keel | = | carina |
keel of a ship | = | carina |
keen | = | alacer (-ris), acer |
keen scenter | = | odorus |
keeness | = | acies |
keep | = | reservo, obtineo, teneo, servo, retineo, conservo |
keep at | = | haero |
keep at a distance | = | abhibere |
keep at bay | = | abhibere |
keep at work | = | exerceo |
keep back (vb) | = | detineo |
keep back | = | reservo |
keep close to | = | adhaero |
keep from (vb) | = | tempero (+abl. or with ab) |
keep in (vb) | = | contineo |
keep in mind (vb) | = | commemoro |
keep on (vb) | = | teneo |
keep oneself (vb) | = | se habere |
keep out of the way (vb) | = | latito |
keep secret | = | celo, dissimulo |
keep silent | = | confuto |
keep to oneself | = | comprimo |
keep together | = | contineo |
keep togethere (vb) | = | contineo |
keep up | = | exsequor |
keeper | = | custos (custodis) |
keeper of a bathhouse | = | balneator |
keeper of a tomb | = | tumbarius |
key | = | clavis |
kidnapper | = | plagiarius |
kill (vb) | = | neco, leto, evito, occido |
kill | = | interimo, iuguolo, absumere, caedo |
kill cruelly (vb) | = | trucido |
killing | = | interfectio-onis |
kin | = | parentela, semen |
kind | = | benignus, genus, almus, benignitas, lenis, comis |
kind of | = | quidam quaedam quedam quidam |
kindle (vb) | = | accendo, succendo |
kindle | = | inflammo, accendere, incalesco, aduro (adustum) |
kindliness | = | beneficentia |
kindly | = | benigne, benevolens |
kindness | = | beneficentia, humanitas, pietas, benevolentia |
kindred | = | cognatio |
kinds, by - | = | generatim |
king | = | rex regis, rex |
kingdom | = | regnum, regnum |
kingfisher | = | alcedo, alcyon |
kingfisher | = | alcedo, alcyon |
kingfisher's time | = | alcedonia (neuter pl.) |
kinsman | = | propinquus |
kiss (vb) | = | basio |
kiss | = | basium |
kiss | = | philema, basiare, basiatio, basium |
kit | = | ornamentum |
knee | = | genu |
kneeling | = | supplex |
knife | = | smila |
knife blade | = | lamnia lammina lamna |
knight | = | miles militis |
knock (vb) | = | offendo |
knock | = | battuo, infligo inflixi inflictum |
knock down (vb) | = | prosterno |
knocked about | = | vapulus |
knocking | = | offensio |
know (vb) | = | scio |
know , become - (vb) | = | innotesco |
know | = | scire, teneo, sapio |
know again (vb) | = | agnosco |
know how | = | scire |
knowing | = | gnarus, expertus, gnarus |
knowledge | = | eruditio, conscientia, agnitio, gnaritas, scientia |
knowledge. information | = | notitia |
known , become - (vb) | = | innotesco |
known, make (vb) | = | narro, pando |