Emulator Functions Under Unix

The most important of the emulator's system functions are now available for general programming under unix on rabbit. They use only standard functions, so will probably work with other varieties of unix too.

To make use of these functions, you should make a link to the .h and .o files in your own directories, using these two commands:
ln -s /usr/local/simsys/stdsys.h ./stdsys.h
ln -s /usr/local/simsys/stdsys.o ./stdsys.o
You should make links, not copies. I will be updating these files as time permits to increase functionality. If you take a copy, you won't automatically get the updates; if you make a link, you will.

In order to use these functions, you would write a perfectly normal C program, and put at the beginning
#include "stdsys.h"
Note that it uses quotes, not pointy brackets. If your program is called for example filesystem.cpp, you would then compile it with this command:
CC filesystem.cpp stdsys.o -o filesystem
and if there are no errors, it will be ready to run with the command

If you wish to see the source code, it is in /usr/local/simsys/stdsys.cpp, but there is no reason why you should need to look at it unloess you want to.


All of the functions that I have made available work exactly as described in The Documentation for the Emulator.

In addition to the sys$... functions, there are also seven extras:

Currently Available

Not Yet Available

Never to be Available