Assignment 3, set Fri 12th September 1. Post your "Summary of skills" to the discussion board created in Bb, which will provide a personal inventory that includes a list of favorite technologies or engineering subjects that you are interested in pursuing. Also, list strengths and weaknesses that you bring to a project team. 2. Problem 2.4 from the book. This was going to be a choice between 2.3 and 2.4, but given the short time we had, I don't think 2.3 is appropriate now. Assume a customer comes to you with the following request: "Design an RS-232 networked personal computer measurement system to transmit voltage measurements from a remote location to a central server". What are the assumptions of this statement? Develop a list of questions you would ask the customer to further clarify the problem statement. "What are the assumptions" seems unanswerable, but in this context it has a special meaning. When someone asks you to solve a problem, very often they have not really understood what the problem is, and they may be asking you to do something that will not actually help. The example given in the book will help to understand. The client request is "The traffic at the front of campus is too congested. Design a new traffic lane for northbound traffic exitting at the intersection at the front of the college". You do that, but there is no improvement. The problem is that the client had posed the wrong problem. What they really should have asked was "The traffic at the front of campus is too congested. Make it better". They had assumed what the solution would be, and allowed it to become part of the problem statement. Needing an extra traffic lane was not really part of the problem at all, it was just an assumption. Problem statements should only state what the problem is, nothing else. Anything that hints at how to solve it is probably just an assumption, and could lead to big trouble. Try to work out what the real problem is.