Emulator Commands

List of changes and error corrections

Starting the emulator

The command sys starts the emulator in its normal interactive mode. It uses "" as a prompt when it is ready for another command.

Options may be added on the command line. Multiple options are allowed, but they must not be run together: -r -e may not be compressed to -re. To simply run a program already compiled and linked, in the file name.exe, without ever having to give any interactive commands, the command is
sys -r -e -q name
The unix command "alias run sys -r -e -q" conveniently defines "run" as a new command that has the same effect.

Keyboard Input to Running Programs

The standard library function getchar() works exactly as it does on any other system, except for two special exceptions:

Interactive Commands

Many of the following commands take numeric arguments. Numbers are normally interpreted as decimal, but when preceded by 0x (zero x, as in a C program), they are interpreted as hexadecimal. Addresses printed as the result of a command are usually in hexadecimal, other values usually in decimal.