EEN521 (Operating Systems) Autumn 2008


  1. The assignment and the accompanying explanation.
    Here is the up-to-date compiler code for you to build upon. Use as much of it as you want.
    The 'setup521' command does not retrieve these files. Once you have taken them and made your own modifications, you don't want any risk of accidentally re-downloading the originals. Hence no automatic script.
    To get the files all at once, the exact command 'cp /home/www/class/een521/compiler/* .' will copy them all into your own directory.
    Included amongst the files is a command script called "remake". Typing the command 'remake' will automatically recompile all the components and create an executable called 'compile'.
    Here is the emulator stuff.
  2. (due Thurs 6th Nov.) part two of the accompanying explanation.
    Complete the language implementation, making functions with local variables work properly. You should be able to compile and execute a program with a useful recursive function in it.
    The language features not yet required are arrays, objects/structs, pointers, and strings.

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