begin to glow or boil |
fervidus | = | fiery |
fervidus | = | boiling, seething, foaming, fiery, passionate |
fessus | = | wearied |
fessus | = | tired |
festinanter | = | hastily |
festinatio | = | speed, haste |
festino | = | to hasten, hurry, speed |
festino | = | to make haste |
festinus | = | hastening, hasty |
festivus | = | festive |
feteo | = | to have a bad odor, stink |
fictus | = | feigned |
ficus | = | fig |
ficus | = | fig tree |
fidelis | = | untranslated |
fidelis | = | faithful, loyal, true |
fidelitas | = | fidelity, loyalty, homage |
fidens | = | confident, without fear, courageous |
fides | = | trustworthiness, protection |
fides | = | trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith |
fides | = | lyre, string |
fides | = | promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement |
fides | = | promise, trust, faith, belief, truth |
fiducia | = | trustworthiness, confidence, reliance |
fiducia | = | confidence, trust, assurance |
fiducialiter | = | confidently |
fidus | = | trusty |
fiendo | = | f.p.p, same as faciendo, the making |
filia | = | daughter |
filiolus | = | godson, ward, foster-son |
filius | = | son |
fimus | = | dung, dirt, filth, manure |
fines | = | territory, limits, borders |
fines finium | = | boundaries, limits, territory |
finio | = | to cease |
finis | = | end, ending |
finis | = | end, limit, boundary, purpose |
finitimus | = | adjoining |
finitimus finitumus | = | neighboring, adjacent, related to, similar |
fio, fieri, factus | = | be made, be done, become |
firmamentum | = | strengthening, prop, the main point, support |
firmiter | = | enduringly |
firmitudo | = | durability |
firmo | = | to assert, maintain, strengthen, make firm |
firmo | = | to make lasting, secure, affirm |
firmus | = | firm, strong, reliable, solid |
firmus | = | steadfast, constant, durable |
flagello | = | whip, scourge |
flagitiosa | = | infamous |
flagitium | = | disgraceful act |
flagrare | = | glow, glow with heat, burn |
flagro | = | to blaze |
flamen | = | breeze, holy spirit, wind |
flamma | = | flame, fire |
flandrensis | = | Fleming, of or from Flanders |
flatus | = | blowing, blast, breathing, arrogance, haughtiness |
flax, falcis | = | sickle, bill-hook, pruning hook |
flebilis | = | lamentable, doleful |
flecto | = | to overcome, bend |
fleo | = | to weep |
fleo | = | to weep, cry, shed tears, sob |
flere | = | to cry, shed tears |
fletus | = | weeping, tears |
flexilis | = | pliant |
floccipendo | = | account of slight value, take lightly |
floreo | = | to [+ abl.] be distinguished for |
floresco | = | to begin to blossom |
flos | = | crown, move to and fro, wander |
flos | = | bloom, flower |
fluctivagus | = | wave-driven |
fluctus | = | flood, billow |
fluctus | = | billow, wave |
fluidus | = | moist |
flumen | = | river |
fluo | = | to flow, pour, stream |
fodio | = | to prick, sting, jab |
foede | = | fouly, in a filty manner |
foedero | = | to ally, make a treaty, make a pact, federate |
foedis-e | = | foul, fithly |
foedo | = | to pollute |
foedus | = | alliance, agreement |
foeteo | = | to smell bad |
foetidus | = | smelly, stinking |
foetor | = | a bad smell, a stink |
foetus | = | young, progeny |
foliatus | = | leafy |
folium | = | leaf, sheet |
folium | = | leaf |
folliculus | = | small bag, small purse, little sack |
follis | = | a leather bag, purse, bellows, puffed-out cheeks |
fomentum | = | poultice, alleviation |
fomentum | = | nourishment |
fomes | = | stimulus, incentive, motive |
fomeus | = | smoky, smoke-filled |
fonticulus | = | small spring, little fountain |
for | = | say, sing in verse, speak |
forabilis | = | penetrable |
foras | = | outside, without, out of doors, +dare =to publish |
forca | = | pitfall, snare, trap |
forceps | = | pincers, tongs |
forda | = | a cow with calf |
fore, forem | = | future infinitive of sum |
forensis | = | relating to the forum, relating to legal business |
forensis | = | public |
forensis, e | = | legal |
forfex | = | scissors, shears |
foris | = | out of doors, outside, abroad, from abroad, from |
foris | = | a door, opening, entrance |
forma | = | appearance, model |
forma | = | forma, shape, beauty |
formalis | = | having a set or standard form, formal |
formamentum | = | conformation |
formator | = | a former, fashioner, maker |
formatura | = | forming, fashioning, shaping |
formica | = | ant |
formidilose | = | dreadfully, teribly |
formidilosus | = | causing dread, fear, terror |
formido | = | to be terrified, frightened, afraid |
formido | = | fear, dread |
formidolosus | = | fearful |
formo | = | to fashion |
formo | = | to shape, form, fashion |
formose | = | beautifully |
formositas | = | beauty |
formosus | = | beautiful, well-shaped |
formosus | = | finely formed |
formosus | = | beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely |
formula | = | physical beauty, formula, rule, principle |
fornacalis | = | relating to an oven |
fornacula | = | a small oven |
fornicatus | = | arched, vaulted |
foro | = | to bore, pierce, make a hole, penetrate |
fors-itis | = | chance, luck |
fors fortis | = | chance, luck, fortune |
forsit forsan forsitan | = | perhaps, probably |
fortasse | = | perhaps |
fortasse | = | maybe, perhaps, possibly |
forte | = | by chance, by luck, accidentally |
forte | = | perchance |
fortis | = | valiant |
fortis | = | strong, brave, powerful, robust, steadfast |
fortiter | = | valiantly |
fortiter | = | strongly, bravely |
fortitudo | = | physical strength, courage, moral bravery |
fortitudo | = | courage |
fortuito (used as adverb) | = | accidentally, by chance |
fortuitus | = | accidentally, by luck, casual |
fortuitus | = | accidental, by chance, fortuitous |
fortuna | = | fortune, luck, fate, chance |
fortuna | = | condition |
fortunate | = | fortunately, happily |
fortunatus | = | fortunate, lucky, wealthy, rich |
fortunatus | = | fortunate, lucky, happy |
fortuno | = | to make happy, to bless, to prosper |
foruli | = | book-case |
forum | = | market place, town square |
forus | = | gangway of a ship |
fossa | = | ditch, trench, channel, moat |
fossor | = | a digger, ditcher, sapper, fool, boor, clown |
fossura | = | digging, delving, sapping, ditching |
fovea | = | a pit, trap for game, pitfall |
foveo | = | to cherish, encourage, enfold |
fragilis | = | fragile, easily broken, fleeting, transitory |
fragilis | = | weak, feeble |
fragilitas | = | frailness, weakness, fragility, frailty |
fragilitas | = | frailty |
fragor | = | a crash, crack |
fragor | = | crashing |
fragosus | = | roaring, crashing, rough, broken |
fragro | = | to smell, be odiferous, redolent |
Franci | = | Franks |
Francigeni | = | Frankish people |
Francisca | = | Frankish |
frango | = | to break down |
frater | = | brother |
fraudatio | = | fraud, deceit, trickery |
fraudulentus | = | deceitful |
fraus | = | fraud |
frendo | = | to gnash one's teeth, bruise, crush, grind |
frendo | = | gnash the teeth, crush, bruise, grind |
freno | = | curb, restrain, hold back |
frenum | = | reins, bridle, bit, restraint |
frenum | = | bridle |
frequentatio | = | frequency, crowding |
frequenter | = | frequently |
frequentia | = | crowd |
frequentia | = | a large concourse, population, numerous assembly |
frequento | = | to crowd, visit |
frequento | = | to crowd, collect in large number, visit |
fretus | = | + abl. relying upon, depending on, banking on |
frigidus | = | feeble |
frigus | = | cold, coolness, cold of winter, dullness, indolen |
frigus | = | cold |
frivolus | = | trifling |
frons | = | forehead, brow, front |
fructuarius | = | fruitful, fertile |
fructus fructus | = | fruit, profit, enjoyment, produce |
frugalitas | = | frugality, economy, pinching pennies |
frumentum | = | grain |
fruor | = | to have the benefit of, to enjoy |
fruor | = | to enjoy, delight in, use |
frusto | = | to break to pieces |
frustra | = | in vain, mistakenly, wantonly, without reason |
frustra esse | = | to be deceived, to be mistaken |
frustro | = | to defraud, deprive |
frutex | = | shrub, bush |
frux | = | fruits of the earth, success |
frux, frugi | = | fruits of the earth |
fuga | = | flight, escape |
fugio | = | to flee, escape, runa aaway, avoid, shun |
fugo | = | to put to flight, chase away, drive into exile |
fugo | = | to put to flight, chase |
fulcio | = | to support, strengthen, uphold, to besiege |
fulcio | = | to strengthen |
fulgens | = | flashing, illustrious |
fulgeo (fulsi ) | = | to flash, shine, beam |
fulgetra | = | lightning |
fulgetrum | = | lightning |
fulgidus | = | glittering |
fulgur | = | lightning |
fulgur | = | to flash |
fultus | = | supporter |
fumidus | = | smoky, smoke-filled |
fumo | = | to smoke, steam, reek |
fundatio-onis | = | f, foundation |
fundator | = | m, founder |
funditus | = | totally |
funditus | = | utterly |
fundo | = | to cast to the ground, pour forth |
fundo | = | to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt, cast |
fundo | = | to found, establish |
fundo (milit.) | = | to rout, scatter, defeat, put to flight |
fundus | = | estate |
funestus | = | causing calamity, deadly |
fungor | = | to [+ abl.] discharge, administer |
fungor, fungi, functus | = | to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute |
funiculus | = | a thin rope, cord, string |
funis | = | rope, cord, line |
funis -is | = | rope, cord, line |
furax | = | inclined to steal |
furca | = | a fork, pitchfork, narrow pass |
furcifer | = | rascal |
furcillo | = | to act as a support |
furiae | = | madness |
furibundus | = | inspired, raging, furious |
furiosus | = | mad |
furo | = | to rage |
furor | = | madness, rage, frenzy |
furor | = | fury |
furs | = | thief |
furtificus | = | thievish |
furtim | = | by stealth |
furtim | = | by stealth, stealthily |
fusus (from fundo) | = | spread out, extended, wide, copious |
futurus | = | -a, -um, absurd |