First Assignment, due 15th September Write a program which reads a text file contianing normal English text. The program should count the number of times each unique word appears. Once the file has been read, the program should answer queries from the user: the user types a word, and the program responds with the number of times that word appeared in the file. Requirements. Use a hash table to store the words and their appearance counts. Do not include punctuation as part of a word. Make it in-sensitive to case: Cat, cat, and CAT are the same word. A structured modular program with good use of self-contained functions that are relatively understandable. I do not want to see everything crammed into main. The program should work for any text file selected by the user. EXTRA CREDIT if you make your hash table automatically resize itself when full. Submit your source code and a sample run (screen-shot or transcript). EMAIL your work to before midnight on the day due. Make sure the subject includes your name and says "318 assignment 1" or something equally informative.