- "web2" All 234,936 words from Webser's 2nd International
dictionary (copyright expired), in alphabetical order.
- "propernames" 1,323 Personal names.
- "amerlen" total of 728,298 American English words, organised by length.
- "australian" 1,984 Specifically Australian words.
- "jargon" 9,460 somewhat less common words.
- "unix" 1,489 unix words and identifiers.
- "uscounties" 1,703 names of counties in the United States.
- "factbook" 12,441 words that appear in the CIA world factbook.
- "zipcodes" 15,488 Place-names associated with U.S. Zip-codes.
- "wordsnames" 26,883 Words and Names, ASCII order.
- "unabr" Another list of 213,557 words.
- "shakespeare" 2,140 words that appear in Shakespeare.
- "roget" 17,474 words from Roget's thesaurus.
- "pocket" 21,110 words from a pocket dictionary.
- "knuthuk" Knuth's list of 7,894 words with distinct English spellings.
- "knuthus" Knuth's list of 110,573 American English words.
- "englex" Another list of 21,059 words.
- "crl" Another list of 44,880 words.
- "antworth" Another list of 89,523 words.
- "medical" 2,721 medical terms (from ACR index of pathology codes).
- "algae" 3,313 names of Algae and Microalgae.
- "bacteria" 7,775 names of Bacteria.
- "fungi" 13,587 names of Fungi.
- "virusses" 160 names of (and associated with) virusses.
- "asteroids" 3,459 names of Asteroids (some have spaces).
- "biology" 59 biological words.
- "bible" 13,040 words and names from the King James Bible.
- "technical" 5.095 words from a Technical Dictionary.