EEN418, Senior Project Design, Autumn 2004
- Schedule of events (all dates are Thursdays):
- 26th August: Introductions, what senior projects are all about, what is expected of you.
- 2nd September: Cancelled, campus was closed.
- 9th September: Short presentations from Drs Scordilis, Kubat, and Shyu.
- 16th September: Short presentations from Drs John, Negahdaripour, Martinez, and Younis.
- 23rd September: One idea presented; a few more suggestions from me, Turing test, etc.
- 30th September: Special final presentation left over from last semester; general attempt to get things moving.
- 7th October: Ideas realted to programming languages: editors that understand syntax; parsing.
- 14th October: A million suggestions from me: robots, hypertext, networks, security, geographical, ...
- 19th October: Ethic guest lecture, combined with EEN group, in MCA220 or MCA202.
- 21st October: This class was two days ago.
- 28th October: We start hearing from you!
- 18th November: Final presentations of proposals.
- Final Choices of Project were:
- Karla Juarez, Ray Bradley, David Wood: Dance game, detecting rhythm in music and illuminating floor panels in time.
- Jason Scott: On-line advising card, giving advise not just recording it.
- Abdulla Al-Ali: C++ editor with ftp.
- Ovidio Piraquive (with EE students Dan Sorrell, Brain Hunker)
- Gavin Wong: Car computer controller
- Steven Cadavid (with EE students Felipe Batista, Pat Theodore): Noise cancellation for snoring.
- Stephen Bryerton: Programmed, programmable, off-the-shelf microcontroller.
- Discussion of A.I.-related topics:
A.I. (word .doc file or
normal html),
Building a robot (word .doc file or
normal html).
- Turing's paper Computing
Machinery and Intelligence descibing the Turing Test
and other things.
- Software that might be useful:
- Third party software for parallel port access
- Mock mid-term presentation:
(powerpoint .ppt file).