English (O) to Latin

o'clock = hora
oak = quercus
oak tree = quercus
oaken = quernus
oar = remigium
oath = juramentum, promitto, sacramentum
oath-breaking = periurium
oats = avena
obedience = famulatus, obsequium
obedient to , be - (vb) = pareo (+ dat.)
obediently = obedienter
obeisance = famulatus
obey (vb) = obtempero
obey = famulor, pareo (+ dat.)
object = res
object causing fear = timor
objection = contradictio
obligation = gratia, officium
oblige = commodo, adstringo (persons)
obliging = beneficus, comis, comis, prolixus
obliter = aboleo
obliterate (vb) = annullo, deleo
obliterate = eradico
oblivion = oblivio
oblong shield = scutum
obscure = ignotus
obscurity = silentium
observation = speculatio
observe (vb) = contemplor, conspicio
observe = custodio, video vidi visum, intueor, servo
obstacle = impedimentum, obstaculum
obstinacy = pertinacia
obstinate = tenax, pertinax
obstinately = pertinaciter
obstruct = retardo, impedo, impedio
obtain (by asking) = impetro
obtain (vb) = usurpo, adepto
obtain = adipiscor, acquiro, conciliare, mereo, quaero
obtain = potior
obtain by service (vb) = emerio
obtain one's desire = insumo
obtaining = adeptio
obtuse = stolidus
occasion = indo (past indidi), vicis, excito, casus, illata
occasionally = aliquando
occupation = negotium
occupy (vb) = occupo, teneo
occupy = preoccupo
occupy oneself (vb) = fungor, fungi, functus
occur (vb) = occuro, occurro
occur = evello (-ere, velli, vulsum), accido, incido
occurrence = res, eventus
Oceanus = Oceanus
odiferous, be - = fragro
odor = odor, nidor
odour = odor
of = ab
of a father = paternus, paterna
of a former time = veter
of a great value = pluris (gen.)
of a king = regalis
of a master = vaco
of a soldier = militaris -e
of age = adultus (adj.)
of all kinds = omnigenus
of any kind whatever = qualiscumque
of benefit = prosum (profuturus)
of cloth = picturatus
of course = quippe, nimirum, scilicet
of crystal = crystallinus
of great promise = bonae indolis
of immoderate size = ingens
of iron = ferrarius
of long duration = diuturnus
of long-standing = inveteratus
of many kinds = multigenus
of milk = lacteus
of no effect = irritus
of noble birth = generosus
of not effect = irritus
of one mind = unanimis
of one time or another = quandoque
of one's own accord = sponte, ultroneus
of or from Flanders = flandrensis
of property = vaco
of rain = pluvialis, imbrium
of saffron = croceus
of service, be - = facio
of some size = aliquantus (adj.)
of such a kind = talis
of such a size = tantus
of the highest worth = plurimi
of the morrow = crastinus
of the opinion of , be - (vb) = opinor
of the people = publicus
of the stomach = cardiacus
of today = hodiernus
of tomorrow = crastinus
of use = accommodatus, accommodus
of use, be - = proficio
of what kind = cuiusmodi
of what kind? of the kind that = qualis
of what sort you will = qualislibet
OF WHICH there were not a few = quorum (neut. pl. gen.)
OF WHICH we know = quarum (fem. pl. gen.)
offence = commissum
offend = laedo ledo, offendo
offense = noxa, offensus
offensive = obscoena
offer (vb) = praebeo, obicio obieci obiectum
offer = praesto, praesto presto, polliceor, exhibeo exibeo
offer a price (vb) = liceor
offer for sale = vendo
offer to buy (vb) = liceor
offering = holocaustum, vitualamen, pollicitas, charitas
office = officium
office of ambassador = legatio
office of legate = legatio
official = persona
official dignity or office = honor
offshoot = suboles, germen
offspring = incrementum, suboles, suboles, liber, posteritas
often = pluries, quotiens, crebro, sæpe, saepius sepius
often simply = hereditas
oh = ah
oh woe unutterable! = infandum
oily = pinguis, lubricus
ointment = unguentum
OK = bene
okay = bene, bonus
old , be - (vb) = seneo
old , become - (vb) = consenesco, senesco
old = provectus, anus, grandaevus, vetustus, vetus
old age = canities, senium, senectus
old days = priscus
omen (bad) = parro
omen = monstrum
omit (vb) = omitto
omnipotent = omnipotens
on a grander scale = inflatius
on account of = præ, prae se ferre, pre se ferre, propter (+ acc.)
on all sides = undique
on behalf of = pro (+ abl.)
on both sides = utrimque
on condition that = per sic quod
on every side = hinc hinc
on good authority = comperte
on high = sublime
on no occasion = nusquam
on one's guard = praecautus
on purpose = consilio
on that account = ideo, idcirco
on the contrary = immo, ymo (immo), immo
on the far side of = ultra (+ acc.)
on the lower side = inferne
on the morrow = cras (adv.)
on the one hand = sive
on the other hand = rursus, nam, autem, vicissim
on the right = dexter
on the spot = ilico, statim
on the way = obviam, obviam (adverb), obvius
on which account = quamobrem
once = olim, quondam, olim, quondam
once and a half = sesquialter
once more = iterum
once only = semel
once, at = simul, continuo (adv.), statim
one .. the other = alter .. alter
one = unus, unus, una, unum
one after the other = invicem, crebro
one and a half = emiolios
one and a half times = sesqui
one and a third = sesquitertia
one apiece = singuli
one at a time = singulus
one by one = singulariter
one devoted to pleasure = voluptarius
one each = singuli, singulus
one enthroned on high = altithronus
one hundred = centum, centum
one of the best = optimus
one ought = oportet
one prematurely born = abortivus
one should = oportet
one thousand = mille
one time .. at another, at = modo..modo
one time = quondam
one time, at = quondam
one time..then, at = nunc quidem
one who carves food = carptor
one who fattens fowls = fartor
one who fight from a chariot = essedarius
one who gives evidence = testis
one who goes bond = cautor
one who is on his guard = cautor
one who kisses = basiator
one who lies in wait = insidiator
one who makes a pattern = digestor
one who pleads on behalf = deprecator
one who provides for = provisor
one who punishes = castigator
one's gaze fixed and frozen (vb) = definxu obtutu
one's native country = patria
one's own = proprius
one's own master , be - (vb) = esse suae potestatis
one's own master = sui juris
one-time = quondam
onion = cæpa, bulbus
only = solus
only = tantum, solus, solus, solum, solum (adv), modo
only begun = inchoatus
only just = tantummodo
only one = unus
onself noticed, make (vb) = suboleo (3 persons only)
onset = impetus, procella
open , be - (vb) = pateo
open = expositus, patefacio, directus
open sea = pelagus
open to all = publicus
opening = foris
openly = aperte, candide, libere, palam
openness = ingenuitas
opinion = sententia, sententia, iudicium, opinio, censura
opium = opium
opponent = antagonista, inimicus, adversarius, adversarius
opportune = opportunus
opportunely = opportune (adv)
opportunity = casus, vicis, commodum, occasio, oportunitas
oppose (vb) = obsto, adversor
oppose = occurro, resisto, oppono opposui oppositum, refuto
oppose verbally = contradico
opposed = contrarius, diversus
opposed to = contra
opposing. = adversus (adj.)
opposite = adversus (adj.)
opposite, be - = oppono opposui oppositum
opposition = adversitas, contradictio
oppress (vb) = gravo
oppress = excorio, conculco, onero
oppressed = gravatus
oppression = concussio
opress = plumbeus
opulence = luxuria, opulentia
opulent = locuples, dives
or = vel, an, aut
or against = provisor
or convey across = transporto, transmitto
or countryside = agrarius
or crowds = gregatim
or fit = adapto
or if = sive seu
or issue = proventus
or it begins = infit
or not = necne
or phrases in a manuscript = lacuna
or shod with iron = ferramenta
or some size = aliquanta (adj.)
or take away = abduco
or upon = incresco (-ere)
or wholly = contrado
oracle = oraculum
orate = oro, declamo
oration = oratio
orator = rhetor, orator
oratorical = oratorius
oratorically = oratorie
oratory = oratorius
orb = orbis
orbit = orbis
orchard = arbustum
ordain (vb) = monstro
ordain = monstro, scisco, volo
order (vb) = facio + inf., iubeo, iubeo iussi iussum
order = ordo, jussio, decretum, ordinatio, mando, mandatum
order of, by - = iussu (abl.)
ordering = discessio
orderly = castigatus, modestus, ordinatus, compositus
orders, give - (vb) = impero
ordinance = sanctio, scitus, edictum, decretum
ordinarily = ordinatim
ordinary = vulgaris, solitus, profanus, modicus, mediocris
ordinary manner = vulgariter
organization = norma
orgy = orgia, orgia
origin = satus, primordium, initium, ortus, profectio
original = exemplar
originate = emanio
originator = auctor
ornament = decus, ornatus
ornamented with = baccatus
ornaments = honor
ornately = ornate
orphan = pupillus pupilla, orbus, pupillus
ostentation = jactantia
other = alius
other = ceterus
other one = alter altera alterum
others = ceteri
otherwise = alioqui (adv.), alter (adv.), alioquin (adv.)
otherwise bring upon (vb) = infero
otherwise than = secus + atque or quam
our = noster nostra nostrum
OUR hearts beat as one = noster nostri
our ours = noster nostri, noster nostri
ours = noster nostra nostrum
out of , become - (vb) = subnascor
out of = e, ex
out of doors = foras, foris
out of one's mind = demens (dementis )
out of ones senses = amens
out of place = incongruens
out, give - (vb) = tribuo
out-of-the-way roads = devia
outcome = eventus
outcry = vociferatio, clamor
outer = externus
outermost = extimus, extremus
outlander = barbaricus
outlandish = alienigena
outlaw = interdico
outlay = impensa
outlet = exitus
outrageous = improbus
outre-mer = transmaritanus
outside = foras, extraneus, extra, foris, externus
outside of = extra
outspread = diffusus
outstanding = palmarium
outstanding, be - = praesto
outstrip = supero
outward = extrarius
outwardly = extrinsecus
oven = clibanus
oven, small = fornacula
over = super (adv.), super
over there = illac
overall = totus
overbearing = superbus
overcloud (vb) = obnubilo
overcome (vb) = convinco, convinco, flecto
overcome = vinco vici victum, expugno
overflow (vb) = exundo, redundo
overflow = superfluo, redundo
overflowing = redundantia, abundans, proluvies, inundantia
overhang = incumbo
overhtrow = subruo subruti subrutum
overlook = despecto
overmatch = vinco
overmuch = nimis, nimis (adv.), nimium (adv.)
overpower = opprimo, opprimo oppressi oppressum
overseas = transmaritanus
overseer = vilicus, villicus, curator
overtake (vb) = supervenio
overtake = adipiscor, deprehendo
overthrow (vb) = subversio, prosterno
overthrow = perverto, subvertio, cædere, verto, everto
overturn (vb) = subverto
overturn = everto, perverto
overwhelm (vb) = obruo
overwhelm = premo, opprimo oppressi oppressum
ow = ah
owe (vb) = debeo
own up = confiteor confessus
owner = erus
ownership = proprietas
ox. bull = bos (bovis )
oxen, team = iugum
oyster = ostrea