Sample Data Sets
These are randomly generated data sets. All have the same formats
but different numbers of entries. The name suggests the amount of data,
for example people-4500.txt contains 4500 entries. Each entry occupies
exactly one line of text.
Each line ha exactly the same format. All lines contain 9 basic
items of data. These items are separated by spaces, and they
will never contain spaces within themselves (hint, that means
you can use the simple cin>>-like operations to read the file).
The nine data items on each line all relate to one imaginary person,
and are
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Title
- First Name
- Last Name
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
Any time and underline character appears in a data item, it indicates
that in "real life" there should be a space there. For example, the
name Billy Joe Bob Wutz appears as Billy_Joe_Bob Wutz.