EEN318 T (Algorithms) Autumn 2015
Tues, Thurs, 5:00-6:15 in MM200

The Book



Email as a single readable document, your code, any important information, and a demonstration that it runs (e.g. screenshot) to grader318 at
1      Due Thurs 3rd September:
A tree, just to get you back in the swing of things.
2 Due Wed 30th September:
Geographical Hash Table.
3 Due Wed 28th October:
Map Display.
4 Due Wed 4th November:
Integrate geographical hash table and map drawer.
5 Due Wed 18th November:
Question 2 from the test.
6 Due Wed 9th December:
Mergesort an array of people.
7 Due Wed 16th December:
Full shortest road-trip program.
Last day for any submissions: Thur. 17th December.

Class History

Class 1  Tue 25‑8‑2015   Quick introductions, etc.
Reconsidering the choices of data structure and algorithm available for fast retrieval from a simple database. Reminders of some C++ things: ints being faster to work with than strings, the different varieties of int, etc.
Class 2  Thur 27‑8‑2015   Discovering hash functions and digital fingerprints: first exploration.
Second step: how common are clashes? Will we be lucky?
(use of the debuger, /home/www/ replaces the beginning of a URL)
Class 3  Tue 1‑9‑2015   Chaining together little utilities to do significant things; how carelessly written hash functions can be really bad; the mysterious int that can't be negated; more experiments.
Class 4  Thur 3‑9‑2015   A serious implementation of a hash table, where clashes are not a problem, but good distribution is still vital. The poisson distribution used to check the quality of the hash function.
The final version: I have found the mistake, but I've left this unchanged so you can try the challenge of correcting it.
Class 5  Tue 8‑9‑2015   Graphs of many hash table fullness experiments.
That, plus some mathematics, show that the ideal hash table has a λ (fullness) somewhere between 0.5 and 1.
Working out that when resizing a vector, adding to the size is not very good, but multiplying the size (typically by 2) gives excellent performance. The same can be done to a hash table to keep its λ in the ideal range.
A bunch of places to put into a hash table.
Class 6  Thur 10‑9‑2015   Open Hashing = Closed Addressing, usually uses linked lists.
Closed Hashing = Open Addressing, usually using linear probing.
All the tricks that fstreams can do.
another file.
Creating an empty hash index file.
Reading the names that will eventually go into it.
Class 7  Tue 15‑9‑2015   Creating and Searching a hash-table indexed disc file (using closed hashing).
Class 8  Thur 17‑9‑2015   named-places.txt, intersections.txt, connections.txt. The file formats.
All the map tiles, and what they cover.
Class 9  Tue 22‑9‑2015   Google event announcements: one, two.
Finding the shortest/only path through a tree text, picture
Class 10  Thur 24‑9‑2015   Map Two text, picture, backwards. It's a lattice (directed acyclic graph), but the same algorithm sort-of works.
Except that it just finds a path, not necessarily the shortest one. We produce a breadth-first search by eliminating the recursion and replacing the stack with a queue.
Class 11  Tue 29‑9‑2015   Normal Recursion,
Recursion Eliminated,
Stack replaced by Queue.
Class 12  Thur 1‑10‑2015   Map Three text, picture. Now the edges have weights.
Nebraska, at night.
Class 13  Tue 6‑10‑2015   The map and grid for the cubic "all pairs" shortest path method.
Class 14  Tue 13‑10‑2015   Potential test day.
Class 15  Thur 15‑10‑2015   Actual test day.
Class 16  Tue 20‑10‑2015   Floating point "infinity", and evading the optimiser.
Very special trees for programming languages.
Class 17  Thur 22‑10‑2015   Adventures with expressions, split up into separate files for readability:
token.h, token.cpp, lexan.h, lexan.cpp, node.h, node.cpp, hashtable.h, hashtable.cpp, mainprogram.cpp.
how to compile and run it if you want to.
Class 18  Tue 27‑10‑2015   Better structure: world.h, parse.cpp, evaluate.cpp, prog.cpp.
Class 19  Thur 29‑10‑2015   Better structure: world.h, parse.cpp, evaluate.cpp, prog.cpp.
Delegation to a prototype object is an alternative to inheritance of a class, but not in C++.
Longjmp and setjmp used to handle errors in world.h and evaluate.cpp.
Make = and ; be very low priority operators, and you've got something you can program.
Class 20  Tue 3‑11‑2015   Grammars and languages, evaluating expressions on the fly.
Class 21  Thur 5‑11‑2015   Mergesort on arrays. Quicksort's partitioning.
Class 22  Tue 10‑11‑2015   Three different partitioning methods. The importance of the selection and positioning of the pivot.
The first appearance of Quicksort: paper, algorithm part 1, part 2, the test system.
Class 23  Thur 12‑11‑2015   Radix sort, in special cases can be faster than NlogN.
Useful tricks with the bitwise operators: bit-arrays (or bitvectors) and such.
Class 24  Tue 17‑11‑2015   Heaps. Logarithmic insertion and removal, no memory overhead.
Heapsort: worst case NlogN time and constant memory. Heaps make priority queues.
Class 25  Thur 19‑11‑2015   The nature of C++'s object-orientedness: inheritance, protected/private, virtual methods, static vs dynamic typing, polymorphism.
Our starting point, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, the type-cast problem.
Class 26  Tue 1‑12‑2015   Second Test.
Class 27  Thur 3‑12‑2015   dynamic typecasts, base class, derived class, inhertiance, polymorphism, static dispatch, dynamic dispatch, virtual method (size of object bigger), pure virtual.
Review Sat   Saturday 5th at 12 noon.
In EB 216 or 237 or 304. It will be made easy to find.
Class 28  Tue 8‑12‑2015   Override, overload, default constructor, operator=, copy constructor, the trouble with shallow copies, interface, empty interface, static const.
The sample for today.
Final Thur 10‑12‑2015  
  1. Hash tables, hash functions, open/closed, verifying quality
  2. File processing, random access, non-text formats
  3. Special tree methods, e.g. BFS
  4. Pictures of elephants
  5. Shortest path and related data structures and algorithms
  6. Complexity O() and related topics
  7. Fast sorting (quick-, merge-, and heap-)
  8. Pictures of ants
Be ready for:
  • Heaps
  • C++'s object oriented details
  • Recursion elimination
  • Parsing and tree evaluation
  • Radix sort
  • Bit operations