EEN511 (Software Engineering) Spring 2010
Tue Thur 5:00-6:15 in MM107



  1. Due 8th February: GUI toolkit library, part 1:
    Making objects to represent windows and various components, and having them displayed properly on the screen. They do not need to do anything active (such as react to mouse clicks) yet.
  2. Due 12th March: Min-Heap:
    By implementing a priority queue as a heap, make your U.S. shortest route program fast.
  3. Due 28th March (strict deadline): Sort Race:
    Implement two fast sorting algorithms for large numbers of strings.
    Details here.
  4. Due 10th May: Lambda Calculator:
    A program that allows the user to enter any lambda expression, and reduces it using normal order evaluation to its ground form, if it has one.
  5. Due 11th May (strict deadline): Fully functional GUI library.

Class History, etc.: