Your program should take as input the name of any one of the topographical data files found here It should read the file, and produce a full resolution graphical display of the contents with sensible colours used to indicate altitude. Then, using the data on named places found here it should mark the location of any reasonably large town that is within the displayed area with an appropriate clearly visible dot. The topographical files are all of the same kind that we explored in class 6 on 14th September. I have repeated the reminders about the file names below. As this assignment needs a graphical display, you won't be able to program it on rabbit, so you will have to download whichever data files you want to work on. The named places data file is the same one as you used for assignment 1, so you are already familiar with it. You can decide (within reason) how big a town has to be before it gets shown with a dot. Do not set the standard too high, or you won't see very much. Seeing lots of dots for towns really helps you to check that your program is correct. Underwater towns are a good clue that something isn't perfect. Submit solutions by email to grader318 at include your source code and screenshots showing it in action. inlcude your name and which assignment this is in the email's subject: line. The data files may be downloaded from here the names all look a bit like this example usaW105N35D10.dat the "W105N35" indicates that the top left corner corresponds to the point with longitude 105 degrees West and latitude 35 degrees North. the "D10" means it covers an area 10 degrees square, so the bottom right corner is at 95 West and 25 South Beware! Many of the files have a 600x600 arrangement, not the 800x800 of the class example one. If you don't correctly adjust the program, the image will be completely wrong.