Assignment 1 for Spring 2025, some reading
- Read this: Can machines think? Computing Machinery and Intelligence, by A. M. Turing
- It is split into 7 numbered sections. Do not bother with sections 3, 4, or 5, they are really
just trying to say what a computer is, you don't need that.
- Don't be fooled by sub-sections numbered (1), (2), etc., the sections you can ignore do not have parentheses around their
- When he mentions "valves", he is talking about what you would call vacuum tubes, the
predecessors of transistors.
- The phrase "viva voce" means "in live voice", it refers to D.Phil
or Ph.D. examinations at Oxford or Cambridge.
- By "scientific induction", he means (trying to)
discover general rules from a number of specific observations.
- If he seems to be getting a
little bit racist at some point, just remember that this was written in 1950, people had very
different sensibilities back then.
- There will be an in-class quiz. I am not telling you what the questions will be, but these are key things to notice and understand how they fit in:
- His thoughts on extra sensory perception
- The "undistributed middle" in section 6(8)
- His mention of the constitution of the United States.
- Ada Lovelace's objection that a machine can only do what we tell it to do.
- His mention of Gödel's (Incompleteness) Theorem, what is his point there?
- You will not be expected to get everything perfectly right, there is opinion involved after all.
- But you will need to demonstrate that you read the paper AND thought about it.
- In this case it is not cheating to look up terms on the internet.
- Also remember that ChatGPT can be a complete idiot.