Emulator Commands
List of changes and error corrections
Starting the emulator
The command sys starts the emulator in its normal interactive
mode. It uses "> " as a prompt when it is ready for
another command.
Options may be added on the command line. Multiple options are allowed,
but they must not be run together: -r -e may not be compressed
to -re.
- -e
Automatic Exit: Usually used with -r, the emulator exits
after the program terminates, instead of remaining in interactive mode for
further commands.
- -o filename
Redirect output (from running program) to a file. Only really useful when
used with -r.
- -q
Quiet: informative comments about executable files being loaded and the
addresses used are not printed.
- -r
(Run) Automatically start running the loaded program(s) immediately.
- -rf entry
(Run From) The same as -r, but when a program has multiple
entry points, allows the start address to be selected. Entry points
are defined with the .entry assembler directive.
- -toptions
Various Tracing options are turned on. The options are indicated by
a string of lower-case letters immediately following the -t;
those letters are the options that would otherwise be typed as options
to the trace interactive command. For example, -tvmex
has the same effect as the two commands trace vm and
trace ex, and causes all major Virtual Memory operations,
and the details of every instruction EXecuted, to be displayed on the
terminal. Allowed options are any combination of at, ex,
ld, and pf.
- -v
Turn virtual memory off. Virtual memory is normally on and properly
initialised before the emulator does anything else. With virtual
memory off, all addressing is physical, and the address space is
a contiguously allocated region from address 0 to some maximum.
- filename
The file filename.exe is loaded automatically. Multiple
filenames may appear, they are loaded in order.
To simply run a program already compiled and linked, in the file name.exe,
without ever having to give any interactive commands, the command is
sys -r -e -q name
The unix command "alias run sys -r -e -q" conveniently
defines "run" as a new command that has the same effect.
Keyboard Input to Running Programs
The standard library function getchar() works exactly as it does on any
other system, except for two special exceptions:
- Input depends on interrupts. You need to be able to program your
own interrupt system. If your program does any interrupt processing
of its own, the getchar() function will stop working, and you will
have to make your own equivalent function.
- The way non-ascii characters are entered varies from system to
system. Under the emulator, when typing input to a running program,
you may press the ESC (escape) key, immeidately followed by two
hexadecimal digits 0-9, A-F, a-f. The single character whose
numeric code you typed is received as input by your program.
Example: typing ESC 5 7 is the same as typing W. typing ESC F 3
gives the character whose integer encoding is 243, which is normally
untypable. typing ESC 0 A is exactly the same as pressing ENTER.
Interactive Commands
Many of the following commands take numeric arguments. Numbers are normally
interpreted as decimal, but when preceded by 0x (zero x, as in a C program),
they are interpreted as hexadecimal. Addresses printed as the result of
a command are usually in hexadecimal, other values usually in decimal.
- exit or quit
Exit from the emulator. Nothing is saved.
- load filename base
The contents of the file filename.exe are loaded
into memory at appropriate locations, ready for execution.
The base parameter is optional.
Special option: load -v filename does the
same "verbosely", reporting memory locations used, etc.
The different segments of each executable file (segments are
executable, read-only, read-write, etc.) are loaded into memory,
each starting at the next free address that is a multiple of 0x1000
(decimal 4096), except that is a value for base is
provided, that is the address the first segment is loaded at.
Segments from different files but with the same attributes are
NOT combined, but kept separate.
If any loaded file defines an entry point called MAIN,
that address is stored in the PC register.
- version
Report the current version number and date.
- clear
All memory is deallocated and the contents lost, all segment
and entry point information is discarded.
- trace option or trace -option
Activates or deactivates tracing options. The options are:
- LD: Information on memroy usage and entry points, etc
is displayed whenever a .EXE file is loaded.
- EX: Details of every instruction executed and its effects
on memory and register contents are displayed. This causes a lot of output.
It is the same output as is produced for each instruction when single-stepping
through a program under user control.
- VM: All major virtual memory operations, such as page
allocations and translation problems, are reported.
- AT: All details of every address translation operation
are reported. This produces an enormous amount of output, and should
only be used as a last resort, or for a very few instructions.
- PF: All Page Faults are reported.
- show or show reg
Show the contents of all normal CPU registers.
- show address
(Where address is a number) Show the entire contents of the
page of memory (512 contigous bytes) that contains that virtual address.
- pshow address
(Where address is a number) Show the entire contents of the
page of memory (512 contigous bytes) that contains that physical address.
- show seg
Show protections and addresses of all segments.
- show ent
Show names and addresses of all defined entry points.
- show VM
Shows details of the virtual memory system, includes a summary
of performance, the contents of the 8 special virtual memory controlling
CPU registers, the page tables for each of the four address spaces, and
the contents of the translation cache ("TLB").
- show VMR
The contents of the eight special virtual memory control registers
are displayed.
- show discs
Shows details of all available emulated discs.
- show block dn bn
Shows the entire contents of block bn of disc dn.
A block is 512 bytes, discs are numbered 0 to 9, and block numbers start at 0.
- makedisc number size
A new (emulated) disc drive is created. The number must be between 0 and 9, and
is the unit number that system function calls accessing that disc must use
to identify it. The size is in units of 512 byte blocks. Do not use large
sizes, or you will rapidly fill up the real disc. The file created in
the external/host operating system is in the current directory, and called
You only have to create a disc once. Emulated discs survive from one session
with the emulator to the next.
- disced dn bn
Enter the interactive disc editor (which has its own online help, type "help").
You may view and change the contents of one of the emulated disc drives.
dn is the unit number for that disc. The optional second
argument bn is the block number that you want to start
- assert intname detail
Artificially signals an interrupt with optional
detail (which must be a number). For example, when a program is running
and a character is typed, the interrupt CHARIN
is signalled, and the detail is the character's ascii code. Assert
may be used to simulate interrupts when single-stepping through a program.
- infile number filename
A running program may read data from a number of "real" files in
the external/host operating system. The infile command
opens such a file and prepares it for use in the program.
The number must be between 0 and 9. Inside a running
program, the function call fgetchar(n) reads one
character from file number n, returning its ascii code.
File number 0 represents the keyboard input stream, so "infile 0"
affects the getchar function.
- infile close number
Closes a file previously opened with the other form of the infile
command. Not totally necessary, files are automatiucally closed when
their last character is read, and when the emulator is finally exitted.
- E reg
(Examine) reg is the name of a normal CPU register, R0, R1, R2, ..., R11,
FP, AP, SP, or PC. Prints the conmtents of the indicated register.
- E addr
Show the contents of memory at the indicated (virtual) address. If the contents
could be interpreted as a valid executable instruction, that instruction is disassembled
and shown completely. Otherwise, 16 bytes starting from the given address are
shown. Memory contents are listed three times: the first line showing 16 bytes,
the second showing 8 short ints, and the third showing four normal integers.
The output of E can be difficult to read. If you expect the memory
examined to contain data rather than executable instructions, it is much better to
use DE instead. It behaves the same way, but never disassembles instructions.
- E addr1-addr2
As above, but shows the contents of all addresses between the two given.
- E addr1:num
As above, but shows the contents of the indicated number of bytes starting from
the indicated address.
- E
(with no arguments) Continues the last E command from where it left off.
If "E 0x1000" dispalyed a five-byte instruction, then "E"
will be equivalent to "E 0x1005".
- PE ...
(Physical Examine) The same as E, except the virtual memory system is bypassed,
used to examine the contents of a physical memory location.
- DE ...
(Data Examine) The same as E, used when it is known that the memory locations
being examined do not contain executable instructions, so the contents is not
disassembled. This makes the output much clearer.
- PDE ...
(Physical Data Examine) A combination of DE and PE.
- ES ...
(Examine String) The same as E, except that it us used only when the
memory location in question is believed to contain the first byte of a zero-terminated
string. The string is displayed readably.
- PES ...
(Physical Examine String) The same as ES combined with PE, a
string is dispalyed, given its location in physical memory.
- SF
Displays the contents of the current Stack Frame, with parameters, local
variables, return address, saved frame pointer, etc.
- D reg val
(Deposit) Sets the value of the indicated register (must be R0, R1, R2, ..., FP, AP, SP, or PC)
to the indicated value
(must be a number in decimal or hexadecimal with 0x prefix).
- D1 addr val
(Deposit 1 byte) Writes the indicated value
(must be a number in decimal or hexadecimal with 0x prefix).
into a single byte of memory at the indicated (virtual) address.
- D2 addr val
(Deposit 2 bytes) Writes the indicated value
(must be a number in decimal or hexadecimal with 0x prefix).
as a short int into two bytes of memory starting at the indicated (virtual) address.
- D4 addr val
(Deposit 4 bytes) Writes the indicated value
(must be a number in decimal or hexadecimal with 0x prefix).
as a normal integer into four bytes of memory starting at the indicated (virtual) address.
- PD1 ...
(Physical Deposit 1 byte) The same as D1 but also bypassing virtual memory, so a single
byte is written to a physical memory address.
- PD2 ...
(Physical Deposit 2 bytes) The same as D2 but also bypassing virtual memory, so two bytes are
written to a physical memory address.
- PD4 ...
(Physical Deposit 4 bytes) The same as D4 but also bypassing virtual memory, so four bytes are
written to a physical memory address.
- x
(eXecute) One single instruction is executed (the natural "next" instruction addressed by the PC
register). The instruction itself plus any effect it has on memory or register contents is
reported on the terminal.
- x addr
(eXecute) The PC register is set to the address provided, then one instruction is executed
exactly as for the addressless version of x.
- run
Execute whatever program is loaded into memory, starting at its offical starting point
(loading a properly compiled complete program correctly sets the starting point) which
is usually the entry point called MAIN. Execution continues until
something stops it. The user may type control-C to halt it before the end.
Typing run a second time will not continue a stopped program, but will
attempt to restart it from the beginning. This attempt often fails because the program
has changed the contents of memory or registers (especially SP and FP) in some critical way.
The reset command may be enough to fix the problem, but many programs
are just not written to be reentrant.
- run addr
The same as the argumentless run command, except that execution starts from
the indicated address. The address may be numeric or the name of a defined entry point.
- go
Start continuous execution of the program. Not the same as Run. Run attempts to clear
the state of the program and (re)start it from the beginning. Go starts a program from
wherever it happened to be stopped. If you are single-stepping through a program
(using the X command), Go will make it run continuously. If a normally running program
stopped because it hit a break instruction or an error, Go will make it continue.
- go addr
The same as the argumentless go command, but the PC register is first set to the
indicated address, so it means "go from ...".
- rout filename
Redirect Output: All output normally produced by the running program (through printf,
putchar, or sys$putch, is sent to the named file instead, and does not
appear on the terminal. The file is a "real" file in the external/host operating system.
- cout filename
Copy Output: All output normally produced by the running program (through printf,
putchar, or sys$putch, is sent to the named file as well as
appearing on the terminal. The file is a "real" file in the external/host operating system.
- flag ...
The flag command without any arguments displays the current settings of
the CPU flags. It may also be followed by a sequence of CPU flag names, each preceeded by
a + or - sign. The indicated flags are turned on if preceded by +,
or turned off if preceded by -. The flag names are Z, N, SYS, and PAG.
- reset
All CPU regsiters are set to the appropriate values for execution to begin.
- set break addr
The break-point is set to the given address. If program execution ever fetches
an instruction opcode from that address, the program is stopped, non-destructively
(go should successfully continue execution).
- set sreg val
The named special register (P0BR, P0LR, P1BR, P1LR, S0BR, S0LR, S1BR, or S1LR)
is set to the given value.
- clear break
The break-point is disabled.