EEN594 P (Alternative Programming Paradigms) Spring 2012
Tue Thur 11:00-12:15 in MM318



  1. For Tuesday 31st January: Work out two functions, one that appends two lists together (app '(1 2 3) '(x y z)) = (1 2 3 x y z), and one that reverses a list (rev '(1 2 (a b) 3)) = (3 (a b) 2 1), without looking it up in a book or on-line.
  2. Due 11 a.m. Tuesday 7th February: the match and rewrite functions.
  3. 14th or 16th February: the extended match and rewrite functions.
  4. Thursday 22nd March: Make your own conversational robot. Eliza samples, Original rules, just for information.
  5. Tuesday 21st February: Design if, and, not for the lisp-in-lisp interpreter. Extra credit: cond and let too.
  6. Soon: Make your own lisp interpreter in lisp.
  7. Monday 19th March: get the basic functionality of Lisp in C/C++.
  8. Tuesday 27th March: Prolog family trees, the diagram.
  9. Tuesday 3rd April: Explore not in the Tom and Jerry world, try to find a case where the use of not actually produces a wrong answer.
  10. End of Semester: Complete the implementation of prolog in lisp, from class 24.
  11. Thursday 12th April: Merge-sort in prolog, with a short English explanation of the design.
  12. End of Semester: Convert the game from chapter 2 of "squeak by example" into Conway's game of life.

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