English (W) to Latin

wage = æs
wage war (vb) = bello, bellor, belligero
wage war = bellare
wage war against (vb) = rebello
wages = beneficium, æs
waging war = belliger
wagon = plaustrum
wail (vb) = ejulo
wail = lamentor, gemo
wailing = lamentatio, lamenta (neut. pl), planctus
wait for (vb) = praestolor
wait for = exspecto
wait upon = ministro, ministro
waiting for = praestolatio prestolatio
wake = excito
walk (vb) = ambulo
walk = ingredior ingredi ingressus, gradior, ambulare
walk around = spatior
walk into (vb) = intro
walking = pedes
wall = murus, paries
walled town = moenia
wallet = pera
walls = moenia, moenia
wan = pallidus, pallens
wand = virga
wander (vb) = palor (dep.), erro, aberro
wander = erro, vagari, flos
wander out (vb) = evagor
wander through (vb) = peragro
wanderer = peregrinus
wandering = erratio
wandering = error, errabundus, erratus, vagus, vulgivagus
wane (vb) = decresco
want = anhelo, desiderium, careo (+ abl. of sep.), egeo
wanting = expers
wanting in energy = dissolutus
wanting, be - (vb) = deficio
wanting, be - = delinquo
wantining = cupido
wanton = proterus, petulans
wanton, be - = lascivio
wantonly = frustra
war = bellum, bellum
war band = comitatus
war horse = campitor
war with (vb) = oppugno
war, at = belliger
war, be in a state of - = belligero
war-like = bellicus
war-trumpet = tuba
ward = pupillus pupilla, filiolus
ward off = defendo
wardens = custodiae custodie
wares = commercium
warfare = bellum
warlike = belliger, bellator, bellatorius, ferox, bellicosus
warm = refoveo, tepidus
warm baths = thermae
warm springs = thermae
warm-frame = seminarium
warmed , be - (vb) = caleo
warmly = ferventer
warn (vb) = paecipio, moneo
warn = monere, precipio
warning = monitio
warp (vb) = inflecto
warrior = proeliator preliator, miles militis, bellator
wart = verruca
wash (vb) = lavo, abluo
wash = lavare
wash away (vb) = proluo prolu prolutum
wash away = lavo
wash beneath (vb) = subluo
wash clean = proluo prolu prolutum
wash off = purgo
wash out (vb) = eluo
washed = lautus
washing = lavatio
washing vessel, small = labellum
wasp = vespa
waste (vb) = decoquo (-ere, -coxi, -coctum
waste = edo edi essum, defluo, eluo, prodigo, abligurrire
waste away = tabesco, consumo
waste slowly away (vb) = contabesco
wasting = populatio
watch = vigilo, specto
watch over (vb) = servo
watch over = custodio
watchful, be - = evigilo
watchman = custos (custodis)
water = aqua, unda
waterfall = catadupa, cataracta
wave = fluctus, undo, crispo (-are)
wave something (vb) = ventilo
wave-driven = fluctivagus
waver (vb) = titubo
waver = inclino
wavering = hesito (haesito)
wavy = crispans
wax = increbresco (-ere)
way = via, mos, consuetudo, modus, conversatio, via
way of life = religio, vita
way of thinking = sententia
way out = abitus
ways = mores, morium
we = nos
WE live and die by that creed = nos
weak = inefficax, consenesco, dissolutus, fragilis
weaken (vb) = debilito, attero, lentesco, infirmo, labefacto
weaken = adflicto affligo, adficio, castro, comminuo
weakened = infractus
weakening = infirmatio
weakly = gelide, infirme
weakness = infirmitas, fragilitas
wealth = mammona, facultas, opes (pl.), divitiae divitie
wealthy = fortunatus, opulentus, opulens, dives, copiosus
wealthy \profitable = pecuniosus
weapon = telum
weapons = arma, ornamentum
wear = gero, portare, vehere
wear out = senesco
wearied = fatigatus, fessus
weariness = taedium, tedium
wearing armor = loricatus
weary = defessus
weary. = defetiscor (defessus)
weasel = mustela
weather = tempestas, aer
weave (vb) = texo
weave together (vb) = vieo
weaver = textor textrix
web = tela
web = textus
wedding = nuptialis, nuptiae
wedding song = epithalamium
wedlock = conjugium
weed = runco
weep (vb) = fleo, lacrimo, lamentor, fleo
weep = ploro
weep for = defleo
weep over = ploro
weeping = lamentatio, ploratus, ploratio, fletus
weigh (vb) = pendo, pondero
weigh = trutino, consulto
weigh carefully (vb) = pensito, perpendo
weigh down (vb) = premo
weigh out (vb) = penso
weigh out = pensito, impendo
weighing out = pensio
weight = onus, pondus, pondus, gravitas
weight down (vb) = ingravo
weight of character = pondus
weighty = gravis
weird = fatum
welcome (vb) = hospito
welcome = acceptus, desideratus, exspectata
well , be - (vb) = salveo, salveo
well = bene, puteus, sanus
well endowed = praeditus
well known = celebrer
well supplied = copiosus
well versed = edoctus
well-being = salus
well-bred = generosus
well-disposed = acclivius, solers
well-equipped = copiosus
well-nigh = fere
well-shaped = formosus
well-wishing = benevolens
wellness = salus
west = occasus
west = occasus
west wind = zephyr
wet = madidus
wetting = infusio
whale = balæna, balena, orcus
what (thing)? = quid (question)
what = quisnam, quidnam
what for = quor, cur
what is left = reliquum
what is more = sed
what is one's by right = quod sui juris est
what is right = iustum
what place (vb) = quo
what? = quis (question)
whatever (or whomever) = quilibet
whatever = quisquis, quicquid
whatever place you will (vb) = quovis
whatsoever = quicquid, quisquis
wheat = triticus
wheat crop = seges
wheatfield = seges
wheedle = lacto
wheel = rota
wheel-shaped = rotundus
when = cum (with subjunctive), ubi, cum (with indicative)
whence = unde
where ... to = quo
where = qua (adv.), ubi, quo
whereas = quod, quoniam, ubi
whereby = ubi
wherefore = cur, quapropter, quare
wherein = ubi
wherewith = qui (question)
whether .. or = utrum...an
whether = utrum
whetstone = cos
WHICH killed so many = quod (neut. sing. nom.)
which place (vb) = quo
WHICH the Lord loved = quam (fem. sing. acc.)
WHICH you cannot drink dry = quod (neut. sing. acc.)
which? = quis (question)
which? what? = quinam quaenam quenam quodnam
whichever of the two = utercumque
whichever of the two you wish = uterlibet
while = dum, donec, cum (with subjunctive)
while, for a long - = dudum
whim = libido
whine = queritor
whining = querulus, queribundus
whinny = hinnire
whip = flagello, verbero
whirl. (vb) = verso
whirling motion = turbo
whirlpool = turbo, charybdis, gurges
whirlwind = turbo
whiskers = barba
whisper (vb) = susurro
white , become - (vb) = albeo
white = canus, candidus, albus, candidus, niveus, albus
whitewash = dealbo
whither = quo
Whitsunday = pentecoste
who = quisnam, quidnam
WHO loved a prince = quae que (fem. sing. nom.)
who? = quis (question)
whoever = quisquis, quicquid
whole = totus, universus, integer, summa, totus, solidus
whole = universitas, cunctus
whole octave = diapason
wholesome = tutus
wholly = omnino, penitus (adverb), plene (adv.)
WHOM the king struck = quem (masc. sing. acc.)
whom you will = quislibet
whore = meretrix meretricis
why = quor, cur, quare, cur, quamobrem
why even = quin etiam
why not? = quidne (question)
why so? = quid ita
why? = cur?, quiane, quianam
wicked = improbus, malus peior pessimus, scelestus, impius
wickedly = male
wickedness = malignitas, scelus, tortitudo, nequitia nequities
wide = laxus, fusus (from fundo), latus, prolixus
widely = laxe, laxe, late, penitus (adv.)
widen = laxo
wideness = laxitas
widening = laxamentum
widowed = viduata
widowhood = viduatus
wife = uxor, uxor
wild = torva, ferus, agrestis (adj), effrenus, efferus
wild animal = fera
wild boar = aper
wild grape = labruscum
wild grape vine = labrusca
wildly = truculenter (adv.)
wildness = feritas
will = voluntas, voluntas, volo, animus, nutus, nutus
willing = prolixus, volens, voluntarius
willingly = sponte, grate, volutarie, libenter
willow = siler, salix
win = vinco vici victum, lucror
win over = vincere, concilio
wind = flamen, ventus, ventus, anima
window = fenestra
windy = ventosus
wine = vinum
wine-drinking = crapula
wing = pinna, penna, penna, pennae
wing of a formation = acies
wing-footed = pennipes, alipes
wing/armpit/naval squadron = ala
winged = alatus, volaticus, aliger, volucris, penniger
winged creature = volucris
winged with sails = velivola
winner = victor
winnowing = ventagium
winnowing fan. = ventorium
winter = hiems
winter camp = castra hiberna
wipe (vb) = tergeo tergo tersi tersum
wipe off (vb) = abstergo
wipe out = deleo (deletum )
wisdom = sophia, sapienta, sapientia, prudentia, consilium
wise = gnarus, prudens, sophus, sapiens, sapiens
wise man = sapiens (subs.)
wisely = sagaciter, gnare, prudenter, sapienter
wish (vb) = volo
wish = desiderium, votum, cupio, voluntas
wish a person joy (vb) = gratulor
wish for (vb) = opto
wish for = opto
wish for greatly = desidero
wish for oneself (vb) = adopto
wish well (vb) = saluto
wishes = vota
wishing = volens
wit = lepor lepos
witch = veneficus, lamia
with = cum (prep + abl.), cum
with a smile = irrisorie
with all one's strength = obnixe
with awe = reverenter
with credibility = probabiliter
with deference = honorifice
with difficulty = vix
with displeasure = aegre
with evil intent = male
with feathers = penniger, pennatus
with few means = pauper
with gen.= resident = cultor
with good will = libens
with great effort = laboriose
with joy = gratanter
with one's mind made = destinatus
with ornament = compte
with passive verbs - by = a ab abs (prep + abl)
with pleasure = libenter
with regard to = a ab abs (prep + abl)
with spirit = ferociter
with the understanding that = per sic quod
with tortuous bends = anfractus
with traits of character = utor
with trepidation = trepide
with which = quicum
with whom = quicum
withdraw (vb) = secedo, exeo
withdraw = secedo, abduco, concedo, deficio, recipero, recedo
withdrawal = decessio, egressio, decessus
withdrawing = exitus
wither away = morior
withered = vietus
withhold = prohibeo
within = intus, in
within bounds = modestus, modicus, modica
without = sine (+ abl.), foras, absque (+ ablative), vacuus
without a bridle = infrenatus
without a leader = anarchos
without a lord = incommendatus
without a protector = incommendatus
without advice = inconsultus
without asking advise = inconsultus
without beginning = anarchos
without blame = inculpatus
without bloodshed = incruente
without bounds = infinitus
without color = decolor (adj.)
without compare = incomparabilis
without consideration = inconsiderate
without delay = confestim, confestim, continuo
without difficulty = facile
without doubts = indubitanter
without elegance = inconcinnus
without end = saecula saeculorum, intemporaliter
without fame = inglorius
without fear = fidens
without flaw = perfectus
without followers = incomitatus
without hesitation = indubitanter
without hope , be - (vb) = despero
without merit = immerito
without reason = frustra
without remission = adsidue assidue
without respect = impius
without self-confidence = diffidens
without stain = purus
without strength = inermis
without thought = inconsideratus
without, be - = careo (+ abl. of sep.), egeo
withstand = resisto, resisto, subsisto
witness = adstare, testis, testimonium
wittily = lepide
witty = lepidus, salsus
wizard = veneficus
woe = væ, ah
woeful = lacrimabilis
wolf = lupus
woman = mulier, femina
womanish = effeminatus
womanly = muliebris
womb = uterus, volva, uterus, utriculus
wonder (vb) = miro
wonder = miror, admiratio
wonder at (vb) = admiror
wonder at exceedingly (vb) = emiror
wonderful = mirus, prodigiosus
wonderfully = prodigialiter, mire
wonderfuly = mirifice
wont = mos
wont, be - (vb) = soleo
wood = lignum
wood-cutter = lignator
wooded = nemorosus
woodpecker = picus
woods = silva, silva
woolen = laneus
word = dictum, verbum, famen, verbum
word incarnate = Sarcalogos
word of honor = fides
words = lacuna
work (vb) = laboro (intrans.), operor
work = opera, factum, operatio, opus, labor, opus operis
work again = occurro, recolo
work at = exercitatio
work done = opus operis
work of a hangman = carnificina
work one's way in = insinuo
work one's way up = enitor
work zealously (vb) = facesso
worked upon = adfectus affectus (fr. adfici
workhouse for slaves = ergastulum
workmanlike = fabrilis
workshop = officina
world = orbis terrarum, universum
world = orbis, universitas, mundus, mundus
worm = vermis
worried = sollicitus, sollicitus
worriedly = sollicite
worry = fatigo, sollicitudo
worse (see malus) = peior
worship = cultus, adorare
worshipful = recolitus
worshipper = adorator, cultor
worst (see malus) = pessimus
worth = virtus, excellentia, dignitas
worth blushing over = erubescundus
worth little = vilis
worthless = cassus, nequam
worthlessness = nequitia nequities, vilitas, irritum
worthwhile = valens
worthy = dignus (+ abl.), dignus, idoneus
worthy of = dignus (+ abl.)
wound (vb) = vulnero
wound = ictus, vulnus, vulnerare, Ico, plaga
wounded = plagatus
wounding = laesio lesio
woven cloth = textus
woven fabric = textilis
wrangle (vb) = rixor
wrangling = velitatio
wrap (vb) = involvo
wrap up (vb) = obvolvo
wrath = animositas, ira
wrathful = iratus, animosus
wreck = pessum dare
wrench = clavis, extorqueo
wrestle = colluctor
wrestling = colluctatio
wrestling school = palestra
wrestling-place = palaestra
wretched = miser, aerumnosus, misellus, miserabilis
wretchedly = miserabile, nequiter, misere, misericorditer
wrinkle = ruga
write (vb) = scribo, scripsi scriptum
write = scribere
write beneath (vb) = subcribo
write down (vb) = exaro
write down = perscribo
write on a wax tablet = exaro
write out (vb) = perscribo
writer = scriptor
writing = apices, stilus
writing tablet = album, tabella
wrong = curvus, nefas, iniuria
wrong to, do - (vb) = misfacio
wrong, do - (vb) = pecco
wrongful = injurius, injustus
wrongly = secus, perperam