table | = | mensa, traba |
tail | = | penis, penis, cauda |
tail of an animal | = | cauda |
tail of comet | = | crinis |
taint | = | inficio infeci infectum |
take (vb) | = | sumo, capio |
take | = | accipere, preoccupo, capere, accipio |
take a monastic oath (vb) | = | profiteor |
take a walk | = | spatior |
take advantage of (vb) | = | utor |
take after one's father (vb) | = | patrizo |
take an oath together (vb) | = | coniuro |
take annoyance | = | moleste |
take away (vb) | = | demo, deporto, abstulo |
take away | = | decerpo, abscido, tollo, abrogo, asporto, removeo |
take away by force (vb) | = | aufero |
take away by stealth (vb) | = | subduco |
take back | = | recipero |
take by assault (vb) | = | expugno |
take by storm | = | expugno |
take by surp | = | opprimo |
take captive (vb) | = | captivo |
take care of (vb) | = | procuro |
take counsel (vb) | = | consulo |
take delight | = | gaudeo (gavisus) |
take delight in (vb) | = | gaudeo (+ abl. of specificati |
take down (vb) | = | depromo |
take firmly | = | comprehendo |
take for granted | = | sumo, praesumo presumo |
take for oneself (vb) | = | usurpo |
take form (vb) | = | concresco |
take in | = | accipere, concipio |
take in hand (vb) | = | incipio |
take into custody | = | intertio |
take lightly | = | floccipendo |
take notice of | = | animadverto |
take one's stand (vb) | = | consisto |
take or lay hold of (vb) | = | concipio |
take out (vb) | = | excipio (excepi exceptum ) |
take out | = | desumo, eximo, amoveo |
take pains | = | operor |
take part in | = | intereo |
take place | = | exsisto |
take pleasure in | = | gaudeo |
take possession (vb) | = | occupo |
take possession | = | habito |
take precautions (vb) | = | praecaveo, praevideo |
take prisoner | = | comprehendo |
take refuge | = | confugo, decurro |
take refuge in (vb) | = | confugio |
take revenge | = | persequor persequi persecutus |
take revenge on (vb) | = | ulciscor |
take to oneself (vb) | = | adsumo (assumo) |
take together | = | comprehendo |
take up (vb) | = | ascio |
take up | = | sumo, suscipere, ascisco, suscipio |
take vengeance for (vb) | = | ulciscor |
take vengeance on | = | ulciscor |
take violent action | = | saevio |
take with moderation | = | moderor |
taken | = | captus |
taken across a strait , be - (vb) | = | transfreto |
taking | = | captus |
taking away | = | ademptio |
taking booty | = | expilatio |
taking by force | = | creptio, ereptio |
taking of booty | = | praedatio, praedatus |
tale | = | fabula |
talent | = | ingenium, indoles, talentum |
talented | = | ingeniosus |
talk | = | sermo, fama |
talk to oneself (vb) | = | sermocinare |
talkative | = | garrulus, garrulus |
talkativeness | = | garrulitas |
tall | = | procerus, arduus, altus |
tame (vb) | = | domito |
tame | = | cicur |
tame [again] | = | redomo |
tangle | = | chaos |
tank | = | lacus |
tap | = | vestis |
taper | = | candela |
tardy | = | tardus |
tarry | = | demoror |
tart | = | acerbus |
task | = | negotium, negotium |
taste (vb) | = | degusto, gusto |
taste | = | gustus, sapor |
taste beforehand (vb) | = | praelibo |
tattered | = | pannosa |
taught | = | instructus, doctus |
taunt | = | velico |
tavern | = | tabernus |
tax | = | miseratio, vectigal, census |
teach | = | docere, paecipio, doceo docui doctum, erudio |
teacher | = | magister, doctor |
teacher of rhetoric | = | rhetor |
teaching | = | disciplina, eruditio, doctrina |
teachings | = | sensa |
tear | = | lacrima |
tear apart (vb) | = | divello |
tear apart | = | diripio |
tear away (vb) | = | avello |
tear down (vb) | = | destruo, deripio |
tear in pieces (vb) | = | diripio, conscindo |
tear off | = | abscindere, avello |
tear out (vb) | = | evello |
tear to pieces (vb) | = | dilanio, lacero |
tear to pieces | = | diripio |
tearful | = | lacrimosus |
tearing | = | laceratio, laniatus |
tearing apart | = | discidium |
tears | = | lacrima, fletus |
tease | = | fatigo |
teat | = | mamma, papilla |
technique | = | ars (artis) |
tell | = | fero tuli latum, propono, dico (dictum ), dicere |
Tell it TO THOSE (Marines) | = | illis (masc. plur. dat.) |
tell someone to do | = | iubeo iussi iussum |
temerity | = | temeritas, audacia |
temper | = | moderor, tempero |
temperate | = | siccus |
tempest | = | procella, procella |
tempestuous | = | procellosus |
temple | = | templum, sedes, templum |
Templeuve | = | Templovium |
temporal | = | terrenus |
temporary fortification | = | castra |
temprance | = | temperantia |
tempt | = | abducere |
temptation | = | tentatio, temptatio |
ten | = | decem |
tenacious | = | lentus |
tend (vb) | = | excolo |
tend towards | = | specto |
tendency | = | indoles |
tender | = | tener, suavis, tener tenera tenerum, dulcis |
tense | = | intentus |
tent | = | tentorium |
tenth | = | decimus |
tenure | = | tenura |
tepid | = | tepidus, egelidus |
tergam] turn | = | verto |
teribly | = | formidilose |
terminate (vb) | = | diffinio |
termination | = | terminatio |
terms | = | condicio |
terrible | = | atrox |
terrifically | = | magnificabiliter |
terrified , be - (vb) | = | formido |
terrified | = | exterritus |
terrify (vb) | = | perterreo |
terrify | = | terreo, territo |
territory | = | fines, fines finium, tractus |
terror | = | terror, formidilosus |
terrorize | = | concutio |
test (vb) | = | experior |
test | = | tento, experior (experiri, expertus, probatur |
test make a trial (vb) | = | periclitor |
testament | = | voluntas |
tested | = | exertus |
than | = | quam (adv. and conj.) |
thank (vb) | = | gratia agere (+ dat.) |
thanks | = | gratia |
THAT (house) | = | ille (masc. nom. sing.) |
THAT (monastery) | = | illud (neut. sing. nom.) |
THAT (sword) | = | illa (fem. sing. nom.) |
that .. not | = | ne (conj.) |
that | = | iste ista istud, is ea id, quatenus/quatinus |
that is right | = | sic |
that is so | = | sic |
that is to say | = | scilicet |
that matter (vb) | = | illuc |
that old dream of OURS | = | noster nostri |
that place (vb) | = | illuc |
that point (vb) | = | adeo (adverb) |
that remaining | = | caetera |
that which can be imitated | = | imitabilis |
that which is entrusted | = | commissum |
that which is woven | = | tela |
that which spins | = | turbo |
that which will endure | = | mansurus |
thawed | = | egelidus |
the bottom (vb) | = | pessum |
the extent that (vb) | = | quod (with time) |
the ground (vb) | = | pessum |
the highest degree (vb) | = | maxime |
the south (vb) | = | infra (adv.) |
theater | = | theatrum |
their | = | suus |
their envy and jealousy | = | quarum (fem. pl. gen.) |
them themselves (vb) | = | sibimet |
theme | = | lemma, thema, thema thematis |
theme of discourse | = | propositum |
then | = | deinde, mox, tum, tunc, tum, exinde, ergo (adv.) |
thence | = | exinde, inde, exinde |
theologian | = | theologus |
theory | = | ratio |
there , be - (vb) | = | subsisto |
there | = | ibi, illic, ibi |
thereafter | = | deinde, inde |
therefore | = | itaque (adv.), igitur, igitur, ideo, ergo (adv.) |
therein | = | inibi, illic |
thereupon | = | mox, exinde, tum |
Therouanne | = | Taruennam |
thesis | = | thesis |
they say | = | aiunt |
thick , become - (vb) | = | denso |
thick | = | profundus, creber |
thicket | = | lucus |
thickly , become - (vb) | = | exubero |
thickness | = | densitas |
thief | = | ereptor, furs, raptor |
thief by night | = | vispilio |
thievish | = | furtificus |
thigh | = | bracchium |
thin | = | levidensis, exilis, macresco, macer, macilentus |
thin gold leaf | = | bracteola |
thin out (vb) | = | runco |
thin skin | = | membrana |
thiness | = | macies |
thing | = | res, quendam, res rei |
things dictated | = | dictata |
things needed | = | necessarius |
think (vb) | = | reor, cogito |
think | = | cogitare, puto, reputo |
think meanly of (vb) | = | contemno |
think of | = | recordor |
think out | = | incogito |
think over | = | pensito |
think up | = | imbibo |
thinly | = | rare |
thinness | = | ieiunium |
third | = | tertius |
thirst | = | sitis |
thirsting for | = | sitiens |
thirsty , be - (vb) | = | sitio |
thirsty | = | siccus |
thirteen | = | tredecim (indecl.), tredecim |
thirty | = | triginta, riginta (indecl.) |
this | = | is ea id |
this side | = | hac |
this way | = | hac |
thistle | = | carduus |
thither | = | illuc |
thong | = | lorum |
thorn | = | spina |
thorn-bush | = | vepres |
thorny | = | scrupulosa |
thorough | = | intentus |
thorough consideration | = | cogitatio |
thoroughfare | = | pervium |
thoroughly | = | penitus (adverb) |
those down below | = | inferi |
though | = | quamquam, etsi |
thoughful | = | memor |
thought | = | sententia, cogitatus, mens mentis |
thoughtful | = | benevolens |
thoughtless | = | improvidus, incogitatus |
thoughtlessly | = | inconsiderate |
thoughtlessness | = | incogitania |
thoughts | = | sensa |
thousand | = | mille |
thousand | = | mille |
thousand times | = | millies milies |
thousands | = | milia (pl.) |
thrash (to card wool) | = | pecto |
thrashing | = | verbera (in pl.) |
thread | = | ligamen, acia |
threaten (vb) | = | eminor, comminor |
threaten | = | immineo, impendeo |
threats | = | minae |
three | = | tres, tres tria |
three days | = | triduum |
three days' duration | = | triduanus |
three times | = | ter, ter |
thresh | = | tritico |
thrice | = | ter |
thrifty | = | parcus |
throat | = | gutter |
throat | = | iugulum iugulus |
throb | = | palpito |
throne | = | solium, sedes |
throng | = | turma |
through and through | = | penitus (adv.) |
throw (vb) | = | iacio |
throw | = | conicio |
throw away | = | abicere |
throw down (vb) | = | abicio |
throw forth (vb) | = | proicio |
throw in someone's teeth | = | obicio obieci obiectum |
throw into confusion | = | conturbo |
throw into disorder | = | turbo |
throw on (vb) | = | inicio inieci iniectum |
throw oneself down (vb) | = | provolvere se |
throw out | = | eructo (-are), everto |
throw to (vb) | = | adicio |
throw to the ground (vb) | = | sterno |
throw together (vb) | = | coniecto |
throw up | = | vomare, vomito, eructo (-are) |
thrower | = | iaculator |
thrust (vb) | = | trudo |
thrust | = | ictus, ictus |
thrust away | = | depulso |
thrust back (vb) | = | retrudo |
thrust down (vb) | = | detrudo |
thrust forward | = | exsertus exertus |
thrust out | = | exturbo |
thumb | = | pollex |
thunder-struck | = | attonbitus |
thunderstruck | = | attonitus |
thus | = | ita, sic |
thus far | = | eatenus |
Tiber | = | Tiber |
tide | = | aestus estus |
tides | = | aestus maris |
tie (vb) | = | subnecto |
tie | = | vinculum, vinculum, ligo |
tie up (vb) | = | necto |
tiger | = | tigris |
tight | = | angustus |
tighten | = | adstringo |
till | = | exaro |
till now | = | adhuc |
till then | = | adhuc |
tiller of fields | = | agricola (masc.) |
tiller of the soil | = | colonus |
timber | = | lignum |
timber | = | traba |
time - from | = | a ab abs (prep + abl) |
time | = | hora, vicis, tempus, tractus, tempus temporis |
time now, for a long - | = | olim |
time, at any | = | umquam, aliquando |
time, at that | = | tum, olim, tunc |
time, for a long - | = | diu, diu |
time, for a short - | = | paulisper, parumper |
time? ever?, at any | = | ecquando |
times, at | = | interdum |
timid | = | timidus |
tin | = | stannum, plumbum album |
tinge (vb) | = | inficio infeci infectum |
tiny | = | pusillus, vegrandis, parvulus |
tired , become - (vb) | = | defetiscor (defessus) |
tired , become - (vb) | = | lasesco |
tired | = | defessus, fessus |
tissue | = | tela |
title | = | titulus, lemma |
titmouse | = | parus |
to | = | ad, gratia, procul, tenus (prep. with abl) |
to set straight | = | derigo |
to you | = | tibi |
to-day | = | hodie |
toad | = | bufo |
today | = | hodie |
today | = | hodie, hodie |
toe | = | digitus |
together | = | pariter, simul, una (adv.), simul |
toil (vb) | = | sudo |
toil | = | operor, labor laboris, aerumna, laboro (intrans.) |
toilsome | = | laboriosus |
token | = | signum, pignus, titulus, nota |
told (Herimann cap. 39 , be - (vb) | = | didico |
toleap up | = | subsilio |
tolerate (vb) | = | tolero |
tomb | = | tumba, tumulus, sepulchrum, sepulcrum |
tomorrow | = | cras, cras (adv.) |
tone of voice | = | affectus vocis |
Tongres | = | Tungris |
tongs | = | forceps |
tongue | = | lingua, lingua |
too | = | quoque |
too few | = | parum |
too little | = | parum, parum minus minime (adv.) |
too long (a period of time) | = | diutius |
too much | = | nimis (adv.), nimium (adv.) |
too pompous | = | inflatius |
tools made of iron | = | ferramenta |
tooth | = | dens, dens (dentis ) |
top | = | superficies |
top of a mast | = | carchesium |
top, at the | = | primoris |
topic | = | thema |
topple | = | occumbo, cado |
toraise | = | nutritor |
torch (vb) | = | inflammo |
torch | = | lampas |
torment (vb) | = | excrucio |
torment | = | torqueo, supplicium, fatigo, multo, macero, crucio |
torn | = | lacer |
torn to pieces | = | laceratus |
torrent | = | amnis |
tortoise | = | testudo, chelys |
tortuous | = | multiplex |
torture (vb) | = | crucio |
torture | = | excrucio, cruciamentum, torqueo, cruciatus |
toss | = | vexo |
toss in the air (vb) | = | ventilo |
total | = | numerus, universitas |
totally | = | funditus |
totter (vb) | = | labo, labo |
totter | = | labasco |
touch (vb) | = | tango, attrecto, contingo, contineo, contrecto |
touch | = | contages |
touch | = | tango-tetigi-tactum, pulso, pungo pupugi punctum |
touch closely (vb) | = | contingo (contactum) |
touch upon | = | tango-tetigi-tactum |
touched | = | pulsatus |
touching | = | contagio contagium, contactus |
tough | = | durus, lentus |
Tournai | = | Tornacense |
toward | = | ad, erga (+ acc.), obviam (adverb), in (+ acc.) |
towards | = | ad |
tower | = | propugnaculum |
town | = | oppidum (fortified), oppidum, arx, arces, urbs |
town square | = | forum |
townsman | = | civis |
toy | = | crepundia |
trace | = | vestigium |
track | = | semita, persequor |
track down (vb) | = | investigo |
tract | = | tractus |
trade | = | professio, nundinae, fabrica |
tradition | = | fama, institutio |
trail | = | persequor, sequor |
train (vb) | = | exerceo |
train | = | comitatus, instruo |
trained | = | instructus (from instruo), instructus |
training | = | palaestra |
traitor | = | proditor |
trample (down) (vb) | = | occulco |
trample | = | protero |
trample in | = | inculco |
trample upon | = | calco |
tranform | = | verto |
tranquility | = | alcedonia (neuter pl.) |
transact (vb) | = | gero |
transfer (vb) | = | delego, translato, mancipo |
transfer | = | alieno |
transfer of ownership | = | alienatio |
transfer of property | = | abalienato |
transfix (vb) | = | configo |
transfix | = | percutio (percussum) |
transform (vb) | = | converto |
transformation | = | mutatio |
transgress (vb) | = | praevaricor |
transgression | = | delictum |
transgressors | = | delinquentes |
transient | = | labilis |
transit | = | transitus |
transitive | = | transitivum |
transitory | = | volatilis, temporalis-e, fragilis |
translate | = | reddo |
translated as transient | = | praelabor |
transmit | = | mittere, prodo |
transparent | = | perspicuus |
transport of joy | = | tripudium |
trap | = | dolus |
trap | = | dolus, casses, laqueus, casses, laqueum, forca |
trap for game | = | fovea |
trapped | = | irretitus |
trappings | = | ornamentum |
trash | = | purgamentum |
travel (vb) | = | proficiscor |
travel | = | eo ire itum |
travel through | = | peragro |
traveller | = | viator |
traverse (vb) | = | permeo |
traverse | = | peragro, permetior |
tray for bread making | = | clibanus |
treacherous | = | perfidiosus |
treachery | = | dolus, proditus, insidiae (plural), perfidia |
tread (vb) | = | calco |
tread down | = | conculco |
tread down upon (vb) | = | pavio |
tread under foot (vb) | = | conculco, protero |
tread under foot | = | calco, conculco |
treason | = | proditio, proditio |
treasonous | = | perfidus |
treasure | = | thesaurus, gaza, ops |
treasury | = | thesaurus |
treat | = | tracto |
treat briefly (vb) | = | transcurro |
treat of | = | dissero |
treatise | = | somes |
treaty | = | pactum, pax pacis |
trebuchet | = | trebuchettum |
tree | = | arbor, arbor, nemus |
tree trunk | = | stipes |
tree-trunk | = | traba |
Trelon | = | Trellum |
tremble (vb) | = | contremisco, tremo, contremo, trepido |
tremble | = | palpito |
trembling | = | crispus, tremor, coruscus (a) |
trench | = | fossa |
trial | = | judicium, tentatio, temptatio, iudicium |
tribe | = | gens |
tribulation | = | aerumna, tribulatio |
tributary | = | vectigalis |
tribute | = | munus, tributum |
tributes | = | munia |
trick | = | fabrica |
trickery | = | fraudatio |
trickle away (vb) | = | decolo (-are) |
tried | = | exertus |
Triers | = | Treverim |
trifle (vb) | = | ineptio |
trifle | = | pilus |
trifling | = | frivolus |
trimodal | = | trimodus |
trip up (vb) | = | supplanto |
triple | = | trinus |
trite | = | abiectus |
triumph | = | triumphus, laurus, laureola |
triumphal | = | triumphalis |
triumphal procession | = | triumphus |
triumphant | = | laurifer |
trivial | = | levis |
Trois-Fontaines | = | Trium Fontium |
Trojan | = | Tros |
troop | = | vexillum, cohors, chorus, caterva |
troops | = | gregatim, copiae copie |
troough | = | lacus |
trouble (vb) | = | ango |
trouble | = | difficultas, problema, onus, perturbo |
trouble about | = | curo |
troubled | = | sollicitus, confusus |
troubled, be - | = | laboro (intrans.) |
troublesome , be - (vb) | = | incommodo (-are) |
troublesome | = | difficilis, molestus, importunus, incommodus |
troublesome, be - | = | infero |
troublesomeness | = | molestia |
trousers | = | bracæ |
truce | = | pax pacis, indutiae |
true | = | verus, vere, verus, fidelis |
truly (may often be omitted) | = | enim |
truly | = | profecto, equidem (adv), verum-i, vere, enim |
trumpet-blast | = | bucinum |
trunk | = | proboscis |
trust (vb) | = | praesumo |
trust | = | fiducia, fides, fides, credere, credo |
trust confidently (vb) | = | confido |
trust in | = | credo, nitor |
trustee | = | inquisitor |
trustworthiness | = | fiducia, fides |
trusty | = | fidus |
truth | = | verum-i, veritas, veritas, fides |
truth-telling | = | veridicus |
truthfulness | = | veritas |
try (vb) | = | tento, experior (experiri, expertus, conor |
try | = | judico, tendo, conor |
try to get | = | capto |
try to prove | = | intendo |
tub | = | lacus |
tuberculosis | = | phthisis |
tuberculosus | = | phthisis |
tumble (vb) | = | corruo |
tumble down (vb) | = | proruo |
tumble down | = | ruo |
tummy | = | alvus, venter, abdomen |
tumult | = | tumultus |
tuna | = | cymbium, thynnus |
tuna-fish | = | cymbium, thynnus |
tunny | = | cymbium, thynnus |
turbulent | = | tumultuosa, strenuus |
turn (vb) | = | verto, torqueo |
turn | = | aberrare, inclino, roto, vicis, vertere |
turn around (vb) | = | converto |
turn around | = | verto, vertere |
turn aside (vb) | = | diverto, declino |
turn aside | = | obliquo |
turn attention to (vb) | = | respicio |
turn away (vb) | = | declino, averto |
turn away | = | declino, ablegare |
turn awry | = | torqueo |
turn back | = | confuto |
turn from the straight road (vb) | = | devio |
turn into (vb) | = | verto |
turn out (vb) | = | everto |
turn out | = | evello, cedo |
turn out we | = | procedo |
turn out well (vb) | = | verto in prosperum |
turn round | = | vertere |
turn round like a wheel (vb) | = | roto |
turn sideways (vb) | = | obliquo |
turn the mind to (vb) | = | animadverto |
turn towards (vb) | = | adjicio, adverto |
turn up | = | verto |
turn upside down (vb) | = | perverto |
turning around | = | volubilis |
turns, by - | = | invicem, alternis |
tutelage | = | tutela |
tutor | = | doceo docui doctum, papas, educator |
tutored | = | doctus |
tweet | = | pipio |
twelfth part | = | uncia |
twelve | = | duodecim |
twenty | = | viginti |
twice | = | bis |
twig | = | virga, planta |
twilight | = | crepusculum |
twilight, at | = | inter canem et lupum |
twine | = | concero |
twine together | = | texo |
twinkling | = | coruscus (a), micans |
twinned | = | geminus |
twist (vb) | = | torqueo, contorqueo, extorqueo, pertorqueo |
twist | = | intorqueo |
twitch | = | velico |
two | = | duo |
type | = | typus |
tyranny | = | dominatus |
tyrant | = | tyrannus, tyrannus |