rabbit | = | lepus, cuniculus |
rabble | = | sentina, vulgus |
race | = | cursus |
race | = | natio nationis, gens, curriculum |
race course | = | cursus |
race track | = | cursus |
rack | = | torqueo |
radish | = | rapulum, radix |
rag | = | pannus |
rage (vb) | = | grassor, furo, saevio |
rage | = | ferveo, insanio, furor, saevio |
raging | = | furibundus, rabidus |
ragout | = | penthiacus |
raid | = | incursio |
raid into | = | incurro |
rain (vb) | = | pluo |
rain | = | pluvia, pluere, imber |
rain shower | = | ymber |
rain storm | = | ymber |
rainbow | = | arcus |
rainwater from the eaves | = | stillicidium |
raise (vb) | = | levo, attollo |
raise | = | libero, summitto (se), everto, erigo, suscipio |
raise a tumult | = | tumultuor |
raise high (vb) | = | exalto |
raise up (vb) | = | subrigo, subrexi subrectum, suscipio |
raise up | = | excito, erigo, extollo |
raised | = | sublimis |
raised hastily | = | tumultuarius |
raised place | = | suggestus |
ramble over (vb) | = | pererro |
rampart | = | propugnaculum, munitio, vallum |
ramparts | = | moenia |
ranch | = | villa, vicus |
rank | = | ordo, vicis, dignitas |
ransom (vb) | = | rependo |
ransom | = | redimo |
ransoming | = | redemptio |
rant | = | latro (-are) |
rapid | = | alacer (-ris), celer, velox, volubilis (of speech) |
rapid motion | = | impetus |
rapidity | = | alacritas, celeritas |
rapidly | = | velociter, cursim, cito, citius, confestim |
rapine | = | rapina |
rare | = | rarus |
rarely | = | rare |
rascal | = | furcifer |
rash | = | audax |
rash | = | scabies |
rashness | = | temeritas, temeritas |
rate | = | æstimare, appretiare, taxare |
rate, at any | = | utique |
rather | = | pocius potius, magis, quin, potius, potius |
rather more | = | plusculus |
rather slow | = | lentulus |
rather unpleasant | = | subodiosus |
ratification | = | sanctio |
ratify (vb) | = | sanctio |
rationally | = | sane (adverb), sane |
rattle (vb) | = | crepito (-are) |
rattle | = | crepitaculum |
rattle | = | crepundia |
ravage | = | devasto, depraedor depredor |
ravaged | = | vastata |
ravaging | = | vastatio, vastatio |
rave furiously (vb) | = | desaevio |
raven | = | corax, corvus |
ravish (vb) | = | rapio, stupro, constupro |
ravisher | = | constupator, raptor |
ravishment | = | rapina |
raw | = | crudus, rudis, crudus |
rays of light | = | coma |
rays of sun | = | crinis |
raze | = | eruo |
re-establish | = | reformo |
reach (vb) | = | pervenio (+ acc.) |
reach | = | pervenio (+ acc.), contineo, pervenire, adipiscor |
reach the age of puberty (vb) | = | pubesco |
reach the prime of life (vb) | = | iuvenesco |
read | = | lego |
read aloud (vb) | = | recito |
reader | = | lector |
reader | = | legens (-entis) |
readily | = | prompte, propense |
readiness of speech | = | eloquentia |
reading | = | lectio |
ready | = | promptus, proclivus, expedio, alacer (-ris) |
ready at hand | = | promptus |
ready of speech | = | facundus |
real | = | verus, vere |
reality | = | veritas |
realize | = | animadverto |
really | = | sane, profecto, sane (adverb), vere |
realm | = | imperium, regnum |
reap | = | tondeo totonsi tonsum |
reaper | = | messor |
rear | = | educo, nutrio, tergum, summitto (se) |
reason | = | causa, ratio |
reason, for that - | = | ideo, inde, idcirco |
reason, for this - | = | pro eo, igitur |
reason, for which - | = | quamobrem |
reasonable | = | oportet, oportet |
reasonably | = | rationabiliter |
rebel | = | rebello, insurgo insurgi insurrectum |
rebellious | = | rebellis |
rebels | = | rebellis |
rebuilt | = | recidivus, redivivus |
rebuke (vb) | = | increpo, increpito (-are) |
rebuke | = | insequor, increpo (of persons), abdicere |
recall (vb) | = | reminiscor, recolo |
recall | = | recolo, recognosco, repeto, memoria, recordatio |
recast | = | recoquo |
receive (vb) | = | recipero, accipio, excipo, ascisco |
receive | = | suscipere, suscipio, concipio, accipio, accipere |
recent | = | repens |
recently | = | nuper |
reciprocal | = | mutuus, mutuus |
reciprocal service | = | vicis concor |
reciprocally | = | invicem |
reciprocity | = | mutuus |
recital | = | relatus |
recite | = | reddo, recito, refer |
reckless | = | inconsideratus, incauta |
reckon (vb) | = | reputo |
reckon | = | duco, aestimo |
reckoning | = | ratio |
recline (vb) | = | recubo |
recline | = | cubare, cubo |
recline at table (vb) | = | accubo |
recognise | = | accognoscere |
recognition | = | agnitio |
recognize (vb) | = | agnosco, recognosco |
recognize | = | accognoscere, agnoscere, agnosco |
recognize as different | = | dignosco dignosco |
recoll | = | repeto |
recollect | = | recognosco, recordor, commoneo, recordo |
recollection | = | memoria, recordatio |
recommence | = | repeto |
recommend (vb) | = | suadeo |
recompense | = | merces mercedis |
reconcile | = | concilio, pacifico |
reconsider (vb) | = | retracto |
reconstructed | = | redivivus |
recount (vb) | = | recenseo, refer |
recoup | = | recupero |
recover (vb) | = | resumo |
recover | = | respiro, recupero, revoco, executio |
recover one's senses (vb) | = | resipisco |
recovery | = | recuperatio |
recreate (vb) | = | recro |
recuperation | = | recuperatio |
recycled | = | redivivus |
red | = | rutilus, rufus, ruber, puniceus, russus |
reddish | = | puniceus |
redeem (vb) | = | redimo |
redeemer (Christ) | = | redemptor |
redemption | = | redemptio |
redeness | = | rubor |
redolent | = | fragro |
redolent, be - | = | puteo |
redouble (vb) | = | ingemino |
redoubled, be - | = | ingemino |
reduce (vb) | = | affligo, stringo, contraho |
reduce | = | arto, redigo, macero |
reduce to ashes (vb) | = | favillesco |
reduced condition | = | afflictio |
reduced to , be - (vb) | = | redeo |
reduced to, be - | = | redeo |
redundancy | = | redundantia |
reed | = | arundo, canna |
reek | = | fumo, nidor |
reeve | = | prepositus |
refectory | = | refectorium |
refer | = | revoco, verto in prosperum |
refine | = | excolo |
refined | = | lautus |
refinement | = | humanitas |
reflect (vb) | = | consulo |
reflect | = | pondero, consulo |
reflect upon (vb) | = | replico, revolvo |
reflect upon | = | recolo, reputo |
refortify (vb) | = | remunio |
refrain from | = | tempero (+abl. or with ab), parco |
refrain from injuring | = | parco (with dative) |
refresh | = | novo, refoveo |
refreshment | = | levamen |
refuge | = | ara, refugium, castellum |
refusal | = | abnegatio |
refuse (vb) | = | respuo, recuso, recuso, denego |
refuse | = | negare, invideo, abiudicare, renuo, abnegare |
refuse a request | = | nego |
refuse to return something | = | infitior |
refusing | = | infirmatio |
refute | = | reprehendo |
refute. with gen. prove guilty | = | redarguo |
regain (vb) | = | recupero, recipero |
regal | = | regalis, basilicus, basilicus, regius, regalis |
regally | = | basilice |
regard | = | specto, spectare, respectus, habeo habui habitum |
regard carefully | = | considero |
regard from above | = | despicio |
regard to | = | quantum |
regather | = | recolligo |
region | = | provincia, clima, ora, situs, plaga, regio, plaga |
register | = | describo, subcriptio |
regret | = | desiderium |
regular | = | ordinarius, normalis |
regularly | = | ordine, ordinem, sæpe, ordinatim |
regulate | = | coerceo, ordino (-are), tempero |
regulation | = | ordinatio |
rehabilitate | = | recolo |
reign (vb) | = | regno |
rein | = | corrigia |
rein in | = | refreno |
reins | = | frenum, habenae |
reinstate | = | restituo |
reiterate | = | dictito |
reject (vb) | = | repuo |
reject | = | renuo, negare, abdico, denego, recuso, abnegare |
rejection | = | infitialis |
rejoice (vb) | = | gratulor, laetifico, gaudeo (gavisus), gaudeo |
rejoice exceedingly | = | exsulto |
rejoicing | = | gauisus (< gaudeo), laetans, tripudium |
rekationship | = | iunctura |
relate | = | exsequor, nuntio, commemoro, propono |
relate in order (vb) | = | digero |
relate to | = | pertineo, peto |
related by blood (noun) | = | cognatus (adj.) |
related to | = | finitimus finitumus |
relating | = | consequentia |
relating to a fortress | = | castellanus |
relating to an oven | = | fornacalis |
relating to cavalry | = | equester (-stris, stre) |
relating to horses | = | equinus |
relating to legal business | = | forensis |
relating to the forum | = | forensis |
relating to the land | = | agrarius |
relations | = | consanguinei |
relationship | = | affinitas |
relatives | = | parentes |
relax | = | laxo, relaxo |
relay a message (vb) | = | dico mandatum legationis |
release (vb) | = | expedio |
release | = | laxo, liberatio, solvo, libero, eximo |
released | = | privatus |
reliable | = | firmus |
reliance | = | fides, fiducia |
relics | = | exsequiae |
relief | = | solamen |
relieve (vb) | = | laxo |
relieve | = | subvenio, levo, lenio, subvenio, relevo |
religion | = | religio |
religious | = | monastica |
religiously | = | pie |
rely on | = | consisto (+ in), credo |
rely upon | = | confido |
relying on | = | subnixus |
relying upon | = | fretus |
remain (vb) | = | versor, maneo, supersum |
remain | = | moror, commoror, commoror |
remain behind (vb) | = | remaneo |
remain firm | = | persto |
remainder | = | reliquum |
remaining | = | ceteri |
remains | = | somes |
remark | = | ingens |
remarkable, be - | = | emineo |
remedy | = | rememdium, obviam ire (+ dat.) |
remember (vb) | = | commoneo, recordor, memini meminisse, retineo |
remembering | = | memor |
remembrance | = | memoria, monumentum |
remind (vb) | = | commemoro |
remind | = | moneo |
remit | = | abrogare |
remote | = | longinquus |
remoteness | = | loginquitas |
removal | = | amotio |
remove (avexi avectum ) | = | aveho |
remove (vb) | = | semoveo, demo, diluo (of troubles) |
remove | = | abdo, abrogo, aufero, abigere, abdere, amoveo |
removed | = | semotus |
rend | = | scindo |
render (vb) | = | persolvo |
render | = | reddo |
render impossible | = | infectum reddere |
render inviolable | = | sanctio |
render old (vb) | = | invetero |
render vain (vb) | = | fatuo |
rendered | = | effectus |
renew | = | renovare, renovo, reparo, resumo |
renewal | = | renovatio, resurrectio |
rennovated | = | redivivus |
renounce (vb) | = | abdico |
renovation | = | renovatio |
renown | = | celebritas, gloria |
renowned , be - (vb) | = | nominor |
renowned | = | celebrer, famosus, clarus, illustratus |
rent (vb) | = | capio |
rent | = | pensio |
repair (vb) | = | redintegro, reficio, resarcio |
repair | = | renovo, reconcilio, restituo |
repay (vb) | = | remuneror, remuneror |
repeal (vb) | = | abrogo |
repeat (vb) | = | reddo, itero |
repeat | = | refero, resumo, ingemino, renovo, revolvo, repeto |
repeated | = | crebra, saepenumero |
repeatedly | = | saepius sepius, identidem, crebro |
repel (vb) | = | refuto, reverbero |
repel | = | repello |
repel violently | = | extundo |
repent | = | paeniteo |
repentant, be - | = | paeniteo |
repetition | = | repetitio |
replace | = | restituo |
replenish (vb) | = | repleo |
reply | = | refero, remandatum, respondere, responsum |
reply, written | = | responsiva |
report (vb) | = | relatio |
report | = | renuntio, adfero affero, agnosco, nuntio, fama |
repose (vb) | = | acquiesco |
repose | = | requietum, requiescere, quies, otium, requies |
represent (vb) | = | exprimo, designo |
represent | = | assimulo, reddo |
representative | = | responsal |
repress | = | refuto, cohibeo, compescor, confuto, confuto |
reproach | = | insequor, probrum, opprobrium |
reproachful | = | criminosus, ciminosus |
reproachfully | = | criminose |
reproduce | = | refero |
reproof | = | castigatio, correptio |
reprove | = | reprehendo, castigo |
reproves | = | castigator |
republic | = | res publica |
repulse (vb) | = | aversor |
request | = | postulatio, rogare, petere, prex precis, posco |
request, by - | = | oratu (abl.sing.m.) |
require (vb) | = | indigeo |
require | = | postulo, expeto, postulo, requirere |
requirements | = | commodum |
requite | = | rependo, repono |
rescue | = | eruo |
resemblance | = | similitudo |
resembling | = | similis, similis |
reservation | = | dubium |
reserve | = | reservo |
reserve troops | = | subsidium |
reside | = | habito, sedeo, moror |
residence | = | sedes, domus |
resident | = | incola, ae, incola |
resign | = | abire, abicere, abdicare |
resist (vb) | = | resisto, resisto |
resist | = | adversor, reluctor |
resistance | = | refragatio |
resistance, make (vb) | = | repugno |
resistant | = | lentus |
resolute | = | promptus (persons), erectus, obstinatus |
resolutely | = | prompte |
resolution | = | consilium |
resolve | = | scisco, diluo (of troubles), delibero, cerno |
resolve on | = | decerno |
resolved | = | certus, obstinatus |
resound (vb) | = | intoneo, resono |
resounding | = | resonus, undisonus |
resources | = | opes (pl.), facultas |
respect (vb) | = | vereor |
respect | = | respicio, cæremonia, suspicio, cærimonia |
respectability | = | honestas |
respectable | = | honestus, honestus |
respected | = | celebrus |
respectful | = | officiosus, honorabilis, pius |
respectful treatment | = | honestas |
respectfully | = | honorifice, reverenter, honeste |
respersum] to sprinkle | = | respergo |
respiration | = | respiratio |
respite | = | laxamentum |
respond | = | remando, respondere |
responsibility | = | officium |
responsible for, be - | = | praesto presto |
rest (vb) | = | nitor, quiesco |
rest | = | ceteri, caetera, ceterus |
rest | = | requietum, quies, acquiescere, curo (+gerundive) |
rest, for the - | = | cetera |
resting | = | quietus |
resting place | = | quies |
restive | = | strenuus |
restless | = | turbatus, sollicitus |
restlessness | = | instabilitas |
restoration | = | renovatio |
restore (vb) | = | restruo, restauro, reparo, reconcilio |
restore | = | redintegro, restituo, recipero, renovo, reddo |
restored | = | recidivus |
restrain (vb) | = | compesco |
restrain | = | regere, gubernare, retineo, compescor, freno |
restrained | = | modestus, castigatus |
restraint | = | frenum |
restrian | = | inhibeo |
restrict | = | termino, cogo |
result | = | evado, evello, procedo, effectus |
resume | = | recolo, resumo, recolo |
resurection | = | resurrectio |
retaliate | = | talio reddo |
retaliation in kind | = | talio |
retinue | = | satellites, stipatores, comitatus |
retire | = | cubitum ire, recedo, abeo, recedo, defungo |
retired | = | secretum |
retirement | = | decessus |
retreat | = | decessio |
retreat | = | regredior, terga dare, recedo, regressus, verto |
retribution | = | talio |
return (vb) | = | redono, reddo |
return | = | reddo, redeo, refero, revenio, reddo, remeo |
return home (vb) | = | remeo |
return like for like (vb) | = | talio reddo |
return to (vb) | = | repeto |
returning | = | recidivus |
reulctance | = | tergiversatio |
reveal (vb) | = | profero, resero |
reveal | = | aperio, fateor, declaro |
revealed , be - (vb) | = | pateo, patesco |
revel (vb) | = | exsulto |
revenge | = | ultio ultionis |
revenge oneself on (vb) | = | vindicat se de |
revenue | = | vectigal, reditus |
reverberating | = | reciproca |
reverence | = | reverentia, saluto, cultus, veneratio |
reverend | = | verendus |
reverent | = | reverens |
revert | = | reverto |
review | = | recenseo |
revile (vb) | = | blasphemo |
revile | = | insulto |
reviling | = | blasphematio |
reviling | = | blasphemus |
revision | = | lima |
revive (vb) | = | recreo, renovo |
revive | = | novo, recro, recipero |
revived | = | novus |
revoke (vb) | = | infectum reddere |
revoke | = | induco, revoco |
revolt | = | insurgo insurgi insurrectum |
revolving | = | volubilis |
reward | = | merces mercedis, praemium, remuneror, præmium |
rework | = | recolo |
rhetorical | = | rhetoricus |
rhetorical attack | = | laesio lesio |
rhetorical figure | = | schema |
rhetorician | = | rhetor |
rhino | = | rhinoceros |
rhinoceros | = | rhinoceros |
Rhone | = | Rhodanus |
rhyme | = | poema poematis |
ribbon | = | lemiscus |
rice | = | oryza |
rich | = | copiosus, fortunatus, pecuniosus, dives, plenus |
rich in , be - (vb) | = | polleo |
rich in | = | celebrus |
rich in material | = | argumentosus |
riches | = | divitiae divitie, opes (pl.), opulentia |
richness | = | laetitia letitia leticia, ubertas |
riddle | = | griphus, ænigma |
ride (vb) | = | equito |
ride | = | veho (in the passive) |
ride on horseback (vb) | = | equito (-are) |
ride through | = | equito |
ridge | = | promontorium, jugum, iugum |
ridicule | = | inrideo, illudo illusi illusum |
ridiculous | = | ridiculum |
right | = | ius iuris, legitiums, beneficium, verus, dexter |
right away | = | ilicet |
right hand | = | dextera |
righthand | = | dexter |
rightly | = | iuste, vere, scilicet |
rigid | = | austerus |
rigor | = | severitas |
rigorous | = | acerbus |
rim | = | labrum, ora |
rind | = | crusta |
ring (vb) | = | tinnio |
ring | = | orbis, anulus |
rinse cleanse | = | eluo |
riot | = | tumultus |
ripe | = | esculentus, mitis |
ripping | = | laniatus |
rise (vb) | = | exorior |
rise | = | orior, orior oriri ortus |
rise up (vb) | = | insurgo, insurgo insurgi insurrectum |
rise up | = | consurgo |
rising | = | jugum, seditio, oriens, ortus |
rising sun | = | oriens |
risk | = | periculum, ausus, periculum, alea |
risque | = | subobscenus |
rite | = | ritus |
ritual | = | ritus |
rival | = | subnuba |
rivalry of any kind | = | certamen |
river | = | flumen |
road | = | via, via, iter itineris |
roam | = | vagari |
roar | = | mugio, latro (-are), rudo |
roaring | = | fragosus, murmur |
roast (vb) | = | torreo |
roasted | = | assus |
rob (vb) | = | glubo, latrocinor (dep), privo |
rob | = | rapio, spolio |
rob on the highway (vb) | = | latrocinor |
robber | = | ereptor, prædator, vispilio, latrunculus, latro |
robbery | = | rapina |
robbing | = | depopulatio, spoliatio |
robe of state | = | peplum |
robust | = | fortis, validus, robustus |
rock | = | petra |
rocky | = | petrosus |
rod | = | virga, bacillum, talea |
rod to beat children with | = | ferula |
roe | = | caprea |
roebuck | = | capreolus |
role | = | persona |
roll on or onwards | = | volvo |
roller | = | cylindrus |
rolling | = | volubilis |
Roman | = | Romanus |
Roman power | = | nomen Romanorum |
Rome | = | Roma |
room | = | cella |
roominess | = | laxitas |
rooster's comb | = | crista |
root | = | radix, radix |
root out (vb) | = | eradico |
root up | = | rimor |
roots, by the - | = | radicitus |
rope | = | funis -is, funis, ceruchus |
rope, thin | = | funiculus |
rope-maker | = | restio |
rose | = | rosa |
rot | = | putesco |
rotate | = | roto |
rotten | = | cariosus, puter |
rottenness | = | caries |
rotundity | = | pinguitudo |
Rouen | = | Rotomagense |
rough | = | durus, fragosus, asper, rudis, crudus, asper |
rough spot | = | scrupulositas |
roughly | = | inter, truculenter (adv.) |
roughness | = | asperitas |
round | = | orbis, rotundus, circa |
rounded | = | teres |
rouse | = | agito |
rouse up (vb) | = | accendo |
rout (vb) | = | fundo (milit.) |
route | = | iter itineris, via |
route, by which - | = | qua (adv.) |
rove | = | erro |
row | = | vicis |
rowing | = | remigium |
royal | = | basilicus, regalis, regalis, basilicus, regius |
royal staff | = | sceptrum |
royally | = | basilice |
rpotact | = | protraho (protractus) |
rub against | = | attero |
rub away | = | attero |
rubbish | = | purgamentum |
ruddy | = | rufus |
rude | = | barbarus, incultus, rudis, durus, incomptus |
rue (vb) | = | paeniteo |
ruin (vb) | = | perdo, sepelio, comburo |
ruin | = | perditio, affligo, everto, exitium, diruo, eversio |
ruined , be - (vb) | = | concido |
ruined | = | afflictus |
ruined, be - | = | pessum ire, corruo |
ruined, be utterly - | = | depereo |
rule (vb) | = | impero, principor |
rule | = | regimen, regere, dominatus, regno, gubernare |
ruler | = | rector, satraps, archos |
ruling, make a - (vb) | = | statuo |
rumble | = | rugio |
ruminate | = | cogito, rumino |
ruminate upon (vb) | = | ruminor |
rumor | = | fama, opinio, sermo, ventus, rumor, opinio |
run | = | currere |
run awar | = | terga dare |
run back and forth (vb) | = | curso |
run down (vb) | = | decurro |
run in a race | = | decurro |
run into (vb) | = | incurro |
run of the mill | = | communis |
run out (vb) | = | deficio |
run riot (vb) | = | lascivio |
run through with swords (vb) | = | digladio |
run to and fro (vb) | = | discurro |
run to meet | = | occurro |
run up and down (vb) | = | cursito |
run up under (vb) | = | succurro |
runa aaway | = | fugio |
runble | = | latro (-are) |
runner | = | cursor |
running | = | curriculum, cursus |
running down | = | decursus |
rupture (vb) | = | rumpo |
rural | = | rusticus |
rush (vb) | = | ruo |
rush | = | iuncus |
rush | = | vado, impetus, carex (-icia) |
rush back and forth (vb) | = | volito |
rush in (vb) | = | influo influi influxum |
rush into (vb) | = | irruo |
rush out | = | evolo |
rush upon | = | occurro, irruo |
Russia | = | Ruthenia |
rust colored | = | ferrugineus |
rustic | = | rusticus, agrestis (adj) |
rustle | = | crepito (-are) |
rustle cattle | = | abigo |
rut (wheel) | = | orbita |