EEN418, Senior Project Design, Autumn 2014

Fri, 3:35-5:00 in MM-112

Class History

Class 1  ‑ Fri 29‑8‑2014   The plan,
Assignment 1.
Class 2  ‑ Fri 5‑9‑2014 Powerpoints from the Fortinet presentation,
Assignment 2
Class 3  ‑ Fri 12‑9‑2014 Official powerpoints from chapter 2
one idea
Assignment 3.
Class 4  ‑ Fri 19‑9‑2014 Condensed powerpoints for the rest of chapter 2: (pptx), (ppt).
Assignment 4.
Class 5  ‑ Fri 26‑9‑2014 Quick description of each student's favoured project.
Assignment 5
Class 6  ‑ Fri 3‑10‑2014 The Fortinet document.
Capter five: plain slides - with notes - examples.
7th to 8th Microsoft visiting: notice one, notice two.
Class 7  ‑ Fri 10‑10‑2014 Chapter 6, models: (pptx) or (ppt).
Little Break
Class 8  ‑ Fri 24‑10‑2014
Class 9  ‑ Fri 31‑10‑2014 Ethics: pptx, ppt, and a bit about patents.
Professional codes of ethics: docx, pdf.
Class 10  ‑ Fri 7‑11‑2014 Oral presentations: pptx, ppt.
Sample evaluation form (but not ours), and our one.
Class 11  ‑ Fri 14‑11‑2014
Class 12  ‑ Fri 21‑11‑2014
Class 13  ‑ Fri 5‑12‑2014