This assignment is due on Sunday 23rd October 2022 exactly. No lateness will be accepted. The normal grade decay rules for lateness do not apply. Your submission must be exactly on time or it will receive no points. A Binary file (i.e. not human readable ASCII text, but data stored in its internal computer format. e.g. an int occupies exactly 4 bytes) has already been created. Its name is /home/www/class/een322/grades.dat. The file contains many data records, each giving grade information for a student. Each record contains, in exactly this order, (1) The student's last name, 12 bytes, padded with zero bytes if necessary; (2) The student's first name, 12 bytes, padded with zero bytes if necessary; (3) the student's 5-number, an int; and (4) a sequence of seven one byte numbers listing the student's grades (0 to 100) for each of seven test questions. Your job is to write a C program that reads this file and creates a normal human-readable text file from its contents. The new file should be called grades.txt. In this file, the data should appear in the same order, one record per line, but neatly aligned into fixed-width columns. Beware: each record in the binary file contains 36 bytes, which is not the size you might be expecting. This is because the C compiler added one byte of padding to the end of the struct that was used to create this file.