Common Lisp the Language, 2nd Edition
These functions create and process gatherers.
gatherer collector
The collector must be a function of type
(function ((series ))
). Given this function, gatherer
returns a gatherer that accepts elements of type
and returns a final
result of type
. The method for combining elements used by the
gatherer is the same as the one used by the collector.
next-out gatherer item
Given a gatherer and a value, next-out enters the value into the gatherer.
result-of gatherer
result-of retrieves the net result from a gatherer. result-of can be applied at any time. However, it is an error to apply result-of twice to the same gatherer or to apply next-out to a gatherer once result-of has been applied.
(let ((g (gatherer #'collect-sum))) (dolist (i '(1 2 3 4)) (next-out g i) (if (evenp i) (next-out g (* 10 i)))) (result-of g)) => 70
gathering ({(var fn)}*) {form}*
The first subform must be a list of pairs. The first element of each pair, var, must be a variable name. The second element of each pair, fn, must be a form that when wrapped in (function ...) is acceptable as an argument to gatherer. Each symbol is bound to a gatherer constructed from the corresponding collector. The body (consisting of the forms) is evaluated in the scope of these bindings. When this evaluation is complete, gathering returns the result-of each gatherer. If there are n pairs in the binding list, gathering returns n values. For example:
(defun examp (data) (gathering ((x collect) (y collect-sum)) (iterate ((i (scan data))) (case (first i) (:slot (next-out x (second i))) (:part (dolist (j (second i)) (next-out x j)))) (next-out y (third i))))) (examp '((:slot a 10) (:part (c d) 40))) => (a c d) and 50
As a further illustration of gatherers, consider the following definition for a simplified version of gathering that handles only one binding pair.
(defmacro simple-gathering (((var collector)) &body body) `(let ((,var (gatherer (function ,collector)))) ,@body (result-of ,var)))
The full capabilities of
gathering can be supported in much the same way.