Disc operations devctl(DC_DISC_CHECK, Unit) returns the number of blocks on disc drive Unit (1 to 8) returns 0 if the indicated disc is not available or -2 if the parameter could not be read or -3 if the unit number is not in range 1 to 8 devctl(DC_DISC_READ, Unit, FirstBlock, NumberOfBlocks, MemAddress) reads the indicated blocks into memory starting at MemAddress. MemAddress must point to at least NumberOfBlocks*128 words of memory. returns number of blocks actually read or -2 if the parameters could not be read or -3 if the unit number is not available or -4 if a block number is out of range or -5 if MemAddress could not be read from devctl(DC_DISC_WRITE, Unit, FirstBlock, NumberOfBlocks, MemAddress) writes the indicated blocks from memory starting at MemAddress. MemAddress must point to at least NumberOfBlocks*128 words of memory. returns number of blocks actually written or -2 if the parameters could not be read or -3 if the unit number is not available or -4 if a block number is out of range or -5 if MemAddress could not be written to or -6 if it could not write all of the data to disc