Latin (A) to English

a ab abs (prep + abl) = separation - out of (one out of many)
a ab abs (prep + abl) = with passive verbs - by, because
a ab abs (prep + abl) = in connection with, with regard to
a ab abs (prep + abl) = space- from, away from
a ab abs (prep + abl) = time - from, since, after
a ab abs (prep + abl) = numbers - counting from
ab = since, ever since, from, of
abactor = abductor
abactus = abduction
abacus = abacus, buffet
abætere = absent onself, depart, go away, leave
abalienare = dispose of, sell, vend
abalienatio = sale
abalienato = transfer of property, alienation
abavus = great-grandfather, forefather
abavus = great-great-grandfather
abbas = abbot, father
abbas abbatis = father, abbot
abbatia = abbey, monastery
abbatia = abbey
abbatissa = abbess
abbreviare = abbreviate, abridge, shorten
abdere = do away with, get rid of, remove, abstract
abdicare = quit, resign, reject
abdicatio = abdication
abdicativus = negative
abdicere = condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke
abdico = to renounce, reject, abdicate, disapprove of
abditus = hidden
abdo = put away, remove, hide, conceal
abdomen = abdomen, belly, tummy
abdomen = belly, gluttony
abducere = entice, seduce, divert, tempt
abduco = to lead, or take away, detach, withdraw
abductio = abduction
abecedarium = ABC, alphabet
abeo = to go away, retire, depart from life, die
abeo = to digress, change, vanish, disappear
abeo = to pass, to have been
aberrare = turn, go astray, stray off
aberratio = distraction, diversion
aberro = to wander, deviate, escape
abesse = differ, be different, be absent, be missing
abhibere = keep at a distance, keep at bay
abhinc = ago, back from now, henceforth, hereafter
abhinc = from here, hence
abhorreo = to shudder
abicere = abandon, throw away, abase, give up, resign
abicio = to throw down, dispense with, get rid of, dishear
abico = to humble, cast aside
abiectio = contempt, melancholy
abiectus = commonplace, dismal, trite, abject, base, low
abiego = to send away, send off
abies = fir, ship, vessel
abigere = do away with, get rid of, remove, chase away
abigo = to drive off, drive away, rustle cattle, steal
abire = quit, resign, become, come about, grow, happen
abitere = absent onself, depart, go away, leave
abitus = exit, way out, departure
abiudicare = refuse, reject
abiungere = divide, separate, disintegrate
abiungo = to unharnass, separate, detach
abiurare = abjure, abnegate
abiuro = to deny by oath
ablativus = ablative
ablegare = dismiss, turn away
abligurrire = waste
ablocare = invite tenders for, put out to tender, let
abluo = to wash, clean, cleanse
abnegare = abnegate, deny oneself, refuse, reject
abnegatio = abnegation, refusal
abnego = to deny, refuse
abnepos = great-great-grandson
abnocto = to spend the night out, to stay away all night
abnormis = abnormal
abnuere = shake one's head, deny, refuse, reject
abnuo = to deny
aboleo = to destroy, abolish, annul, do away with, obliter
abolere = abolish, abrogate, delete
abolescere = disappear, pass, pass by
abolesco = to die, perish, vanish
abolitio = abolition, abrogation, destruction
abominabilis = dismal, dreary, ghastly, hideous, horrible, nasty
abominamentum = abomination
abominare = abhor, abominate, loathe, curse
abominatio = abhorrence, abomination, horror
abominor = to abhor, hate, detest, abominate
abominosus = fateful, ill-fated
aborior = to set (as in "the sun sets")
abortio = miscarriage
abortio = abortion
abortivus = one prematurely born
abortus = abortion
abradere = scrape, scrape off, scratch off, shave, shave off
abrenuntiare = abjure, abnegate
abrenuntiatio = abjuration
abripere = abscond
abrogare = abjure, abolish, abrogate, annul, cancel, remit
abrogatio = abolition, abrogation
abrogo = to repeal, annul, remove, take away
abrumpere = divide, separate, break, break off, disintegrate
abrumpo = to break off, sever, remove, dissociate, separate
abrupte = abruptly, all of a sudden, suddenly
abruptio = divorce
abruptio = separation, divorce
abruptum = abyss, chasm
abruptus = intermittent, abrupt, steep
abs = since, ever since, from
abs- = dis-, im-, in-, un-
abscedere = avoid, evade, absent onself, depart, go away
abscedo = to go away, depart, leave
abscessio = departure
abscessus = absence
abscidere = cut off
abscido = to cut off, to separate, take away
abscindere = cut off, pick, pluck, tear off
abscisus = abrupt, steep
abscondere = conceal, hide
absconditus = hidden, concealed
abscondo = to hide, conceal, secrete
absens = absent
absens, absentis (adj.) = absent, missing, away, gone
absimilis = different
absisto = to go away, desist
absit = "god forbid, let it be far from the hearts of the
absolutio = absolution
absolutus = absolute
absolvere = absolve
absorbeo = to swallow, gulp down, carry away, engross
absque (+ ablative) = without, except
abstergo = to wipe off, clean away
abstinere = abstain
abstrudere = conceal, hide
abstulo = to take away, withdraw
absum = to be absent, be away, be missing, be gone
absumere = use up, consume, kill, liquidate, slay
absumptio = abuse
absurdus = absurd
abundans = abundant, overflowing, abounding in
abundantia = abundance, bounty, plenty
abunde = in great profusion, profusely, abundantly
abusio = abuse
abuti = use up, consume, abuse
abutor = to use abusive language, use a word incorrectly
abutor = to make full use of, to abuse
abyssus = hell, abyss, chasm
abyssus = abyss, chasm
ac = and
acacia = acacia
acanthus = acacia
accedo = to approach, come near, (things)
accelerare = accelerate, speed up
accelero = to quicken, hasten, speed, accelerate
accendere = kindle, light
accendo = to rouse up, arouse, excite, incite
accendo = to kindle, illuminate, inflame
accensere = add
accentus = accent, stress
acceptabilis = acceptable
acceptatio = acceptance
acceptator = acceptor
acceptius = suitable for receiving
acceptus = welcome, pleasant, agreeable
accersitus = summoned, called
accidere = come about, happen, occur
accido = to fall down, to happen, occur, to hack, hew
accido = destroy
accipere = accept, receive, take, take in
accipio = to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn
accipio = cepi, ceptum, to receive, accept, take
accipiter = hawk
acclamare = acclaim, applaud
acclamatio = acclaim, acclamation, approval
acclinare = incline, be inclined
acclivius = well-disposed
accognoscere = recognise, recognize
accola = neighbor, neighbour
accommodare = add
accommodatus = of use, suitable
accommodo = to adjust, adapt, accommodate oneself
accommodus = of use, suitable
accredo = to believe unconditionally, accept wholeheartedly
accubo = to recline at table, dine
accumulo = to add to a heap, accumulate, amass
accusare = accuse
accusatio = accusation
accusativus = accusative
accusator = accuser
accusator = accusor, plaintiff
accuso = to accuse, blame, find fault with
acer = sharp, keen, eager, severe, fierce
acer = stinging, violent, bitter
acer = maple, abrasive, lurid, sharp
acerbitas = harshness, bitterness, anguish
acerbus = shrill, rigorous
acerbus = tart, bitter, cruel, bleak, dismal, dreary
acerbus = bitter, gloomy, dark
acervus = a heap, mass
acetum = vinegar
Achaia = Greece
Acheron = Acheron
acia = thread
acidus = sharp, sour
acidus = acid, bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly
acies = keeness, edge, sharpness, battle-line, battlefiel
acies = army, wing of a formation
acies = sharpness
acinus = berry, grape
aconitum = aconite, monkshood, poison
acquiescere = die, expire, pass away, repose, rest
acquiesco = to repose, assent to, agree
acquiro = to acquire, gain, get, obtain
acritas = sharpness
acriter = vehemently, forcefully
acroama = concert
acror = sharpness
acsi = as if
acta = coast, seaside, shore, beach
actio = to act
actio = act, action, lawsuit
actum = act, action
actus = moving through
acuere = sharpen
acutus = abrasive, lurid, sharp, dangerous
ad = to, toward, towards
adæquare = compare
Adam = Adam
adamans = steeled, unyielding, adamant, stubborn
adamas = steel
adamo = to fall in love with, find pleasure in
adapto = adapt, adjust, make ready, or fit
adaugeo = to make greater, add, increase, augment
addo = to give, bring, place, inspire, cause, add, join
addubitare = doubt
adducere = bring, fetch, conduct, guide, lead
adduco = to lead, induce, persuade, bring
ademptio = a taking away
adeo = to approach, visit, come to, undertake
adeo = to such a point, such an extent, so far, so long
adeo (adverb) = so far, to that point, so much, so long, etc
adeptio = attainment, obtaining, achievement
adepto = to obtain, get, acquire
adfectus affectus (fr. adfici = influenced, worked upon
adfero affero = to cause, bring about, contribute
adfero affero = to bring news, report, apply, bring to bear
adficio = to affect, afflict, weaken, sap, exhaust, drain
adflicto affligo = to injure, weaken, discourage, damage, break
adhaero = to hang to, stick to, adhere
adhaero = to stick, cleave, secure, keep close to
adhuc = till then, till now, still, even now, besides
adicio = to direct, address, apply, to throw to
adimpleo = to fulfill, perform, carry out
adinvenio = to devise
adinventio = to invention
adipiscor = to acquire, arrive at, reach
adipiscor = to come up to, overtake, obtain
aditus = entrance, ingress
adiungere = associate, come together, join, pool
adiutorium = assistance, help, aid
adiuvo = to help, aid, assist, succor
adjectivum = adjective
adjicio = to add, to turn towards, move towards, suggest
adjungo = to join connect
adminiculum = assistance, aid
administratio = giving of help, administration, government
administro = to guide, serve (food)
admirari = admire
admiratio = wonder, astonishment, surprise, admiration
admirator = admirer
admiror = to wonder at, admire, marvel at, be astonished at
admitto = to admit, receive
admodum = quite, very, very much
admoneo = admonish, advise
admoneo = to urge or incite to action
admonitus = exhortation
admoveo = to move to, bring up, apply
adnihilo = to bring to nothing, annihilate, demolish
adnuo = to nod assent
adolescens = young man, coming to maturity
adopto = to wish for oneself, adopt, select, pick out
adorare = adore, worship
adorator = worshipper
adorno = to equip, furnish, embellish
adpropinquo = * draw near, approach, near
adservio = to aid, help, assist
adsidue assidue = continuously, without remission
adstare = attend, be present, witness
adstringo = to draw together, tighten, compress, compact
adstringo (persons) = bind, oblige, (+ refl.)
adsuesco assuesco = to grow accustomed to, used to, make familiar
adsuetudo = custom, habit
adsum = to to be at hand, to come
adsum = to assist, be present, be near, be in attendance
adsumo (assumo) = to take to oneself, claim, appropriate, call
aduentus = arrival
adulatio = fawning, flattery, sycophancy, buttering up
adulator = sycophant, adulator
adulescens = young man, youth, lad
adulescentia = youth
adulter = adulterer
adultera = adulteress
adultus (adj.) = grown up, mature, adult, of age
aduro (adustum) = to set fire to, burn, singe, kindle, light
adveho = to carry, come
advena = foreigner
advena = alien, foreign, foreigner, strange
advenio = to come, arrive, reach
advenire = arrive, get
adventum = arrival, advent, a coming
adventus = arrival
adverbium = adverb
adversa = unfavorable
adversarius = adversary, opponent, enemy
adversarius = opponent
adversitas = opposition, adversity
adversor = to oppose, resist, fight back
adversum = adversity
adversus (adj.) = facing, opposite, opposing., unfortunate
adversus (prep. + acc.) = toward, against, facing
adverto = to turn towards, direct one's attention to
advocatus = advocate, lawyer
advoco = to summon, call, call in an advisor
ædes = house
ædificare = build, construct
ædificium = building
aedificium edificium = building, structure
ædon = nightingale
æger = ill, sick
aeger = diseased, sick, infected, ill
aegre = with displeasure
aegrotatio egrotatio = sickness, illness
aegroto = to languish, grow more sick, fail
aegrotus = ill, sick
aegrus = ill, diseased, unwell
ænigma = enigma, puzzle, riddle
æon = aeon
æquor = sea
aer = aeris air, atmosphere, ether, weather
ær = air
aerumna = toil, hardship, tribulation
aerumnosus = wretched
æs = copper, money, salary, wage, wages
æstas = summer
aestas estas = summer
æstimare = appraise, estimate, rate
aestimo = to estimate, guess, reckon
aestivus estivus = pertaining to summer
aestuo = to burn with desire, blaze, vacillate [vikings]
aestus = passionate fire
aestus estus = heat, tide
aestus maris = tides
ætas = age
aetas = an age, stage, period of life, time, era
æternus = eternal
aeternus eternus = eternal, everlasting, without end
aether, aetherius = heaven, heavenly/celestial
Æthiops = Abyssinian, Ethiopian, Mauritanian, Moor
aevum = age, life
Afer = African
affabilis = courteous
affamen = import
affatus = address, speech
affectuosus = affectionate
affectus = goodwill, emotion, disposition of mind
affectus vocis = tone of voice
affero = to carry
affinitas = relationship, neighborhood
afflictio = reduced condition, state
afflictus = distressed, cast down, prostrate, ruined
affligo = to reduce, ruin, distress, cast down
affluencia = abundance, affluence
affluenter = copiously, affluently
affluo = to come in haste
affor = to speak to, address
Africa = Africa
agalmate = effigy, as of a ruler on a seal
agamus = single, unmarried
ager = land, countryside, fields
ager = field
ager (agri) = farm, field, acre
agger = bulwark, mound
aggero = to make a mound, heap up, increase
aggero = to pucker, pile up
aggravo = to annoy, incommode
aggredior = to go to, begin, attack
aggredior = to go to, approach, address, attack
agito = to put in motion, move, rouse
agmen = host
agna = ewe, lamb
agna = lamb
agnatus = a relation in the male line
agnellina = lamb
agnellus = small lamb, lambkin
agnina = lamb
agnitio = recognition, knowledge
agnoscere = acknowledge, recognize
agnosco = acknowledge
agnosco = to recognize, understand, perceive
agnosco = to know again, recognize, report, understand
agnus = sheep
agon = competition, contest
agonotheta = champion
agrarius = relating to the land, farming, or countryside
agrestis (adj) = rustic, wild, unmannered, boorish, clodish
agricola (masc.) = farmer, tiller of fields, cultivator
agripeta (masc.) = someone who seizes land, squatter, land-grabber
ah = ah, oh, ow, woe
ait = he says
aiunt = they say
ala = wing/armpit/naval squadron
alacer (-ris) = quick, sharp, rapid, ready, keen
alacritas = rapidity, quickness, animation, sharpness
alarius = relating to the wing of an army, allied troops
alatus = winged, having wings
alauda = lark
alauda = the lark
alba = alb
albeo = to become white
album = writing tablet, list
albus = blank, white
albus = white
alcedo = kingfisher
alcedo = the kingfisher
alcedonia (neuter pl.) = the kingfisher's time, calm, tranquility
alces = the elk
alces = elk, moose
alcyon = kingfisher
alcyon = the kingfisher
alea = dice game, risk, chance, hazard
alea = die
aleator = dice-player, gambler, someone who takes chances
ales = augury
alesco = to grow, mature
alga = alga, seaweed
alga = sea-weed
algeo (-ere, alsi, algens) = to be cold
algesco = to bcome cold, to catch cold
algidus (-a, -um) = cold
algor = cold
alias = at another time, otherwise
alibi = elsewhere, in other respects
alica = spelt
alicubi = anywhere, somewhere
alicubi = everywhere, somewhere
alicunde = from somewhere, from anywhere
aliena quadra vivere = to live from another's table
alienari (pass) = to lose one's mind
alienatio = alienation, transfer of ownership
alienigena = foreign, strange, outlandish
alienigenus = composite, made up of different substances
alieno = to let go, transfer, estrange, forget
alienus = somebody else's, foreign, alien, strange
aliger = winged, having wings.
alii .. alii = some .. others
alimentum = food, provender, victuals
alimonia = nourishment
alimonium = nourishment, essentials, provisions, food
alio = to another place, person, end, for another purpos
alioqui (adv.) = otherwise
alioquin (adv.) = otherwise, in some respects, in general
alipes = wing-footed
aliqua = some
aliquando = at any time, sometimes, occasionally, at last
aliquanta (adj.) = moderate, or some size
aliquanto = somewhat, considerably
aliquantulus = little, small, diminutive, a little, a bit
aliquantum (noun) = a good deal
aliquantus (adj.) = of some size, moderate
aliquatenus = to a certain extent
aliqui = some
aliquid = someone, somebody, something
aliquid = anything, something
aliquis = someone, anyone, anything, (adv.)
aliquis = a, any, anybody, some, somebody, someone
aliquo (adv.) = in some direction
aliquot = some, several
aliquotiens = some times
aliquoties = [sic](adverb)
aliter = otherwise, in another way, in a different fashion
alium = garlic
alius = other, another, else
aliusmodi = in another way, somehow else
allatus (=adfero) = having been brought
allec = herrings, pickled fish
allium = garlic
allocutio = to address, encouragement
allophylus = alien, foreign
alloquor = to address, encourage
alma = a nourishing one
almitas = bounty
almus = bountiful
almus = kind, generous, nourishing
alnus = the alder tree
alnus = alder
alnus = alder
alo = nourish, cherish, support, sustain, maintain
alodus = heritable estate
alogia = absurdity, nonsense
Alpes = Alps
alquod = some
alsius = cool
alsus = cool
alter (adv.) = otherwise
alter .. alter = the one .. the other
alter altera alterum = the second, the other one
altercatio = dispute, strife
alternis = by turns
alternis sermonibus = alternating speeches, dialogue
alterno = to do one thing and then another
altilis = domestic fattened bird
altithronus = one enthroned on high, seated in heaven
altivolus = soaring
altor = foster-father, patron, advocate, protector
altus = matured, great, high, deep, noble, ancient, old
altus = high, lofty, tall
alumno = nurseling, student, disciple
alumnus = nursling
alvarium = beehive, bee-hive
alveus = hollow, basket, bed (of a river)
alvus = beehive, bee-hive, stomach, abdomen, belly, tummy
amanuensis = clerk
amare = love
amaritudo = bitterness
amarus = bitter, bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly
ambages = double-talk, digression
ambiguitas = uncertainty
ambiguus = ambiguous
ambiguus = doubtful
ambio + inf = to strive, solicit
ambitio = desire for power
ambitus = border, edge, extent, going around, circuit
ambitus = circumference
ambivium = double way
ambulare = march, walk, go for a walk, stroll
ambulo = to walk
amens = crazy, insane, mad, nuts
amens = out of ones senses
amica = friend
amicabiliter = amicably, pleasantly, sociably
amicitia = friendship
amicitia = friendship, alliance
amictus = mantle
amiculum = cloak, cape
amicus = friend, comrade
amicus = friend
amita = father's sister, paternal aunt
amita = aunt, paternal aunt
amita = paternal aunt
amittere = lose
amitto = let slip
amitto = to dismiss, send away, lose, let slip away
amnis = stream, torrent
amnis = current
amo = to love, like, be fond of, cherish
amoena = pleasant [of a place]
amoenitas = pleasantness [of a place]
amor = love
amor = love, affection, infatuation, passion
amotio = removal
amoveo = to move away, remove, take out, shift
amphibolus = ambiguous
amplector = to embrace, surround
amplexus = an embracing, surrounding, loving embrace
amplifico = to increase, enlarge
amplio = to enlarge, increase, improve
amplitudo = size, breadth, dignity, grandeur, greatness
amplus = ample, bulky, extensive
amplus = large, spacious, ample, great important
amputare = amputate
amygdalum = almond
an = or
anarchos = without beginning, without a leader
anas = duck
ancilla = maidservant
ancon = elbow
ancora = anchor
ancula = maid, servant
anculus = boy, servant
andron = corridor, aisle
anethum = dill, anise
anfractus = crooked, with tortuous bends
angelus = angel
Angli = Angles [from England]
ango = to trouble, draw together
anguilla = eel
anguis = serpent, snake
angularis = gaunt
angulatus = gaunt
angulosus = gaunt
angulus = angle
angulus = corner, niche
angustata = circumscribed
angustus = narrow
angustus = narrow, limited, strait, tight, constricted
anhelo = to desire, want, strive for, breathe, live
anima = life, soul
anima = soul, wind, life
animadverto = sometimes understand, realize
animadverto = to turn the mind to, take notice of, see
animal = animal
animi = at heart
animositas = spirit, wrath
animosus = courageous, ardent, passionate, furious
animosus = undaunted, wrathful
animus = soul, character, nature, personality, heart, will
animus = character, intellect, memory, consciousness
animus = soul, spirit, intellect
animus = courage, vivacity, bravery, will, spirit, soul
annecto = to connect
annihilare = destroy, quash
annona = yearly produce, grain crop, price of grain, cost
annullare = destroy, quash
annullo = to obliterate, destroy, annihilate
annuntiare = advertise, announce, give notice
annuo = to give assent, approve
annuo = to nod, consent, give assent to, approve, favor
annuo = to allow, grant, promise, designate
annus = year
ansa = a handle
anser = goose
antagonista = adversary, opponent
antarcticus = south, southern
ante = ahead, formerly, previously
ante (prep. + acc.) = before, in front of, (adv.)
antea (adv.) = before, previously, formerly
antecedere = precede
antecedo = to precede
antecessor = predecessor
antelogium = prologue
antepono (+ dat.) = put before, prefer, favor, promote
antequam = before (in time)
anticipo = to surpass, excel
antiquitas = the ancients
antiquus = ancient, old, hoary
antistes = bishop
antrum = cave, grotto, cavity, cavern, den
antrum = grotto
anulus = ring
anus = old
anxia = uneasy
anxio = to make uneasy, to anguish
aper = wild boar
aperio = to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear
aperito = F, an opening
aperte = openly, frankly
apertio = f, an opening
apex = summit
apices = writing
apium = celery
apographon = copy
apolactizare = despise
apostolus = apostle
apostolus (legal) = notice sent to a higher tribunal, ecc. Apostle
apparare = prepare
apparatus = equipment, gear, machinery, splendor
apparatus = exertion, effort
appareo = to become visible, appear, manifest
apparere = appear, emerge, perform
appello = to call, name, summon
appello = to drive, move towards, [passive] to land
appello = to land
appenditia = appurtenance
applaudere = acclaim, applaud, clap
applico = to land, steer, attach
appono = to appoint a person, to add something
appono = to place near, put to, serve, put on the table
appositus = placed near, approaching, appropriate, appositive
appotus = drunk, intoxicated
appretiare = appraise, estimate, rate
apprime = quite, very, very much
approbare = approve
approbo = to approve
appropinquo = to approach
appropinquo (+ dat.) = to near, drawn near, come close, approach
appugnare = assault, attack
Aprilis = April
apto = to fit, approve, be suitable, proper, fit
aptus = suitable, appropriate, fitting
aptus = fitted, connected, fastened, prepared, fitted out
apud = at, beside, by, near to, next to
apud (prep. + acc.) = among, in the presence of, at, at the house of
Apulia = Apulia
apyrenus = pomegranate
aqua = water
aquila = eagle
aquilo = the north wind
aquilo = north wind
aquilus = dark colored, swarthy
ara = altar, refuge, protection
ara = altar
arabicus = Arabian, Arabic
arabius = Arabian, Arabic
Arabs = Arab
aranea = spider's web
aranea = spiderweb
araneum = spiderweb
arare = plough
arator = plowman, cultivator
aratrum = plow
arbitrium = judgment
arbor = tree, mast
arbor = tree
arbustum = a vineyard planted with trees
arbustus = planted with trees
arca = box, chest
arca archa = chest, box, money box, coffin, cell
arcanum = sacred secret
arceo = to shut up, enclose
arcesso, accerso = to bring, fetch, summon, call for
archangelus = archangel
archidictus = extremely eloquent
archiepiscopus = archbishop
archipater = great ancestor
archos = ruler
arcus = arc, bow, rainbow
arcus = bow (BOW and arrows), arch, bend, arc
ardens = burning
ardor = ardor, impatience
arduum = steep place, the steep
arduus = difficult, proudly elevated
arduus = high, lofty, tall, abrupt, steep
arena = arena, desert, beach, sand
argenteus = silver
argentum = silver
argentum = silver, money
argilla = clay
argumentatio = argumentation
argumentosus = proven, rich in material
argumentum = proof, evidence
arguo = to show, make clear, attempt to show, censure
arguo = to blame, accuse, prove, expose, convict, declare
argutus = acute
arista = the point of the ear
aristo = ear
arma = arms, weapons, armaments
armare = arm
armarium = cupboard, chest, safe (for food, clothing, money)
armentum = herd
armiger = armed
armilla = armlets
armis = by force of arms
armo = to provide arms, arm, equip, fit out
aro = to plow
arripio = to lay hold of
arrogans = presuming, haughty
arrogantia = presumption
ars = strategem, science, art, skill, craft
ars = art
ars (artis) = skill method, technique, conduct, character
arteria = artery
articulus = article
articulus (of time) = a moment, crisis
artifex = author, artist, artisan, maker
artifex = artist
artificialiter = artfully
artificiose = skillfuly
artificiosus = skillful, accomplished, skillfuly made
arto = to press together, reduce, abrdiged
artus = limbs
artus = joint
arundo = reed
arvina = fat, grease, bacon
arvum = field
arx, arces = town
ascendo = to climb
ascia = carpenter's axe, mason's trowel
ascio = to take up, adopt as one's own
ascisco = to receive, admit, adopt, take up, approve
Asia = Asia
asinus = ass, donkey
asparagus = asparagus
aspectus = countenance
asper = rough, harsh, severe
asper = violent, fierce, rough
aspergo = to sprinkle, cover
asperitas = roughness, severity, harshness, fierceness
aspernatio = contempt
aspernor = to spurn
aspersus = instructed
aspicio = to look at, behold, gaze at, see
aspirator = inciter
asporto = to carry off, take away
assensus = approval
assentator = flatterer, sycophant, yes-man
asser = a stake, pole
assero = to claim, defend
assiduus = unremitting
assilio = to leap upon
assimilares = adj, similar
assimulo = simulate, immatate, represent
assuesco (-sueui, -suetum) = to accustom, to accustom oneself
assus = dried, roasted, grilled
astrologia = astronomy
astrologicus = astronomer
astrologus = astrologer, astronomer
astronomia = astronomy
astrum = star
astrum = star, constellation
astus = m, cunning
asylum = asylum
at (conj.) = but. (more emphatic and emotional than sed)
atavus = great-great-great grandfather, ancestor
ater = dark, dim, black
ater = gloomy, malicious
Atheniensis = Athenian
athleta = athlete
atomus = atom
atque = and
atqui (conj.) = and yet, still
atrocitas = hashness, cruelty, frightfulness, barbarity
atrociter = cruelly, violently
atrox = terrible, cruel, horrible, harsh
attentus = attentive, careful of one's property
attero = to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode
attero = destroy, waste, weaken, impair
attinet = [+ inf.] is of importance
attollo = to exalt
attollo = to raise, lifet up, elevate, excite, exalt
attonbitus = frantic, inspired, thunder-struck, stunned
attonitus = stunned, thunderstruck
attrecto = to touch
attributa = assigned, associated
auarca = leather sandal worn by pyrenean peasants
auctor = author, originator
auctorita = authority, power
auctoritas = authority
auctorizo = to confirm, approve, authenticate
auctus = growth, enlargement, increase
audacia = temerity
audacter, audaciter = boldly, proudly, fearlessly
audax = bold, rash, foolhardy
audentia = boldness, courage
audeo = to dare. (part. ausus )
audio = to hear, hearken, listen to
audire = hear
auditor = hearer, listener
aufero = to take away by force
aufero = to carry away, remove, steal, carry off
augeo = increase, enlarge, enrich
augeo = to increase, strengthen
augmento = to increase
augmentum = increase, growth
aula = palace
aula = court, hall
aura = heaven, breeze
aureus = golden
aureus = gold, golden
auricilla = ear
auricula = ear
auris = ear
aurum = gold
austerus = strict, rigid, stern
austerus = bitter, severe, strict
ausus = risk, hazard, gamble, dare
aut = or
autem = but, on the other hand, however, moreover, also
autem = but, however, nevertheless, yet
automatum = automoton
autumnum = autumn
autumnus = autumn
autumo = to assert, believe, affirm
autus = increase, enlargement, growth
auxilium = help, aid
auxilium = aid, help, assistance, support
avara = avaricious
avaritia = avarice, greed
avarus = greedy, avaricious
ave = adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye, good-bye, hello
aveho = to carry away, remove (avexi avectum )
avello = to tear away, tear off
avena = oats
aversor = to repulse
averto = to turn away, avert, avoid. turn back
avia = grandmother
avoco = to call away, divert
avunculus = uncle, maternal uncle
avunculus = maternal uncle
avus = grandfather
axicia = scissors
axilla = armpit
axioma = axiom
axis = axis, axle