EEN521 (Operating Systems) Autumn 2006

Assignments, Series A

  1. (Due Sun 24th Sept, Individual work) Basic file system, using disk system emulation implementing single simple directory, files of potentially large sizes but contiguous allocation may be used, basic file creation and accessing, with a way to show it works.
  2. (Due Mon 16th Oct, Group project) An improved file system, with an efficient file structure, no practical limit on file sizes, and sub-directories. Make a simple shell to show that it works interactively.
  3. Group demonstrations will be Tues 31st October & Thurs 2nd November.

Assignments, Series B

  1. (Due Thurs 26th October, Individual work) Basic computer emulator with assembler. Able to successfully execute simple programs.
  2. (Due Tues 14th November, Group project) Basic support for time-sharing to be added.
  3. (Due Tues 28st November, Group project) Multi-processing with memory management.
  4. Presentations will be Tues 12th December starting at 5pm.

Group Presentations

  1. File Systems: Tues 31st October & Thurs 2nd November.
  2. Entire Project: Tues 12th December starting at 5pm.

Class History

Last year's class history

From the following, you can see what the class is all about, and get a good idea of what to expect. Although you should understand that things do change from year to year, if they didn't, we would all get very bored.

Class History 2005: