Sample Data Sets

These are randomly generated data sets. All have the same formats but different numbers of entries. The name suggests the amount of data, for example people-4500.txt contains 4500 entries. Each entry occupies exactly one line of text.

Each line ha exactly the same format. All lines contain 9 basic items of data. These items are separated by spaces, and they will never contain spaces within themselves (hint, that means you can use the simple cin>>-like operations to read the file). The nine data items on each line all relate to one imaginary person, and are
  1. Social Security Number
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Title
  4. First Name
  5. Last Name
  6. Street Address
  7. City
  8. State
  9. Zip Code
Any time and underline character appears in a data item, it indicates that in "real life" there should be a space there. For example, the name Billy Joe Bob Wutz appears as Billy_Joe_Bob Wutz.