EEN418, Senior Project Design, Autumn 2005
MCA220, Fridays, 1:25 to 2:15
- Schedule of events (all dates are Fridays):
- 26th August: Did not happen, campus was closed.
- 2nd September: Explanation of what sernior projects are all about, from R. Lask and M. Scordilis.
- 9th September: Presentation of project ideas associated with Motorola
(big 3MB zip file).
- 16th September: Presentation of A.I.-related project ideas from me.
- 23rd September: Presentations of project ideas from S. Negahdaripour, X. Cai, and M. Kubat.
- 30th September: General discussion.
- 7th October: 5 minute presentation of initial ideas from each student or group.
- 14th October: No class today, it is a holiday.
- 21st October: Remaining 5 minute presentations of initial ideas from each student or group.
- 28th October cancelled for hurricane holiday: Guest speaker on professional ethics, A. Olazabal.
- 4th November: Replacement ethics day, joint session.
- 11th November in MCA202: Guest speaker on business and financial practices, N. Einspruch.
- 18th November: General Discussion.
- 2nd December: Final presentations of proposals.
- 9th December: Final presentations of proposals.
- Final presentation times are:
| Friday 2nd December | Friday 9th December
1:25 to 1:40 | Dara, Ralph, Alex | Jason, Alex, Ilya
1:40 to 1:55 | Eddie, Sam | Robert, Aaron
1:55 to 2:05 | Salman | Eric
2:05 to 2:15 | Monica | Ashley
- Discussion of A.I.-related topics:
A.I. (word .doc file or
normal html),
Building a robot (word .doc file or
normal html).
- Turing's paper Computing
Machinery and Intelligence descibing the Turing Test
and other things.
- Software that might be useful:
- Third party software for parallel port access
- Mock mid-term presentation:
(powerpoint .ppt file).