Create a program that reads a simplified description of a map from a file, then allows the user to type the names of two places that appear in the map, and then displays the shortest path between those two places. The file will consist of a number of lines of text, each line will contain two names separated by spaces. The names will not have any internal spaces in this first version. If A and B appear on a line, that means that there is a road connecting A directly with B. For this version, assume that all roads are the same length. For example, this file _________________________________ A H A D A J J D J K J E F H F D F B K B B I G I G K C E K I E K _________________________________ Completely describes the map referred to as "map2" in the class-notes for class 9, Monday 27th September. The ordering of the lines is not significant, nor is the order of places on a line ("A B" means exactly the same thing as "B A"): all roads are two-way. With the above data set, if the user then enters "I A", the program should respond with "I K J A". If multiple paths are equally short, it doesn't matter which one your program finds. Don't just test your program on that one small data set. Turn in source code and typescript by email to