Latin (D) to English

Daci = Dacians
dacigena = Dacian-born
damnatio = condemnation
damno = to condemn, damn
damno = to condemn
damnum = loss, damage, injury, a fine
damnum = loss, damage
dapes = fortune, wealth
dapifer = senescal
daps = banquet
dare = give
de = about, concerning
de (prep. + abl.) = down from, from, concerning, about
dealbo = to purify, whitewash
debello = to vanquish, finish a war, fight out
debello = cnquer, vanquish, end a war
debeo = to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound by
debilito = to weaken, ennervate, sap, exhaust
debitum = debt
debrio = to intoxicate
decem = ten
December = December
decens = becoming, graceful
decens, decenter = properly, fittingly, suitably
decenter = becomingly, properly
decentia = propriety, decency of behavior
decerno = to judge, resolve on
decerno = to decide, determine, settle
decerpo = to pluck off, to gather, take away
decertatio = a contest, contention
decerto = to contend, fight to the finish
decessio = decrease, diminution
decessio = a retreat, withdrawal, departure, leaving
decessor = someone who retires, a predecessor
decessus = retirement, withdrawal, departure, death
decet = it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper
decet = fitting
decido = to fall down, fall dead, die, sink, fall
decido (-cisi -cisum) = to cut down, cut off, arrange, settle
decies centena milia = million
decimus = tenth
decipio = to ensnare, deceive
decipio (deceptus) = ensnare, trap, beguile, deceive, cheat
declamatio = practice in oratory
declamatio = loud or violent speech, declamatio
declamo = to declaim, orate, speak loudly
declaratio = a clarification
declaro = to proclaim (a person as chosen)
declaro = to prove
declaro = to explain, explain, reveal
declinatio = avoiding, inflection, declension
declinatio = a turning aside, declining
declino = to turn away
declino = to turn aside, deflect, turn away
declino = avoid, deviate, swerve, digress
declive (-is) = a slope, decline
decoctor = a spendthrift, bankrupt
decollo (-are) = to behead
decolo (-are) = to trickle away
decolor (adj.) = pale, without color
decoloratio = discoloration
decoquo = to boil down, boil away, (metals)
decoquo (-ere, -coxi, -coctum = to waste, become bankrupt
decor = beauty, grace
decoro = beautify, embellish, adorn
decoro = to grace
decorus = decorated, elegant
decorus = beautiful, graceful, charming, proper, fit, become
decrepitus = infirm, decrepit
decresco = to wane
decresco = to decrease, grow smaller
decretum = ordinance, principle
decretum = decree, judgment, edict, order
decumbo = to fall, fall into, lie down
decurro = to run down, manoeuver, run in a race, take refuge
decurro = to sing
decurro = to sail downstream
decursio (milit.) = a charge, manoeuver
decursus = a running down, charge, manoeuver, attack
decursus = downward course
decurto = to mutilate
decus = honor, dignity, ornament
dedecor = unseemly, shameful, disgraceful, dishonorable
dedecus = shame, dishonor, disgrace, crime
dedecus = disgrace, blemish + gen
dedico = to dedicate
dedignor = to scorn
dedo = to surrender, consign
deduco = to escort, bring away
deduco = to lad out colonists, found a colony
defaeco = to cleanse, purify, purge
defendere = defend
defendo = to defend, ward off, protect, shelter
defendo = to support
defensabiliter = defensibly
defenso = to defend diligently
defensor = supporter, defender
defero = to carry, to bear, to bring
defero = to hand over, carry down, communicate, offer
defessus = weary, tired
defetiscor (defessus) = to grow tired, weary.
deficio = to to be wanting, to run out, fail, withdraw
deficio = weaken, to be in want
deficio (defectum) = to fail, to weaken, to be in want
defigo = to fasten
defigo = fasten down, secure, fix firmly, concentrate, fix
definxu obtutu = to one's gaze fixed and frozen
defleo = to bewail
defleo = to bewail, weep for
defluo = to flow away, disappear, be lost
defluo = to flow down, waste, disappear
defuncta = deceased
defungo = to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die
defungor = to pass away
degenero = to cause to degenerate, disgrace by degeneracy
degenero = to be unlike one's kind, fall off, degenerate
degero = to pass time, live
degusto = to taste
deinde = next, then, thereafter, from that place
deinde = adv, afterwards
delectabilis = delightful
delectare = please
delectatio = delight
delectatio = delight, pleasure, enjoyment
delecto = to attract, delight, (pass + abl)
delecto = to delight in, to love
delego = to transfer, commit, assign, impute, attribute
deleo = to obliterate, efface
deleo = blot out, erase, annihilate, destroy
deleo (deletum ) = to destroy, wipe out, erase
delibero = to determine, to be determined, resolve
delibero = to consider, deliberate
delibuo = to anoint
delicate = luxuriously, delicately, slowly
deliciae = allurements, charms, delights, fancies
delictum = transgression
delinquentes = transgressors
delinquo = to fail, be wanting, fail in duty, commit a crime
delitesco = to hide away
delubrum = shrine
deludo = to mock, cheat
deluo = to cleanse
demens (dementis ) = insane, mad, out of one's mind, foolish
demergo = to plunge
demergo = to sink, plunge into, dip under, go into debt
demitto = set down, let fall
demitto = to let down, lower
demo = to take away, subtract
demo = to remove
demonstro = to indicate, show, describe, explain
demonstro = to prove
demoror = to loiter, linger, tarry, belay
demulceo = to stroke down, caress by stroking
demulceo = to soften
demum = at length at las, finally
denego = to refuse, deny, reject
denique = at last, finally, again, in short
denominata = designated, designate specifically
dens = tooth
dens (dentis ) = tooth
densitas = thickness
denso = to grow thick
denuncio = declare, give notice, announce
denuntio = announce
denuntio = to announce officially, pronounce, declare
denuo = anew, again, a second time, afresh
deorsum = downwards
depascor = to feed upon
depereo = to perish, be utterly ruined
deponere = deposit
depono = to set down, bring down
depono = to put down, lay aside
depopulatio = pillaging, looting, sacking, plundering, robbing
depopulo = to pillage
depopulor = to pillage
deporto = to carry [off], fetch
deporto = to carry off, to take away
deposco = to earnestly request
deposco depoposci = to demand
depraedor depredor = to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage
deprecatio = prayer
deprecativus = deprecative
deprecator = intercessor, one who pleads on behalf
deprecor = to entreat for, beg for, intercede, curse
deprecor = to deprecate, intercede?
deprecor = to beg by entreaty, to excuse oneself, curse
deprehendo = to understand, overtake
deprehensio = detection
deprimo (depressus) = to press down, depress, low-lying
depromo = to take down, produce, fetch out
depulso = push aside, thrust away
deputari = to be classed among, be condemned to
deputo = to count, estimate/prune, cut off
derelinquo = to forsake, desert, abandon
derideo = to laugh at, mock, deride
derigesco = to become stiff
derigo = [-rexi, -rectum] to set straight, put in order
deripio = to tear down, snatch away
deruptus = broken off
desaevio = to rave furiously
describo = to describe, register, assign
desero = to abandon, foresake
desero = to leave, abandon, foresake
desideratus = welcome
desiderium = wish, longing, regret, grief, want, need
desidero = to long for, wish for greatly, to miss
desidiosus = lazy, unmotivated
designo = designate, define, describe, mark out
designo = to represent
designo = to define, describe, designate
desino = to to stop, leave off
desino = leave off, give over, cease, stop, end, desist
desino (desiit) = to leave off, give over, cease, stop, desist
desipio = to act foolishly, play the fool
desisto = to desist from
desolo = to desert, foresake, leave
desolo = to leave desolate, abandoned, to forsake
desparatus = given up on, desparate
despectivus = despicable
despecto = overlook, dispise, look down upon
desperata = irremediable
despero = to be without hope, despair, despair of, give up
despero = to despair
despero = to have no hope, despair, give up
despiciens = contemptuous
despicio = to disdain
despicio = to look down, regard from above, despise
desposco = to demand
destinatus = resolute, firm, determined, with one's mind made
destino = to fasten down, make fast, fix, determine settle
destituo = to abandon, defraud
destituo = to place, leave in the lurch, abandon
destitutus = destitue of
destruo = to tear down
desudo = to exert oneself
desuesco = to to be unaccustomed
desumo = to select, elect, choose, take out
desuper = from above
detego = to expose
determino = to fix the limits of, set boundaries to, delimit
determino = to settle, prescribe
detestabilis = execrable
detestor = to denounce
detineo = to keep back, detain, hang onto
detineo = hold off, hold back, detain
detraho = to drag off
detrimentum = damage, loss, detriment
detrimentum = defeat, damage
detrudo = to thrust down
deus = God, god
deus = god
devasto = to lay waste, ravage
devenio = to come to, arrive at, reach
devia = lonely, unfrequented places
devia = out-of-the-way roads
devinco = to subdue
devio = to turn from the straight road
devito = to avoid
devius = inconstan
devoco = to call away, call down, call aside
devoro = to devour
devotio = piety
devotio (Christian) = piety, devotion, zeal
devoveo = to consecrate, sacrifice, devote, curse, execrate
dexter = right, righthand
dexter = right, on the right
dextera = the right hand
diabolus = devil, Satan
diadema = diadem, abbot's mitre
Diana = Diana
diapason = whole octave
diapente = fifth
diaria = daily allowance of pay, food
diatesseron = fourth
dicere = say, tell
dico = to say
dico (dictum ) = to say, tell, speak, name, call, pronounce
dico mandatum legationis = to relay a message
dictata = things dictated, lessons, presents
dictator = dictator
dictito = to say often, reiterate
dicto = to say often, dictate, get written down
dictum = word, dictate
dictus dictus = a saying, a speech
didico = to be told (Herimann cap. 39, 44)
dido dididi didtum = to separate, divide, distribute
dies = day
dies diei = day
diffamo = to proclaim
differo = to hesitate
differo = to spread news, delay, defer, postpone
differo = to delay, postpone, to differ, be different
differo = to spread about, spread news, harrass, disturb
differtus = stuffed full, crammed, jammed
difficilis = difficult, hard, troublesome
difficilis = difficult, hard, inconvenient
difficultas = difficulty, need, trouble, distress
diffidens = without self-confidence, distrusting
diffidentia = disobedience
diffido = to be distrustful, distrust, despair
diffinio = to terminate
diffundo = to spread, pour forth, scatter
diffusus = outspread
digero = to relate in order, dispose
digestor = arranger, composer, one who makes a pattern
digitus = finger, toe, linen
digladio = to run through with swords
dignanater = courteously
dignitas = rank, dignity
dignitas = merit, worth, prestige, dignity
dignor = to deign
dignosco dignosco = to distinguish, recognize as different
dignus = worthy
dignus (+ abl.) = worthy, worthy of, meritorious
digredior digredi digressus = to depart, deviate, digress
digressio = separation, departure, digression
digressus = separation, departure, digression
dilabor = to perish
dilanio = to tear to pieces
dilato = to spread out, extend, expand, increase
dilectio = love, solicitude, esteem
dilgenter = attentively, earnestly, carefully, diligently
diligens = diligent, careful
diligenter = diligently
diligentia = diligence, industry, perseverance, persistence
diligo = to choose out, esteem highly, prize, love
diligo = to value highly
diluculo = dawn, daybreak
diluo (of troubles) = to remove, resolve
dimicare = fight, struggle
dimico = to contend, struggle
dimidium = half
dimitto = to leave, forgive, send away, abandon
dimitto = to break up, dismiss, leave, abandon, leave behind
directus = plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward
diremptio = separation
dirigo = to arrange, "send out" a letter or ambassador
diripio = to separate, tear apart, pillage, devastate
diripio = to snatch away
diripio = to tear in pieces, lay waste, devastate, plunder
diripio = to plunder, tear to pieces
diriter = abominably
dirumpo = to break to pieces
dirunitas = long duration
diruo = to demolish, destroy, ruin
diruo = to destroy
dirus = abominable
dis = rich, possessing wealth or worth
discedo = to depart from, deviate, leave
discedo = to go away
discedo (discessum ) = to break up, depart, go away, pass away
discerpo = to dismember, disjoint, sever, divide, break up
discerpo = to mangle
discessio = f, management, ordering, direction
discidium = separation, division, disagreement, tearing apart
disciplina = teaching
discipulus = disciple, student, learner, pupil
disco = to learn, become acquainted with
discordia = disagreement
discrepo = to differ, to be diifferent, vary, disagree
discretio = distinction
discrimen = difference, hazard
discrimino = to separate
discurro = to run to and fro
discutio = to dissipate
disicio = to lay in ruins
dispar = different
dispensatio = distribution, stewardship
disperdo = to destroy
dispergo = to scatter
dispertio = to divide
dispono = to describe, dispose
dispono = to arrange, put in order, draw up (troops)
disputatio = debate, dispute, discussion
disputo = discuss
disrumpo = to smash
dissemino = to spread abroad
dissero = to discuss, speak, declare, utter
dissero = to examine, treat of, discuss
dissimilis = unlike, different, disparate, dissimilar, distinct
dissimulo = to disguise
dissimulo = to ignore, leave unnoticed
dissimulo = to conceal, disguise, keep secret
dissipo = to demolish
dissolutus = lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute
distinctus = separate, apart, different
distinctus = a distinguishing, distinction, difference
distinguo = decorate, adorn, embellish, punctuate
distinguo = separate, divide, part, distinguish, discriminate
distinguo = to divide
distraho (associations) = to break up, dissolve
distraho (persons) = estrange, distract, (property)
distribuo = to distribute, divide
distribuo = to apportion
districtus (f. distringo) = strict, severe, hesitating, busy
ditata = endowed, endow
ditio = authority
dito = to enrich, endow, make wealthy
dito = to enrich, make wealthy
ditus = rich
diu = adv. a long while, long time, for a long time
diu = by day, for a long time, a long time ago
diurnitas = long duration
diutinus = lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived
diutius = longer, too long (a period of time)
diuturnus = lasting a long time, of long duration
divello = to tear apart, away, untie
diverbero = to cudgel soundly
diversus = different, unlike, opposed, hostile
diverticulum = by-way
diverto = to turn aside
dives = rich, opulent, wealthy
divido = to divide, scatter
divinatio = prediction, divination
divinitus = divine influence, admirably, nobly, by inspiration
divinitus = by divine communication, by divine influence
divinus = divine, sacred
divitiae divitie = riches, wealth
divortium = division
divulgamen = fame
divulgatio = publishing, spreading abroad
divum = sky
divus = god
do = to give, offer, convey, donate, furnish
do pacem = to grant peace
doceo docui doctum = to instruct, teach, tutor
docere = teach
doctiloquus = speaking learnedly
doctor = teacher
doctrina = doctrine, teaching, instruction, learning
doctus = taught, instructed, learned, tutored
dolens = painfully
doleo = to suffer pain, to be pained, grieve
dolor = pain, grief. misery, suffering
dolosa = deceitful
dolose = slyly, deceitfuly
dolositas = deceit
dolosus = crafty, cunning, sly, deceitful
dolus = [instrument of] deceit, trap, ambush
dolus = fraud, deceit, guile, treachery, a trap
domesticus = domestic, civil
domina domna = lady, mistress
dominatus = rule, mastery, tyranny, domination
dominatus = mastery
dominica = demesne
dominor = [+ gen] to be lord and master of, dominate
dominor = to be mastered
dominus = lord, master
dominus domno = master, lord
domito = to tame, subdue, break in
domus = house
domus = house, home, residence
domus = household, house, abode
donare = give
donarium = votive offering
donativum = donation, offering
donatus = given
donec = up to the time when, until, as long as, while
donec = until
dono = to give
donum = gift
donum = gift, votive offering
donum = gift, present, donation
dormio = to sleep, slumber, siesta, nap
dormire = be asleep
dormito = to be dreaming
dorsum = back
doxa = glory
dubitare = doubt
dubito = to doubt, hesitate
dubium = doubt
dubium = doubt, hesitation, reservation
ducamen = duchy, ducal dignity
duco = to lead on the march, marry a wife, command
duco = to calculate, count, reckon, esteem, considered
duco = to draw, shape, construct, (time)
duco = to lead, draw, esteem, consider
duco = to charm, influence, mislead, draw in
ductor = general, leader, commander, guide
dudum = for a long while, a long while ago, some time ago
dulcedo = sweetness, pleasantness, charm
dulcidine = sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly
dulcis = sweet, pleasant, agreeable
dulcis = delightful
dulcis = gentle, soft, sweet, tender
dum = while, as long as, until
dummodo (conj. + subj.) = provided
dumtaxat = at least, not less than, at most, not more than
duo = two
duodecim = twelve
duodeviginti = eighteen
duplex = double, dual
duplicitas = multiplication by two, ambiguity, duplicity
duro = to harden, last, endure
durus = hard
durus = hard, harsh, tough, strong, enduring, rough, rude
dux = chief, boss
dux = duke
dux ducis = leader, guide, commander, general, duke